Northamptonshire Police Staff Branch Executive Meeting Minutes
Thursday19th October 2017, 1300hrs
Small Dining Room, FHQ
Present:Lyndsay Smith (Branch Secretary), Peter Middleton (Chair), Craig Egdell, Rachel Head, Alex Franklin, Stephanie King,Artur Pereira, Arlene Thompson, Kev Thompson, Jeff Wells, Jenny Brown (Minutes).
- Welcome and Apologies
Apologies were received fromAbi Harris (Asst Branch Secretary),Greg Amos, Stephanie Challis, Jenny Clarke, Maggie Duglan, David Kiff, Julie Law, Linden Lovejoy, Ashley Moore, Debbie Pavey, Steve Ryan, David Smith,Fran Thornton,Mark Walker, Rachel Hancorn (Regional Organiser).
- Minutes of the Last Meeting (31st August 2017)
The minutes were approved as a true record.
Proposed: Lyndsay SmithSeconded: Arlene Thompson
- Matters Arising
3.1Although the members at Towcester were not overly concerned about immigrants
being left in the rest area as it happens rarely, other reps reported similar issues in Daventry station and children being left with staff in Wellingborough. This should
not be happening and staff should have a suitable environment to have their break
without feeling responsible for members of the public. Arlene will raise the issue
with David McInally in the first instance and then possibly Mick Stamper. AT
Jenny will put a message in the bulletin to ask membersto raise issues with rest
areas with Arlene.JB
3.2Reps had been asked to complete the education survey and Jenny will then produce individual training plans for each rep. David and Jenny will discuss some training at
a future meeting to help reps identify equality issues within cases as this was an
area quite a few reps had said they were not confident in. DS/JB
3.3Alex had visited Kettering front desk and there were no new issues to raise. If the
desk is shut the public are knocking on the Neighbourhood office door. Alex will
raise this with Julie Mead when they visit Deene House.AF
3.4Arlene had spoken to Mick Stamper about PCSO double crewing. Jenny will send
the latest risk assessment to Arlene.JB
The PCC had been on patrol in Kingsthorpe with Pete Middleton.
3.5The advanced stewards training in Northampton was cancelled. Jenny will see when the next course is in Northampton and then look into running one in branch if necessary. JB
Rachel Hancorn and Jeff Wells joined the meeting
3.6The learning room in Wellingborough had been packed up and the equipment not stored correctly. Lyndsay has emailed David McInally to state that the branch should have been spoken to before-hand.
3.7Arlene will speak with David McInally regarding break areas so reps were asked to
send any issues to her. Jenny will also put a message in the bulletin for members
to feedback directly to Arlene. All/JB
3.8Some reps had attended the SDM briefings and felt the presentation skipped over Neighbourhood. Pete had asked the SDM team to present to the degree students.
- Branch/Assistant Branch Secretary’s Update
Abi is still not quite ready to return but is in regular contact.
Lyndsay stated that Rachel and Jenny had done a brilliant job of covering while she had been off.
Rachel informed the committee that the tax refund/reclaim issues were affecting an increasing number of staff and she is attending Gold Groups regarding this issue. HR are collating issues from officers and staff. The average refund that may be taken back is around £900.
The branch is dealing with several members who are on performance plans.
High workload is causing members increasing stress.
Rachel had dealt with an issue where G4S were employing people on 23p per hour less than staff who were already employed.
Several versions of the PCSO powers card seem to be in circulation so the easiest
option would be to ensure all PCSOs have the training re obstruction and are issued
with an up to date card. Rachel will discuss this with the DCC.RH
Arlene and Rachel are attending Police and Justice conference.
- Consultations
There are currently thirteen consultations ongoing and there are likely to be more starting before Christmas. Most don’t involve redundancies. Lyndsay asked if reps could assist by attending meetings, introducing themselves as union reps and writing down any questions to bring back if they are not sure of the answer.
A 45 day consultation period was agreed at the Change Board but some managers are quoting 30 days so this needs to be clarified.
Jenny will circulate meeting dates to reps who volunteered to pick up reviews.JB
- Treasurer’s Report and Budget Update
Jenny Clarke had sent a report. The current projection shows a bank balance of £7500 at the end of the year. Although the branch received a funding increase in September, this was short lived and funding was reviewed and reduced again in October leaving a net increase of just £16.80 per month.
Spending the money approved in September will still reduce the reserve increasing funding but the branch may not need to spend as much to do so. The Force had agreed to pay for the decorating in the branch office but the branch may have to pay for some furniture.
The benchmark for reserves is that the branch should hold £16 per member in reserves which should allow the branch to run unfunded for three months.
Jenny will arrange a book sale, linked to welfare before Christmas as the bookcases
will not be in-keeping with the new buildings at the NAB and need to be removed
from Mereway in any case.JB
- Regional Collaboration
ISD will not be collaborating.
It is proposed that HR will work in partnership with Leicestershire but will not be fully collaborating or merging. Staff are under engagement at present.
Crime Scene Investigation had progressed a structure, recruited to jobs and TUPE’d staff and now the structure has not been approved. There will be no redundancies and staff will remain employed by their home Force. They are looking in to how to “reverse” the TUPE.
- Estates
Nothing to report.
- SDM/Operation Balance
The SDM goes live on 30th October but establishment will not be as it should be on go live date. Police Now students will not be independent by then which has been added to the risk register as this will mean not enough officers on neighbourhood.
There were concerns raised that the FCR are downgrading incidents to a Grade 2 so that a PCSO can attend as there is a lack of the right staff in the right areas.
A regional newsletter is being produced that will keep members and non-members informed of developments within the region, including collaboration projects.
Currently there is no digital copy planned as the region felt printed copies could be
left around Forces for non-members and officers to read. When the next edition is received Lyndsay will send copies to reps to disseminate. Lyndsay will ask about a digital copy so that a link can be placed on websites and social media. LS
Police branches are working on improving communications and will be having some social media training. They will also discuss an online member’s forum for regional Police and Justice.
- Any Other Business
10.1UNISON is running a Pay Up Now campaign and national negotiations are taking place to ask the government to provide funding for Forces to be able to pay for a pay raise of higher than 1%. There is a TUC rally planned for Saturday 21st October.
10.2The initial issue with a particular Beat Manager has been resolved. A communication will be going out to reiterate that they are not line managing Police Staff.
10.3All PCSOs in Kettering had submitted a flexible working request to finish no later than 22:00. This was declined and Lara Alexander-Lloyd has spoken to them all individually to explain the rationale. One PCSO had submitted the alternative pattern as a flexible working request and had it approved.
10.4Stephanie King volunteered to attend Women’s conference in February in place of Rachel.
10.5Members are unaware who first aiders are and how to contact them, particularly
in smaller stations. Posters and training are out of date. Alex Franklin will raise
this with David McInally as well as some issues from the NAB. Kev and Alex will arrange an inspection at the NAB. AF/KT
There being no further business the meeting closed at 14:50.
- Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Thursday 30th November at 1pm in the Small Dining Room, FHQ.
Branch Executive Meeting Minutes 19th October 2017 Page 1 of 4