Whether it's a large ongoing project (increase access to medical care in your county) or a smaller task (share the story ofone of your clients with your donors), communications is a key element to achieving any goal—and an important component of sustainability planning.

This simple communications planning template can help you identify what you are trying to accomplish, who you want to reach, how you're going to do it, and when you have succeeded.

It’s your GAME plan.


  • What are you trying to achieve? The goal should be simple, clear, definable.
  • How will you know you have succeeded?The means of measurement should be objectively identifiable.


  • Goal:Identify 2 stories of individuals your program has helped by December 31, 2011 to share with stakeholders in 3 different venues.


  • Who are you trying to reach?
  • Prioritize your audiences; i.e., your top two audiences this year, or primaryvs. secondary audiences.
  • In the course of your efforts, will you involve other groups ("accidental" audiences); e.g., internal stakeholders?


  • Primary audience: Clients whose stories you would like to tell
  • Secondary audiences:Donors, funders, partner organizations, elected officials with whom you want to share the stories
  • "Accidental" audiences:Members of your board, staff members not involved in communications

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  • What is the one main takeaway, your “elevatorpitch”?
  • What are your “key messages” for each audience (aim for 2-4)?
  • What are your proof points to support your messages?
  • Can you include a memorable story as an example?


  • Overarching message:My Nonprofit makes a difference in the lives of teenagers in MyArea by involving them in leadership programs—teenagers like Adam. T
  • Key messages for primary audience--clients whose stories you want to share:
  • We would like to share your story, with your name, to help attract support that will enable us to continue doing this work.
  • Key messages for second audience-- donors and funders:
  • My Nonprofit was able to help 683 teenagers last year because of your support—teenagers like Adam [say something about Adam's life before you came on the scene, how it is better now, but how those improvements might not be sustained unless your organization can continue to help him, with your donors' support].
  • Include a quote from Adam and/or his parent or teacher [Testimonial #1].
  • Proof points:
  • Include statistics to demonstrate the problem you are working to solve. National and statewide statistics are great; local stats are even better.
  • Here is what one of the "graduates" has to say about My Nonprofit [Testimonial #2].
  • Here is what a community leader has to say [Testimonial #3].


  • What strategies can you use to engage your audience and deliver your message? Strategies often vary by audience.
  • Include the new and the tried-and-true: e.g., Facebook and face-to-face.


  • Strategies for primary audience (clients whose stories you want to share): Talk to clients about sharing their stories at an awards ceremony, graduation, or culminating event. If it's a youth, enlist the parents. Perhaps they would be more comfortable in a group setting rather than one-on-one. Maybe the youth would want to write their own stories. It can be an opportunity for learning as well as sharing.
  • Strategies for audience (donors): Include personal stories in your newsletter, annual report, Web site. If someone is willing to speak on camera, make a video (make sure you get written permission please!), post it on YouTube, and include a link to YouTube in your communications and on your site. Tweet the YouTube link. Post it on your Facebook page. If you have a relationship with a reporter or good media contacts, you might also send the YouTube link as a media story pitch.
  • Strategies for audience (funders): Send a story and a photo (again, make sure you get the person's permission) with your progress report to your funder. Include the numbers behind the story: There are xxyouths like Eve in the county. There used to be a range of services available to teenagers like Eve, but budget cuts have reduced those services to only these few. Our organization has stepped into help make up the difference. We served Eve and xx other youth like her last year.
  • Strategies for secondary audience (board): If you have a client who is particularly compelling in person, invite them to a board and/or staff meeting to tell their story.

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