North West Choose Well Survey

We would be really grateful if you could spare us a few minutes of your time, to help us to develop an NHS campaign for people in the North West. We want to understand how and why people in the North West use NHS services, so that the NHS can better communicate information about the range of NHS services available to them – and to test whether the messages from our Choose Well campaign are reaching local people.
This survey is designed andrun by NHS teams in the North West. If you would like any more information, please contact
  1. If you or a family member had a minor illness or injury (for example a sore throat, backache, cough or cold), which is the first NHS service you would use for advice and treatment? (Please select one answer)

Y/N / Y/N
Pharmacy / Minor Injuries Unit
GP/Doctor / Look for advice on the internet
Phone NHS Direct or look on their website / Dial 999
NHS Walk-in Centre / Go to A&E
Urgent Care Centre / None of the above, I would look after myself
Other, please state below
  1. If your first choice service was unavailable, which other NHS service would you contact next? (Please select one answer)

Y/N / Y/N
Pharmacy / Minor Injuries Unit
GP/Doctor / Look for advice on the internet
Phone NHS Direct or look on their website / Dial 999
NHS Walk-in Centre / Go to A&E
Urgent Care Centre / None of the above, I would look after myself
Other, please state below

If you are a parent or carer for children under 16 years of age, please complete questions 3 & 4. Otherwise go straight to question 5.

  1. Which age group are your children in?

Y/N / Y/N
0 – 4 years / 10 – 13 years
5 – 9 years / 14 – 16 years
  1. If your children had a minor illness or injury (for example a temperature, a sore throat, cough or cold, a small cut or a sprain), which is the first NHS service you would use for advice and treatment? (Please select one)

Y/N / Y/N
Pharmacy / Minor Injuries Unit
GP/Doctor / Look for advice on the internet
Phone NHS Direct or look on their website / Dial 999
NHS Walk-in Centre / Go to A&E
Urgent Care Centre / None of the above, I would look after myself
Other, please state below

5. If you have selected A&E or 999 in answer to questions 1, 2 or 4 above, please answer this question. Otherwise go straight to question 6. If you have selected A&E or 999 in answer to questions 1, 2 or 4 above, can you tell us why you would make this choice? (Select as many as apply)

Y/N / Y/N
You will receive the best quality care and advice / You know that you are guaranteed to be treated
You will be seen quicker than any other service / The A&E is closest to where you live
You do not know where else to go / In the past your GP sent you to your A&E or told you to call 999
You would have chosen a GP, but are not registered with one / In the past you were told to go to A&E or to call 999 by another
health service, e.g. pharmacy/NHS Direct
You would have chosen a GP, but it is difficult to get an appointment
Other, please state below
  1. Which of the following services do you currently use your local pharmacist store for? (Select as many as apply)

Y/N / Y/N
Picking up a prescription / Advice if your child has a high temperature
Advice and treatment for a headache / Advice and treatment for backache and other aches & pains
Advice and treatment for an upset stomach / Advice and treatment for a urine infection
Advice and treatment for treating coughs,colds & flu / Contraceptive advice
Other, please state below
  1. Did you know that your local pharmacist store provides a confidential consultation area?

  1. Did you know that your local pharmacist can offer you confidential advice and treatment without an appointment?

  1. Would you consider using your local pharmacist for any of the following? (Select as many as apply)

Y/N / Y/N
Contraceptive advice / Advice if your child has a high temperature
Advice and treatment for a headache / Advice and treatment for backache and other aches & pains
Advice and treatment for an upset stomach / Advice and treatment for a urine infection
Advice and treatment for treating coughs,colds & flu
Other, please state below
  1. Do you know where to find information about late night and weekend opening hours for your local pharmacist?


Choose Well is an NHS campaign that aims to help people in the North West to understand which NHS service to use if they need fast and effective treatment for minor illnesses and ailments; and how to use 999 and A&E services appropriately.

  1. Have you heard of the Choose Well campaign?


If yes go to Q 12; if no go to Q 13

  1. Where have you seen or heard about the Choose Well campaign? (Select as many as apply)

Y/N / Y/N
Local newspaper / Local news websites
PCT website / Community radio
Local radio / Life Channel (GP TV)
Bus advert / Leaflet
Signs on ambulances / Other posters
Word of mouth (someone mentioned it to you)
Other, please state below
  1. Have you heard any of the following messages? Tick as many as appropriate.

The number of people using A&E and 999 services is continuing to rise
One out of every four people who go to A&E could have either treated themselves at home, or used another local NHS service
You can get three free text messages, with details of your three nearest pharmacies by texting ‘pharmacy’ to 64746
Your local pharmacy provides expert, convenient advice and treatment for minor ailments
A&E and 999 services are for life-threatening and serious conditions such as heart-attacks, strokes, breathing problems and serious accidents
Get the right NHS treatment
  1. As a result of seeing these messages, if you or a member of your family has a minor illness or ailment are you less likely or more likely to use the following services (please select as appropriate).

Less Likely / More Likely
Your local pharmacy
Your local GP
NHS Walk-in Centre or similar service
Minor Injuries Unit
Urgent Care Centre
NHS Direct
NHS Choices Website

To help us to get our campaign right, it would be really helpful if you could give us some information about yourself.

  1. Which age group do you fall in to?

Y/N / Y/N / Y/N
16 - 19 / 40 - 49 / 70 - 79
20 - 29 / 50 - 59 / 80 - 89
30 - 39 / 60 - 69 / 90+
  1. Gender – please delete as appropriate



  1. Please could you tell us the first part of your postcode e.g. M22 or SK6


Please can you select the group that best describes your ethnic background

Y/N / Y/N
English/Welsh/Scottish/Northern Irish/British / Irish
Gypsy or Traveller / Other, please give details
Mixed/Multiple Ethnic Groups
Y/N / Y/N
White and Black Caribbean / White and Asian
White and Black African / Other, please give details
Asian/Asian British
Y/N / Y/N
Indian / Bangladeshi
Pakistani / Chinese
Other, please give details
Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
Y/N / Y/N
African / Caribbean
Other, please give details
Other Ethnic
Y/N / Y/N
Arab / Other, please give details

Thank you for your time - we really appreciate your help. If you are willing to help us to develop this project further, please fill in your contact details below

Tel. No.
Email address

Please return your completed survey by Friday 31 December to:

  • By post

Communications Team


NHS North West

4th Floor

3 Piccadilly Place


M1 3BN

  • Or by email to