North LAP - Supporting Post 16’s

9th December 2015


Cllr Adam HurstNorth LAP Ward Lead

Richard Crowther North Lead Councillor

John DoyleNorth Lead Officer, SCC

John CorrisLocality Management Team, SCC

Adrian Smith Stocksbridge High School

Jill Siddall SCC

Simon Ebbins SCC

Nathan Broadhead SYPTE

Andrew Sowerby Yewlands Academy

Helen Boberek Sheffield Futures

Nigel Ball Sheffield Futures

Ed Dawson SCC

Dave Mountford Chaucer


Dave MountfordChaucer School

Cllr Richard CrowtherNorth LAP Chair

Joel Wirth Ecclesfield School

Cllr. Vickie PriestlyStannington ward

Item / Notes / Actions
  1. Notes from the previous meeting
  1. National Careers Service
  1. Transport in The North
  1. Skills Made Easy
  1. Action Plan
  1. AOB
  1. Date, time and venue of the next meeting
/ John Corris brought the attention of the group to an email from Ian McKinney from Sheffield College. He thought it inappropriate that the post 16 progression charter was endorsed at the previous meeting and asked that it be recirculated. This was agreed.
A powerpoint presentation from Sheffield Futures was circulated with the notes.
  • John Doyle asked what the take up of the service was in the North. Nigel Ball agreed to do some research and feed back to the group.
  • Adrian Smith posed a question about post 16 drop out. It is difficult to get hold of this information. The performance analysis team hold this info but Adrian had been informed it was no longer accessible. This needs to be resolved and staff made clear what info they can and cannot divulge.
Nathan Broadhead from SYPTE presented this item. Highlights as follows:-
  • It is a commercial market
  • PTE provide buses where required but this is dependent on funding
  • The bus partnership is made up of the PTE, the Local Authority and the bus operators all working together to help provide better services
  • School buses also run for profit
  • Child fare is set by the districts – currently 70p
  • It is a statutory obligation to ensure kids get to school but this does not apply to post 16’s
  • Adam H – there is anecdotal evidence that there are retention problems due to the transport networks. Concern that children will have to move because post 16 provision is not available
  • Evidence from schools is that cost can cause loss of pupils
  • Cost of travel is a particular issue for NEET’s
  • John D – What can the group do to put pressure on the operators to provide travel discounts for NEET’s. Nathan to take back to the operators and report back to the group
  • If there are any events where pupils need transport to attend Transport Services can provide this if given prior notice
Skills Made Easy is offering two ‘career networking events’ for the construction related and engineering related industry sectors. Students and their parents will be offered the opportunity to talk to 5/6 employers on a ‘round robin’ basis and will find out about the industry, the roles available, the careers available, routes into the industry with a focus on apprenticeships etc, and a chance to ask questions.
Date for the most convenient location is
20 Jan – UTC, Matilda Street, Sheffield S1
4.30PM – 6PM
If this proves successful we will hold another, plus similar events for other industry sectors in a location closer to the relevant schools e.g. Firth Park library.
No amendments were made to the Action Plan
No further business was raised
To be agreed / Re circulate the progression charter
Nigel Ball to research take up of service in North.
Nigel to return for the meeting in April for an update.