Northbridge Public School
Introduction Welcome
What is a Band?
Band Program Structure
Parent Volunteers
Band Program Benefits of Band Involvement
Choosing an Instrument
Band Rehearsals
Weekend Band Camp
Band Performances
Band Uniform
Fees & Costs Band Commitment
Band Fees & Costs
Payment of Fees
Tutors / Weekly Lessons
Etiquette Code of Conduct
How to Join Enrolment Form (page 13)
Instrument Hire Form (page 14)
Other Care of instruments
School Instrument Hire or External Purchase
Music Stores
F.A.Qs Frequently Asked Questions
Welcome to the Northbridge Public School Band Program, open to children in years 3 - 6. This is one of the most successful extra-curricular programs offered at Northbridge Public School. The Band Program is self funded and is run by a volunteer parent committee.
What is a Band?
At Northbridge the band consists of 3 ensembles of musicians who play brass, woodwind, electronic and percussion instruments. This is also referred to as a Concert Band or Wind Orchestra.
The ensemble, as it exists today, became increasingly popular because of its adaptability to music education. Originally, used only in military settings, the concert band is now the most popular ensemble worldwide for teaching instruments in a school environment.
The Northbridge 2018 Band program will consist of three bands: Training, Concert, and Senior. The following instruments are played in all the bands.
Woodwind / Brass / Electronic / PercussionFlute / Trumpet / Keyboard / Drums
Oboe / French Horn / Bass Guitar / Timpani
Clarinet / Euphonium / Auxiliary Percussion
Saxophone / Trombone / Tuned Percussion
Band Program Structure
The band program at Northbridge Public School is a program run by the band committee in conjunction with the Band Master and provided to NPS as an opportunity for its students.
The band committee is made up of volunteer parents and overseen by the school staff. The Band Committee currently employs one Band Master, David Scarborough.
Parent Volunteers
The band committee, with the help of parents, administer important band functions such as instrument registration, music tutors, parent rosters, band camp, finance and fund raising. Without these functions the band would not exist.
Throughout the year every parent will be rostered onto one group rehearsal per term and for a shift at band camp (see below).
Please join us in volunteering to make this band program a successful one.
Benefits of Band Involvement
Why be in a band? It is fun!
Band involvement can benefit children in many different ways. Apart from developing musical ability and performance techniques, children can gain valuable social skills by becoming an integral member of an ensemble.
Northbridge Public School bands perform throughout the year at many functions; including school events, community events, festivals and competitions.
Outlined below are a few other advantages:
♫ Fun environment to learn music for the first time.
♫ The students love showcasing their fabulous arrangements throughout the year to parents, fellow students and the general public.
♫ Accelerates music reading including different arrangements.
♫ Part of learning an instrument is performing to an audience. An ensemble provides a less threatening performance opportunity for children.
♫ An ensemble provides an opportunity for students to be involved in a school team activity.
♫ Being in an ensemble helps children develop responsibility. It can also help develop self-discipline as they practice their instrument and attend rehearsals.
♫ The ensembles perform in public places and enter competitions on behalf of the school. Performances like these develop a sense of purpose for the ensemble members. The rest of the school population also develops respect for those students representing their school.
♫ Music participation enhances problem solving, teamwork, goal setting, self-expression, coordination, memory skills, self-confidence and concentration.
Choosing an Instrument
Most students will have a preference for one instrument or another.
In Term Three, as part of the Year 2 Music Program, the school runs an “Introduction to the Band” Program where each child will have the opportunity to play many of the instruments. The Internet has sites where you can listen to the different sounds, such as Musica Viva, San Francisco or Dallas Orchestra for Kids. It’s also important to have an open mind because certain instruments do not suit everyone. Choose three instruments that your child would be happy to play, and if in doubt, please ask!
In your application form we require your child to nominate 3 preferred instruments. Offers to join the band are made on instrument suitability for the child and the ensemble requirement.
Band Rehearsals
To participate in the band program, it is essential that all members of all bands attend two rehearsals each week (before and after school) as well as a half hour weekly tutorial.
♫ Each band has a parent roster and parents will be rostered on once per term to assist the Band Master with specific duties (set up, roll calling, pack up, etc).
♫ The rehearsal times for the bands in 2018 are as follows:
Band / Day / TimeConcert / Tuesday / 8:00am – 9:00am#
Training* (term 1)
Training (terms 2-4) / Monday/Tuesday
Tuesday only / 3:20pm – 4:15pm^
3:20pm – 4:15pm^
Senior / Wednesday / 8:00am – 9:00am#
Concert / Wednesday / 3:20pm – 4:15pm^
Training / Thursday / 8:00am – 9:00am#
Senior / Thursday / 3:20pm – 4:15pm^
Please note
* that for Term One only, Training Band is split into Woodwinds and Bass Guitar – Monday pm and Brass, Percussion and Keyboard Tuesday pm. The Training band Thursday am rehearsal is combined.
# Students must be at school at 7:50am to get instruments ready and help with set up.
^ Students are not permitted to leave school to the local shop. Any afternoon tea must be provided.
Weekend Band Camp (compulsory attendance)
As an essential and exciting component of the Northbridge School Band Program we hold an annual Band Camp.
The camp commences 7:30am on Saturday morning 5th May 2018 and concludes with a concert for parents on Sunday mid afternoon.
All band members are required to attend band camp, which is run by parent volunteers.
Parents will be expected to volunteer for one time slot per child over the weekend period and all parents must have a Working With Children Check completed. There are many varied roles to help out and no experience necessary!
Band Performances
Throughout the year band members are required to perform in school events such as Open Day, Band Assembly, Grandparents Day and Christmas Carols.
Outlined below is an approximate schedule of events your child will be required to attend.
Event / Location / Band / Month / Day / TimeNursing Home / Local / Concert Band / Term One / School Day
Band Camp / Narrabeen / All Bands / 5-6 May / Sat/Sun
Rotary Fireworks / Northbridge Oval / Senior / 12th May / Sat
NSW Band Festival / UNSW / All Bands / 5th Aug / Sun / 2 hour duration
Open Day / School / All Bands / Early Aug / School Day / Morning
Ryde Eisteddfod / Ryde Civic Centre / Senior / Early Aug / School Day
Band Information Night / School / Senior / Mid Sept / Evening
Band Assembly / School / All Bands / Mid Sept / School Day
Christmas Carols / School / Concert and Senior / Early Dec / Evening
Band Uniform
Boys Long Sleeve School shirt
Long School Pants
Grey School Socks
Black School Shoes (polished)
Girls Long Sleeve White School Shirt
Winter Dress
Grey Tights
Black School Shoes (polished)
Hair tied back with red scrunchie or red ribbon
Band Commitment
Children entering the Northbridge Public School band program need to understand they are making a commitment to themselves and the school band. The commitment to the band is for a minimum of one year.
You will be asked to sign and agree to this commitment at the beginning of the year.
Band Fees & Costs
The annual fee to join the band is approximately $420 (excluding band camp, uniform, lessons, and instrument).
This fee covers the Band Master, music scores, photocopying music, band instrument book (training band), band folders, band equipment and festival entry fees. Fees are reviewed annually and are dependant upon the number of participants. One-off fee relief is available in cases of genuine need for children not in their first year of band. Please discuss with the Principal.
♫ Band Camp fees cover the costs of accommodation, conductors, tutors and other band expenditure for the camp. Band Camp fees in 2017 were $250 p/p for two days / one night.
♫ Weekly lessons (details outlined below).
♫ Hire or purchase of instrument (details outlined below).
♫ Senior Band Tour cost is dependent on the opportunity of the tour and will be subsidised where possible by fund raising
Payment of Fees
Existing and new members will receive an invoice after confirmation of their place and instrument in Term 1, 2017. Early bird payment and sibling discounts are available.
There is a “no pay no play” policy for outstanding payments of more than 30 days. That is band members will not be allowed to practise with the band during rehearsals until payment is received.
Students who leave will not receive a refund.
Tutors / Weekly Lessons
All students are required to attend their own weekly private instrumental lesson (30 minutes per week). There are a number of qualified tutors for each of the band instruments.
Each new band member will be allocated a tutor by the Band Master. Tutors will be in contact prior to the end of Term 4 to arrange convenient lesson times. All tutorials are to be held at school by a Northbridge Band Committee approved tutor.
Lessons will commence week 2 of Term 1. Tutors will be allocated rooms by the Deputy Principal.
From time to time tutors will need to reallocate tutor sessions with their music students. This will mostly occur due to changes in term routine and movement between bands. Please be understanding and flexible and prepared to change your tutor timing so we can support all music students under their tutor so no child misses out on lessons.
All tutorials are for band members only. Please note, tutors require at least one month’s notification if your child is planning to quit the program.
Tutorial Fees are invoiced by each tutor & are paid directly to tutors not to the school. The current fee is $40.00 per half hour lesson. Fees are to be paid by the end of week three per term.
Code of Conduct
The following Code of Conduct applies to Band Members, and needs to be adhered to in order to remain in the band program:
♫ Display a high standard of behaviour and application at all times;
♫ Attend and be punctual to all rehearsals and performances;
♫ Bring your instrument and music folder to all rehearsals & performances;
♫ Be respectful to other band members’ and their instruments;
♫ Share in the set up and packing away of equipment;
♫ Look after your instrument and clean / tune it on a regular basis;
♫ Practise your instrument and band music at home regularly;
♫ Attend weekly tutorials (as above);
♫ Maintain an appropriate level of proficiency on your chosen instrument.
Discipline / Rewards
♫ Band members who display high standards of behaviour and/or musicianship will be rewarded with house points during the year.
♫ The Band Master will discipline members displaying behaviour contrary to the Code of Conduct by using the following methods:
· Warnings
· Time-out
· Citation in the band handbook. The handbook is presided over by the Principal who will notify the parents.
♫ Contrary behaviour is taken into consideration during band auditions and may lead to band expulsion.
♫ The Band Master will allocate parts; 1st or 2nd, as required and will re-allocate as necessary.
Band members are required to attend the following events:
♫ Band Camp
♫ Selected band festivals & competitions, including the NSW Schools Band Festival
♫ School Events
All Band Members will be required to sign a contract confirming that they will attend Band Camp, all festivals as required and all performances. Commitment is for a minimum of twelve months.
To enrol in the training band for 2018 please complete the following enrolment form and lodge it in the training band box at the office by Friday, 22 SEPTEMBER 2017
Instruments will be allocated according to the child’s preference, suitability and band requirements strictly on a first come, first served basis.
Upon receiving your offer to join the band and instrument allocation we request the parent / guardian and student, sign a band contract as an affirmation of the Band Program’s terms & conditions.
Please refer to Enrolment Form on Page 13.
Care of Instruments
Band Members are requested to look after their own instrument and to respect others’ instruments. Please check with your tutor for information on how to care and maintain your specific instrument. Please ensure that instruments are clearly labelled. Take special care on public transport and in the school playground.
Northbridge Public School Hire instruments are serviced annually, but liability for repairs or theft of an instrument resides with the hirer.
School Instrument Hire or External Purchase
The Northbridge band committee buys and hires out limited numbers of all instruments.
Below are the cost for Northbridge School Hire and some approximate purchase costs
Instrument / Number available / Band 2018
hire rate / Commercial
2017 hire rate / Purchase (RRP.)*
Clarinet / 2 / $200 / $500 / $799
Bass Clarinet / 2 / $300 / $1340 / $2495
Euphonium / 2 / $300 / $1052 / $2500
Flute / 3 / $200 / $500 / $1000
French Horn / 2 / $300 / $1872 / $4500
Oboe / 2 / $250 / $1670 / $2195
Saxophone Alto / 3 / $250 / $670 / $1399
Saxophone Tenor / 4 / $250 / $1200 / $2799
Trombone / 3 / $200 / $550 / $899
Trumpet / 1 / $200 / $500 / $669
* Approximate 2017, but Demonstration instruments are available at a cheaper rate