Northamptonshire Healthier Workplaces Charter

Name of organisation here:

We sign up to the commitment made by all members of the Northamptonshire Health and Wellbeing Board:

  • To encourage a workplace environment and culture that supports healthy lifestyle choices
  • To increase employees’ knowledge and awareness of health and wellbeing issues, and healthy lifestyle behaviours
  • To promote healthy behaviours that help prevent ill-health, contribute to health and wellbeing, and prolong a good quality of life
  • To encourage employees to participate in a range of initiatives that support health and well-being

We understand the benefits that healthier lifestyles, and a good work life balance, have for our employees and for our business.

We commit to the following actionsto promote the health and wellbeing of our employees:

Physical Activity

  • employees will be encouraged and supported to be physically active in their breaks and spare time, in line with guidelines that suggest undertaking 150 minutes of moderate intensity activity per week, in bouts of 10 minutes or more (e.g. 3 sessions of 10 minutes each day, 5 days a week).
  • employees will be encouraged and supported to make healthier ‘greener’ commuter choices, using schemes such as “Cycle to Work”
  • employees who are office based will be encouraged to take regular breaks working away from VDU screens

Healthy Eating

Alongside an active lifestyle, a healthy, balanced diet helps people to maintain a healthy body weight which reduces the risk of many diseases including coronary heart disease, strokes, cancer, diabetes, obesity and osteoporosis.

  • employees will be provided with appropriate and accessible information on healthy eating
  • kitchen facilities will be provided that conform to the requirements of food hygiene
  • staff areas will be used to promote and enable regular breaks away from the work area

Mental Health and Wellbeing

We recognise that mental health is as important as physical health, and will therefore:

  • promote positive mental wellbeing, and tackle stress through raising line management awareness and skills (e.g. Mental Health First Aid training), and by reminding managers and employees of how to recognise the signs of stress
  • create and sustain a working environment that aims to prevent the behaviours, events and situations that may lead to stressful reactions in people
  • ensure employees are provided with information on how to access professional support when required


The needs of carers seeking to balance their caring responsibilities with work have increasingly been recognised as economically and socially important. This reflects the growing demand for informal care, and the vital contribution it makes to the provision of care in the UK, as well as the recognition that employers and the economy cannot afford to lose Carers. Anyone can become a Carer at any time.

  • employers to increase awareness of Carer issues and the practical support and advice available through effective links to Northamptonshire Carers
  • employers to consider options and reasonable adjustments to attract, recruit and retain working carers thus keeping experienced, trained and valued staff in their workplace
  • to encourage a good balance between work and caring responsibilities


  • employees will be provided with stopping smoking information and, where interested, signposted to the Northamptonshire Smoking Cessation Service
  • our premises and vehicles will be smoke free
  • employees will be reminded that smoke free refers to both cigarettes and electronic cigarettes

Alcohol and Substance Misuse

  • employees will be provided with information about the link between alcohol / substance misuse and mental health in the workplace
  • alcohol awareness will be promoted through information sessions and through supporting national campaigns
  • managers will have access to information on how to identify the signs of alcohol / substance misuse and with details of local specialist services
  • employees will be supported in seeking help to treat alcohol or substance misuse issues

Supporting breastfeeding mothers

  • employers will embed a culture of positive support for breastfeeding mothers.
  • breastfeeding mothers will be encouraged to continue breastfeeding on their return to work after birth for as long as they choose, with support provided by employers to enable this.
  • for businesses where women who are breastfeeding may visit, they are offered a warm welcome

For further details see:

or contact:

Frank Earley

Service Development Relationship Manager

01604 361466