Bienvenidos a la clase de Español1

North Laurel High School Jaguar School year 2015-2016

Señora Sherry S. Osborne E-mail:

Room: 215, Fine Arts Dept.Phone: 606-862-4699 Ext. 2583

Planning Period: 6th 2:05-3:05Lunch: 12:05-12:29

Course Description

This course will help the students attain an acceptable degree of proficiency in the Spanish language in the four skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. This is accomplished by presenting the students with knowledge of the Spanish-speaking world and of the Hispanic culture.

Required Student Textbook:¡Exprésate!, Spanish II, Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 2006.

Materials: *Pencils *150ct notebook *2 pocket folder (to retain all work)

NLHS Classroom PRIDE Expectations Mrs. Sherry Osborne’s Spanish 1 class


Come to class prepared to workHave class supplies with youListen & follow ALL directions

Use respectful language and actions Be positive- say “Yes, I can!”Try your best!!

Remember the “Golden Rule”Help keep the classroom and school clean


Stay in seat and on task at ALL timesAccept your class responsibilityGet involved in school activities and organizations

Be responsibleDress appropriately and respectfullyBe on time and prepared


Do your own workTell the truthAvoid gossiping about other people

NO phones-- I see, I hear, I take!!Be polite and courteous to everyoneBe an encourager to others

Classroom discipline:

Disruptions to the learning environment will result in the following:

Step 1: Verbal warning given to student

Step 2: Phone call to parent/guardian

Step 3: Referral to office

Immediateofficereferrals will be given if the student engages in the following: fighting, cursing, physical/verbal threats, violations of school dress code, or use/possession of forbidden items (as outlined in the student handbook).


Expect it! Students will be required to complete homework assigned for language practice outside of class time. Oral practice is essential in language learning. The student will need to make arrangements to stay late or come in early to make up quizzes or exams. Copying other’s work will be considered cheating and both parties will suffer the consequences of a poor grade of 0. Do your own work!! Students will be assigned various projects throughout the year. Some of these will be completed in class and out of class. Project requirements and guidelines will be given to the students at the time assigned.


Students will be expected to come prepared each day to class and participate in individual, partner, group and class activities as well as be evaluated in all four-skill areas: listening, speaking, reading and writing. During the school year we often take photographs or make video types of students in the classroom for classroom use, professional training, newspaper publication-web site and recognition of special accomplishment. You willgrant this permission by signing the class form.Sleeping or laying your head on the desk will not be allowed.

Performance Assignments:

Performance assignments will be used to measure your ability to apply the four skills that we focus on in class:

listening, speaking, reading, and writing. All assignments should be written/ printed neatly. Occasionally, I will give unannounced (“pop”) quizzes based on homework assignments, spelling and readings. Each student should have a notebook that will be used for a daily activity at the beginning of class and to take notes in. These activities will include listening and reading comprehension exercises, vocabulary, grammar, short writing assignments and oral exercises.


All tests will be announced in advance and must be made up before/after school within 3 days.

A quiz may be given at any time. Vocabulary quizzes may occur each week. Studying is a MUST!!!

All assignments are given a point value. Projects and oral presentations are scored by a detailed “look for” list, which the student will have when assignments are made. Daily work, quizzes, vocabulary, grammar checks, exams, projects, etc. will total 100%. Also, the student MUST have read and signed this agreement and be on file.

Grading Policy: Posted in room

Unexcused Late work: I will accept assignments late with a deduction of 5 pts for each day late.

Attendance/Participation/Class work:

Active classroom participation is essential to this class and it is expected that each student will make every effort to express themselves in Spanish. Frequent absences (more than five absences each semester would be considered excessive) or coming unprepared to class (incomplete homework assignments) will affect your grade in a negative manner. In addition to homework, there will be a variety of activities that will be done in class. Not all activities are graded; however, you should always be prepared to turn in your work. In the event of an absence, it is the student’s sole responsibility to make up missed work. All assignments and work is posted on my web page. It is expected that the student will present the work due on the day of her absence upon her return. In case of an extended absence, the student has one day per excused absence to complete the assignments. If the student knows in advance that she will be absent, she must talk to me beforehand and arrange to make up the missed assignment(s).

Forgetting a book, notebook, pencil, or to do one’s homework will not be an acceptable excuse.

Every assignment should be headed appropriately in your notebook/handout when we do assignments.

Your first and last name, the date, class, the assignment will go in the top right corner of your paper.

Class is not over until I say it is!!!!!! No one should gather their materials, close their books nor put away pencils, etc. until I dismiss you to do so. There will be no exception to this and not following the policy and procedure will result in disciplinary action of staying one (1) minute after the bell.

Computer/Internet Usage

Students must have signed the District Internet Use Agreement before logging onto the Internet. E-mail will not be permitted during class unless it is a class project approved by the teacher. Student use of telecommunications and electronic information resources will be permitted upon submission of the signed permission form by parents and students.

¡Buena Suerte!

I ______hereby have read and agree to the Spanish 1 class syllabus for

First and Last Name

school year 2015-2016 and I give her permission to submit my photo(s) in class to sources for posting or printing. I also agree to the school’s Internet rules and regulations and cell phone policy and I understand the consequences of any violations.

I, the parent/guardian ______hereby have read and agree to the

First and Last Name

Spanish 1 class syllabus of Mrs. Sherry S. Osborne at North Laurel High School for the school year 2015-2016.

Suggested Course Outline:

The following is a suggested outline for meeting the objectives of Advanced Placement Spanish.
*Subject to changes

1st / 2nd / 3rd / 4th
Chapters 1, 2, 3 / Chapter 4, 5, & 6 / Chapter 7, 8 / Chapter 9 & 10

North Laurel High School Spanish II 70 minute lessons Scope & Sequence by:Semester

Objectives / Standards / Resources / Assessment / Time
Chapter 1
Describing friends and family members
Asking about people, routines, and activities
Expressing likes and dislikes
Nouns, adjectives, and gustar
Present tense of reg. and stem changing verbs
Reflexive pronouns
Celebrations and preparations
Parts of the house
Household chores
Travel plans and activities
Offering help and making plans
Idioms with tener
Verbs followed by infinitives
Present progressive
Ir a with infinitives
Direct object pronouns
Affirmative and negative commands
Fine art of María Izquierdo
Chapter 2
Work related verbs
Parts of the house
Talking about what people do for a living
Introducing people
Describing a house
Saying what needs to be done and complaining
Indirect objects and indirect object pronouns
Dar & decir
Saber and conocer
Uses of ser
Ser and estar
Expression followed by infinitives
Preterite of regular verbs, hacer, and ir
Fine art of Gladys Matinez Nosiglia
Chapter 3
Names of stores
Places around town
Places in the city Ordinal numbers
Asking for information
Asking where someone went and what he or she did
Asking for and giving directions
Asking for clarification
Impersonal se and passive se
Preterite of –car, -gar, and –zar verbs
Preterite of conocer
Irregular verbs in the preterite: andar, tener, venire, dar, ver
Formal commands
Irregular formal commands
Commands with pronouns
Object and reflexive pronouns with commands
Fine art of Jose Morillo
Chapter 4
Emotional reactions
Parts of the body
Treatments and advice
Talking about how something turned out
Talking about and reacting to events
Talking about getting hurt
Asking for and giving advice
Irregular preterits ponerse, decir, ser, and estar
Preterite of stem-changing –ir verbs
Verbs with reflexive pronouns and direct objects
Past participles used as adjectives
Use of articles with parts of the body
Preterite of caerse
Fine art of Tere Pastoriza
Chapter 5
Routine activities
Getting ready
Pastimes and interests
Time expressions
Telling someone to hurry
Reminding someone to do something
Expressing interest and disinterest
Talking about how long something has been going on
Preterite of poder and traer
More verbs with reflexive pronouns
Reflexive and direct object pronouns
Possessive pronouns
Negative expressions
Hace with time expressions
Pero and sino
Fine art of Ezequiel Jimenez / §114.23 a.2.A-H
National Standards:
Communities / Samples
Breaking the Spanish Barrier
¡Exprésate!, Level 2
Textbook other materials (video, audio, workbook, textbook website, etc.)
Spanish/English Dictionary
501 Spanish Verbs / Quizzes, tests, projects,
daily work, puzzles,
oral, written, listening,
performance, reading,
technology (PowerPoint,
documents typed in
WORD) / 4 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
Chapter 6
Childhood activities
Toys and games
Adjectives to describe people
Life events
Talking about what you used to like and dislike
Saying what you used to do and what you wanted to be
Describing people and things in the past
Talking about an emotional reaction
Imperfect tense
Imperfect of ir and ver
Verbs with reciprocal actions
Imperfect of ser and haber
Preterite with mental and emotional states
Preterite of creer, construer, leer, and oir
Caerle a uno
Fine art of Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida
Chapter 7
Menu words
Restaurant terms
Adjectives to describe food
Food terms Measurements
More adjectives to describe food
Ordering in a restaurant
Talking about how food tastes
Talking about your diet
Describing the preparation of food
Double object pronouns
Commands with double object pronouns
Reflexive pronouns with a direct object
More uses of the imperfect
Past participles used as adjectives
Fine art of Ramon Frade
Chapter 8
Buying and selling terms
Adjectives to describe clothing
Talking about trying on clothes and how they fit
Talking about shopping for clothes
Bargaining in a market
Stating preferences
Imperfect and preterite
Using the imperfect of ir a + infinitive
Comparatives and superlatives
Por and para
Demonstrative adjectives ese and aquel
Adverbs of place
Adjectives as nouns
Fine art of Ana Cortes
Chapter 9
Animals and plants
Weather and natural events
Camping terms
Outdoor activities
Talking about a place and its climate
Telling a story
Talking about what you and others will do
Wondering out loud
Comparing quantities
Adjectives as nouns
Preterite and imperfect to begin a story
Preterite and imperfect to continue and end a story
Subjunctive for hopes and wishes
Subjunctive of stem-changing –ir and irregular verbs
Future tense
Fine art of Jose Cisneros
Chapter 10
Travel words
Methods of payment
Places to visit
Thing to do
Writing a letter or e-mail
Asking for and making recommendations
Asking for and giving information
Talking about where you went and what you did
Talking about the latest news
Present perfect
Irregular past participles
Subjunctive for giving advice and opinions
Subjuntive of –car, -gar, -zar, -ger, and –guir verbs
Preterite and imperfect
Present progressive and future
Fine art of Marilyn Itrat / 3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks