North Perry Pee Wee Meeting – August 19, 2015


  1. Treasurer Report – There are 3 organizations who owe us money from Allstars. Sid to follow up. Reviewing phone plan to see if we can get better plan. Also looking to upgrade phone for better service. Reviewing again to see if we can categorize square payments/charges. There are many outstanding charges pending for the account. In September, funds will be limited and we need to watch expenses.
  2. 1st VP (or alternate) Central Council Report – Not Present
  3. 2nd VP Update/Report on Pictures/Fields/Gyms etc – Will be considering putting together a proposal for the School Superintendent for long term usage of the BJHS field. Central Council Report: Ump Fees will be changing. Still considering Blue Sombrero registration software.
  4. Registrar Report–Scholarships reviewed and approved. We have a large sum of outstanding registration fees. 148 kids are registered for football season.

Additional Comments from:

  1. Fundraising Coordinator–Candy bars will be delivered tomorrow afternoon. 100 boxes have been ordered. McTakeover scheduled 1/20/16 at the Wheaton Way 6-8pm. Movie Night is Friday 8/21 starting at 7:30pm. A number of donations have been received for raffle. We were declined to be an organization to sell Kitsap Cards but possibly could be for next year. Looking into selling Crispy Crème donuts at a game.
  2. Snack Shack Coordinator–Season is starting off well. Stocked up for Friday’s movie night.
  3. Sports Coordinator/Football – Game Rosters are due on the 29th. Football umps are going to come here and talk to our coaches. We do have a D-string playoff game at our field. Ump fees are increasing. We sent 8 kids to Tracyton to make an A string team. We need game flags for flaggers. Need new set of down markers. Need more all in ones girdles/pants for next year.


  1. President – N/A
  2. Secretary – N/A

Business to Address:

  1. Old Business
  2. Missing Rosters – Recruiting for Roster Coordinator
  3. Blue Sombrero – Working on the new site. Almost all set up. GoDaddy subscription is due in September – we will not be renewing. Will be distributing new site information encouraging account creation before basketball season.
  4. Movie Night
  5. Outstanding receipts from Cheer 2014 – Turned In
  6. By-Laws – Continue to review. Schedule independent meeting to address?Be prepared for next meeting.
  7. Heads up football – No benefit to our insurance to participate.
  8. Locks on the trashcan – will be getting a lock this weekend.
  1. New Business
  2. WSP and coaches pledges need to be completed and turned in. Will be gathered on Friday
  3. Coordinator checklist has been created for Basketball. Should get one together for each sport.
  4. Consider a turn over checklist for next board member and coordinator. Consider generating for each position.
  5. Proposal to expand North Perry programs to include a Flag Team. Potential expenses reviewed. Program voted on and approved. Discount enrollment for first season of $50. Next season (basketball) program will be offered at full registration fee.

Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 16, 2015