Wendells, Helen, August 23, 2016
Attendees:Cheryl Smith, Jerry Brown, Margaret McLean, Tobie Chandler, Vicki Starnes, Jeff Skelton, Teka Earnhardt, Vikki Hardin, Candace Lee
Meeting Called to Order at 10:25 AM by President, Jerry Brown.
Meeting Minutes: August 10 meeting minutes were reviewed andJeff Skelton made a motion to accept the minutes; second by Margaret McLean. Motion passed and minutes will stand as submitted.
Treasurer’s Report: Jerry noted that thebudget variance from prior year is due to slow membership renewals. Teka reported she has outstanding unpaid invoices for 2016 and requested and received permission to clear these out and start invoicing in November for 2017 membership.
Committee Reports:
Education: The purpose of the called meeting was specifically to discuss meeting strategy for 2017. Each RTA does this differently and we need to determine what will bring people to the meetings and what membership benefits are important.
Jeff suggested we ask High Country to share the results of their recent survey on what type of speakers and topics members are interested in to help develop a strategy for 2017.
Ideas discussed were to offer a 2 hour meeting with a specific topic such as small business development, marketing, etc. Possibly consider holding this from 1 to 3 and not include lunch. It was also suggested to only offer 6 events for the year versus monthly meetings.
After considerable discussion the consensus was to stay with monthly meetings and start with offering one educational webinar next year on a test basis. It was also determined that we should select meeting locations from the membership list instead of repeating the same locations every year and to keep this as a luncheon meeting. In the past, attendees were asked to sit at specific tables based upon their businesses (Chambers, attractions, lodging, etc.) to facilitate networking. Vicki Starnes will contact DCA about their Main Street webinars and how much this may cost and report back.
No meetings to be held in January, September or March due to other meeting commitments, but it was suggested to consider holding a joint RTA meeting during Winter Chautauqua.
Membership: Cheryl will work on drafting a new2017 membership form similar to the Metro Atlanta one. We should have this piece printed to be used in conjunction with the map brochure to solicit membership.
Toby suggested doing a video invitation of testimonials to help solicit memberships to include a message from the President and other members (not board members) to mention their specific benefit. Vikki Hardin will forward to Jerry video footage that was filmed at the Zip in Time meeting for consideration. Any cost for this development should be covered from the membership marketing budget but the group agreed this was an excellent idea.
Cheryl suggested that meeting agendas should include a 5 minute spotlight on a member to give details on the development of a tourism project in their area.
Marketing: Margaret and Vikki H. showed the 15 second video spot being developed as part of the marketing Co-Op plan.
Candace stated that we have not held any additional lead fulfillment meetings due to not having any Southern Living leads. It was suggested that everyone could share their leads from the state travel guide and send them to her so she can compile a spreadsheet to determine the total amount of leads and if 500 or more, we could offer one at the October meeting in Sky Valley.
Another marketing opportunity for May 2017 is the Rotary International convention in Atlanta and Candace said she would work with the state to see if they can showcase the videos done for all the RTA’s.
Adjournment: With no further business to discuss the meeting adjourned at 12:15 am.