Minutes of Parents’ Forum 24 September 2012

After a comment at a previous Parents’ Forum about how unuseable the school website was the Governors decided that something needed to be done. They enlisted the services of Creative Edge, the web designers of the Richard Lander website, who have designed a new website for the school. This will not be as corporate as the Richard Lander website but those present were encouraged to view the Richard Lander site to get an idea of what the Threemilestone one would look like.

The Threemilestone School website will be compatable with smart phones.

It was suggested that there was a place on the new website for children to give their views.

Mr Lees advised that Miss Maun was currently taking photographs that would be used on the new website.

The Governors are also in the process of rebranding the school logo. Those present were shown the two short listed designs. Mr Lees explained that the whole of the school were not being givne the opportunity to chose the new design as the Parent Governors who would be among those making the decision were persons who had been voted in by parents.

Twitter and Facebook was dicussed but this was not an avenue the school wished to go down at this present time.

School Dinners

It was noted that one day last week the cooks had not cooked enough food and when this was discovered it seemed that the kitchen had decided to cut the portions in half meaning that some children did not have enough to eat. Those children who notified a staff member they had not had had enough to eat were allowed back to get seconds, this then resulted in the kitchen running out of chicken and some children who had requested a meat dish had had to have the vegeratian option. No child went without a hot meal and it was the kitchen’s policy that every child had to have a hot meal, even if it was not an item listed on the menu.

Mr Lees detailed that if parents were not happy with the school meals then they needed to write a letter of complaint, via the school office and these would be passed on.

It was noted that the kitchen staff were not employed by the school they were employed by Eden Food who were employed by Interserve.

If Eden did not comply with their policy they would get a fine, and it was noted that children of parents who had complained did get a free school meal.

It was noted by at least three parents present that their child had found a hair in their food.

The bands issued to children at the beginning of the day was helping with the quantity of food being cooked but the kitchen did not cook more than two spares, so if children were late into school requiring school dinners and then another child had for some reason fotgotten first thing they were school lunches then there would not be enough food cooked.

Mr Lees advised he would put something suitable on the newsletter this week in realtion to getting feedback in relation to school meals.

Back Playground Safety

It was noted by two parents present that they had witnessed children who had previously been left on the back playground by an adult run back towards to the pavement and the road, without anyone stopping them.

Mr Lees advised that that would be rectified from Tuesday 25 September 2012 and he would ensure that a member of staff stood at the “pre-school” gate to ensure no one left the school premises once they had been left.

It was agreed it might be a good idea to remind the children that even if they belived they had forgotten something then they should not leave the playground once they had been left.

Swimming Hats

Mr Lees advised that the five minute less swimming rule, for fotgotten hats had minimised the children who forgot their swimming hats. It was agreed there were some repeat offenders and the five minute less swimming did not seem to ensure they remembered their hat.

Cleanliness of the changing rooms