Kaveh Sajjadi | CV

North Rocks, Sydney|0435 538 221| | kavehsajjadi.com


Hey there, I’m a full stack web developer with experience in all facets of a products life cycle. I’m extremely hard working, motivated and curious. I completed a Science degree while cutting my programming teeth freelancing., and upon graduating I worked as a web developer at an e-commerce agency with big clients, quickly moving up to frontend team lead. My professional leanings are toward JavaScript because it generally meets business requirements most effectively, in my own time I prefer Python. I am confident building websites, API only applications and SPA’s.

Skills & Abilities

Between almost 10 years of web development experience and a science degree I’ve been exposed to all forms of technical tasks. Tasks like data analysis, SPA/API app development, web development, branding, marketing, web analytics and user experience design.

I am confident with every aspect of web development from requirements gathering to task completion, working closely with stake holders and managing members of my team.

I have touched on numerous technologies, including but not limited to:

Backend / Frontend
-PHP with:
  • Laravel
  • WordPress
  • Magento (1 & 2)
  • Django
  • Flash
  • Jekyll
-Ruby with Rails
-NodeJS with Express / -Old libraries
  • jQuery
  • Backbone
  • Knockout
-Lodash (prefer lodash/fp)
  • Angular (the old one)
  • React
  • Vue
  • CycleJS

Ideally, I prefer to work with newer technologies on the frontend to keep up with a quickly changing world. Work is not done in a bubble however and I understand the need to balance bleeding edgeand stable solutions to meet business goals effectively.

Within the frontend world I am framework agnostic, however I prefer CycleJS for frontend development in general. Cycle is most closely related to React in the major frontend frameworks

I am happy to complete a code test using any of the frameworks / libraries above.


Web Developer— getFoodi

/ 2017
At Foodi I worked with the founding team to redefine the brand to better meet market expectations and then redesign the website to improve user engagement, experience and ultimately conversions. My role involved a minor amount of backend work and a lot of design and frontend development.

Web Developer / Front End Team Lead — MindArc Digital Agency

/ 2016-2017
I started here learning the Magento e-commerce platform. My role varied as inter-team collaboration was encouraged, working closely with designers, backend developers and account managers to carefully balance technical requirements with business goals. Projects involved everything from dev ops to web development to email campaigns. Clients included Citizen Watches, Politix, Whitefox Boutique and Napoleon Perdis.

Freelance Full Stack Developer & Designer — Purple Dynamo

I worked with designers, agencies and small/medium businesses bringing their businesses online. My role varied between jobs, sometimes putting on the design hat, sometimes the programmer hat and sometimes even the product development. I focused on using the most effective and appropriate technology to meet business objectives for my clients, bringing dozens of businesses online with WordPress, Rails and Django. / 2009-2016


University of Technology, Sydney— Bachelor of Science (Applied Chemistry)

Studying a Bachelor of Science gave me good analytical skills and developed a strong sense of methodical discipline I apply in all my work.

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