Hardwick Parish Council

Clerk to the Council Mrs Ann-Marie Davies

Minutes of the meeting of Hardwick Parish Council on Tuesday 29 March 2016 in the John Bridles Hall at 7pm.

Present: - Chairman Richard Blacklock

Councillor Trevor Bowman-Shaw

Councillor Amanda Tofield

District Councillor Ashley Bond

1 resident

1.  To note apologies for absence: to accept apologies for absence – Apologies were received from Councillor Carol Wright, Councillor Garth Bickerton and County Councillor Netta Glover.

2.  To receive official reports from County and District Council Members – report via email received from County Councillor Netta Glover and previously circulated.

3.  Open Forum for Parishioners: (under adjournment) – A resident raised several issues which related to the last Parish Council meeting. Namely, the donation made to the Church, the lighting in the village, new and existing kerbing, the proposed move to the WW1 war memorial, and drainage problems The Chairman and Councillors responded in full to all questions raised.

The resident also enquired about the wall alongside Old Tile House, the Chairman replied that the situation was being assessed.

The resident also asked if the Parish Council were to take any action on satellite dishes and ariels that had been erected in the village and which were clearly above gutter level. Both the Chairman and the District Councillor Ashley Bond advised that the Planning Department at AVDC had previously been consulted on this issue and had responded that whilst this was unfortunate and unsightly, they were not prepared to take any action against individuals.

The Chairman addressed District Councillor Ashley Bond and asked why planning appeals were not notified to Parish Councils as a matter of course when they had objected to a particular planning application. District Councillor Ashley Bond sympathised with the Parish Council and said that he would follow this comment up with Planning Officers and seek an explanation. ACTION: AB

4.  Declaration of interest in items on the agenda: The Chairman declared that he had spoken to the owners of Rectory Cottage prior to the meeting to obtain more specific details on the application to remove trees and also to the owners of Mill Peace.

5.  To confirm the minutes of the last meeting held on 9 March 2016 – the minutes were agreed and signed as a correct record.

6.  To update on matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting and agree any further actions required – The Chairman asked for agreement from the Council to seek quotes to install concrete kerbs instead of granite setts from St John Bridles Hall to Newhaven. Council agreed to this unanimously. ACTION: RB

7.  Planning: To discuss planning applications and make recommendation, and to include those

planning applications received after this agenda is published, if urgent:

16/00888/APP - Mill Peace, Buckingham Road Hardwick Buckinghamshire HP22 4EF -
Construction for a hay and straw barn – Councillors resolved to offer NO OBJECTION to this
application. The Clerk would advise AVDC. ACTION: AMD

16/00760/ATC - Rectory Cottage, The Green Hardwick Buckinghamshire HP22 4DU - 1.
Removal of two young sycamores. 2. Reduction of crown by 1-2cm of apple tree. 3. Reduce Goat
Willow to a stump of 2.5m. 4. Removal of box elder. 5. Removal of 5 willow trees. 6. Removal of
cherry tree – Whilst AVDC no longer directly consult with the PC on tree planning applications,
AVDC do advertise for public consultation, and a letter of NO OBJECTION was agreed to be sent to
the District Council. ACTION: AMD

8.  Finance:
a) To draw cheques

The Council resolved to draw the following cheques:-

Aylesbury Mains Ltd chq 529 £36.60

Garden Master chq 530 £220.00

Aylesbury Mains Ltd chq 531 £45.24

Marmax Ltd chq 532 £652.80

Ann-Marie Davies chq 533 £254.45

AVALC chq 534 £25.00

The Chairman asked the Clerk to write to AVALC to ask for them to take up the issue of lack of advice to Parish Councils when a planning application was appealed. ACTION: AMD

b) To agree accounts for February 2016 – The accounts were agreed as a correct record.

9.  To agree the date of the next meeting – The next meeting date was confirmed as Tuesday 10 May at 7pm in the St John Bridles Hall for the Annual Parish Meeting and the Annual Meeting of the Parish.

Signed: Date

8 Station Road Tel. 01296 614274

Stoke Mandeville Email


Bucks. HP22 5UL