STA 6167 – Project 2
Regression Diagnostics, CRD, RBD, and 2-Way ANOVA
Part 1: Stature, Hand Length, Foot Length, and Gender
Dataset: stature_hand_foot.dat
Source: S.G. Sani, E.D. Kizilkanat, N. Boyan, et al. (2005)."Stature Estmation Based on Hand Length and Foot Length," ClinicalAnatomy, Vol. 18, pp. 589-596.
Description: Stature, hand length, and foot length among 80 males and 75 females.
Data simulated to have equal means, SDs, and correlations.
ID (w/in gender) 7-8
gender 16 /* 1=M, 2=F */
Stature (height, mm) 18-24
Hand length (mm) 26-32
Foot length (mm) 34-40
Fit a regression model, relating Stature to Hand Length, Foot Length and Female Indicator (Gender-1). Include interactions and quadratics in Hand and Foot Length.
- Select a parsimonious model based on minimizing AIC (this may be the Complete Model).
- Obtain a Plot of Residuals versus Fitted Values. Does the constant variance assumption seem reasonable?
- Obtain a Normal Probability Plot for the residuals. Does the Normality assumptionappear to be reasonable?
- Conduct the Shapiro-Wilk Test for testing H0: Errors are Normally Distributed.
- Conduct the Breusch-Pagan Test for testing H0: Errors have Constant Variance
Part 2: Water Evaporation in the Growing Season in India
Dataset: h2o_evap.dat
Source: A. Krishnan and R.S. Kushwaha (1973). "A Multiple Regression Analysisof Evaporation During the Growing Season of Vegetation in the Arid Zone ofIndia," Agricultural Meteorology, Vol. 12, pp. 297-307
Description: Factors related to Evaporation (mm/day) for 49 5-day periods
in 1963-1964. Predictors: total global radiation (X1, cal/cm^2/day),
estimated net radiation (X2, cal/cm^2/day), saturation deficit at max temp
(X3, mm of Hg), mean daily wind speed (X4 km/hour) and saturation deficit
at mean temp (X5, mm of Hg). Models fit: Y=X1,X3,X4 and Y=X2,X3,X4
Period 7-8
Evaporation 10-16
total global radiation 18-24
net radiation 26-32
saturation deficit at max temp 34-40
wind speed 42-48
saturation deficit at mean temp 50-56
Fit the model relating Evaporation to Total global radiation, Saturation deficit at max temp, and wind speed.
- See whether a Box-Cox Transformation on Evaporation improves Normality
- If necessary, transform Evaporation, and re-fit the model.
- Conduct the Durbin-Watson Test, to test H0: Errors are independent.
- Obtain Estimated Generalized Least Squares estimates of the Regression Coefficients, and t-tests.
Part 3: Mollusc Nervous Impulse Reactions
A study compared nervous impulse measurements (cm/sec) for 5 species of molluscs. Complete the following parts (note the large differences in variation in part A, and use ln(impulse) in subsequent parts:
- Plot the measurements versus species and note the differences in variation among species.
- Obtain means and standard deviations for the 5 species, as well as across species.
- Obtain the Analysis of Variance, and test whether the population means differ among the 5 species at the 0.05 significance level.
- Use Tukey’s and Bonferroni’s methods to compare all pairs of species with an experimentwise error rate of E = 0.05
- Use the Kruskal-Wallis test to test whether the population means (medians) differ at the 0.05 significance level.
Part 4: Pharmacokinetics of Flurbiprofen
- Run the Analysis for Problem 37 in the Course Notes (F-test for RBD)
- Run the Analysis for Problem 38 in the Course Notes (Friedman’s test for RBD)
Part 5: Comparison of 3 Formulations of 2 Brands of Suntan Lotion
- Obtain means and standard deviations for all combinations of brand and formulation. The response measures the total color change for the specimen.
- Obtain the Analysis of Variance
- Test for a Brand by formulation interaction at 0.05 significance level
- If appropriate, test for Main effects among brands and formulations
- By hand or spreadsheet, compare all pairs of formulations separately by brand using Bonferroni’s method with E = 0.05.