Recreational Sports


  1. Games will consist of two (2) halves, each half consisting of twenty-five (25) total plays. Each play, regardless of penaltieswill count, except for a dead ball penalty or point after touchdown whichwill not count.
  1. A team roster will consist of fifteen (15) members at the most.
  1. Eight (8) players will constitute a team, of which one (1) shall be a woman. A game may be played with seven (7) players if cleared with the Intramural Supervisor and opposing team manager.
  1. The field will be eighty (80) yards long, thirty-five (35) yards wide, with lines dividing the length of the field into fourths and with ten (10) yard end zones.
  1. When the ball is first downed in a zone, the team in possession is allowed four downs to move it into the next zone or score.
  1. All eight (8) players on each team must wear two flags, one on each hip.
  1. Each player must wear some kind of athletic shoes - NO METAL OR METAL TIPPED CLEATS ARE ALLOWED.
  1. Appropriate clothing should be worn and must be provided by the participant.
  1. If the game is tied, there will be an overtime period. The period will consist of twenty-five (25) plays with each team trying to score. The team that scores first wins the game. If the score remains tied after overtime, the game will be called a tie.
  1. All games are expected to begin at the specified time. If one team cannot field a team within ten (10) minutes after the scheduled starting time, the game will be declared a forfeit.
  1. There will be a five and a half minute (5.5) break between halves.
  1. Unlimited substitutions are permitted, provided they do not delay the game. All players' names must be recorded on the team roster form in the Intramural Sports Office.
  1. Each team receives two (2) timeouts per half. The timeout will be sixty (60) seconds long.
  1. Players on the line of scrimmage: The offensive team needs at least four (4) players on the line of scrimmage at the time of the snap. The wide receivers count as being on the line of scrimmage.
  1. No player shall use a three or four-point stance. All players must be in an upright position.
  1. The ball must be snapped between the center’s legs.
  1. During the snap players need to be within five (5) yards of the sideline.
  1. During a scrimmage down the quarterback cannot carry the ball across the line of scrimmage. The ball may be advanced by (1) a forward pass, or (2) a run following a forward or backward pass.
  1. The ball must be pitched. No direct handoffs. The ball must travel at least one yard through the air.
  1. No forward passes are allowed beyond the line of scrimmage. Any number of passes forward or backward is allowed behind the scrimmage line.
  1. All players are eligible to catch a forward pass.
  1. Spinning while running is considered a part of running and is allowed as long as the runner maintains contact with the ground.
  1. If a runner's flag is inadvertently lost, the ball becomes dead at the spot. If a pass receiver does not have two flags, the ball is dead at the point of reception.
  1. If a runner's flags are positioned illegally, the ball becomes dead at the spot where the runner took possession of the ball, and a penalty is issued (wearing illegal equipment).
  1. Fumbled and muffed ball:All fumbled and muffed balls are immediately dead at the spot.
  1. Offensive Screen Blocking: The offensive screen block shall take place without contact. The screen blocker shall have his/her hands and arms at his/her side or behind his/her back. Any use of the hands, arms, elbows, legs, or body to initiate contact during an offensive player’s screen block is illegal.
  1. Screen Blocking Fundamentals: A player who screens shall not:

1.Take a position closer than a normal step when behind a stationary opponent.

2.Take a position so close to a moving opponent that his or her opponent cannot avoid contact by stopping or changing direction.

3.Use interlocking arms with a teammate to screen an opponent.

  1. Use of Hands or Arms by the Defense: A defensive player must go around the offensive player’s screen block. The arms and hands may not be used as a wedge to contact the opponent.
  1. Use of Hands or Arms by the Offense: An offensive player cannot stiff-arm, slap, strike, or push away the hands or other portions of the body of the defensive player.
  1. Charging: A runner MAY NOT run through a defensive player (may not charge), and they must attempt to evade the defensive player at all times. The defense must not hold or run through a player, but must "play the flag rather than the player." The official shall decide these situations just as basketball official rules on charging versus blocking. Defensive players may not cause a runner to go out of bounds by tackling or pushing. A runner must attempt to remain upright. Hurdling and diving (i.e. diving to the goal line) are illegal and constitute a personal foul.
  1. The defense has a four (4) second count before they can cross over the line of scrimmage. The defense must count out loud, so the offense and the referees can hear the count.

Example: 1 Cardinal, 2 Cardinal etc…

  1. In the event of any head injury the player must sit out the rest of the game.
  1. In all injuries, the injured person is required to sit out one play.
  1. The manager is required to give the name of the injured player to the referee or scorekeeper.
  1. There are no kick-offs. Play will start from the ten (10) yard line.
  1. Scrimmage kicks (punt)

1.Free scrimmage kick must be declared before any scrimmage play by the offense.

2.When a free kick is declared, the players on the line of scrimmage, offense and defense must remain on the line until the ball is kicked.

  1. Men's touchdown - 6 points
  1. Women's touchdown - 9 points
  1. Try for a point - 1 point from the three (3) yard line, 2 points from the ten(10) yard line, and 3 points from the twenty (20) yard line.
  2. If a team is twenty-three (23) points ahead when the "5 plays left in the game" is announced the game shall be over. Or if at any time during the last five plays the twenty-three-point difference is gained.

Penalties that will be marked off from the line of scrimmage shall consist of: delay of game, encroachment, false start, fewer than four (4) players on the line, illegal motion or shift, too many players on the field, roughing the quarterback, pass interference, and unsportsmanlike conduct.

Penalties that will be marked from the spot of the foul shall consist of: charging, tackling, illegal block, illegal use of hands, clipping, tripping, hurdling, and handing off the ball.


1.Delay of game: (dead ball foul) (DBF) - Loss of five (5) yards, replay down. The offense has twenty-five (25) seconds to snap the ball once the referee gives the ready to play signal.

2.Encroachment: (DBF) - Loss of five (5) yards, replay down. The defense lines up in the neutral zone or is across the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.

3.False start or any illegal act by snapper: (DBF) - Loss of five (5) yards, replay down. The offensive player moves toward the line of scrimmage before the ball is snapped.

4.Fewer than four (4) players on the line: Accept or decline the penalty. The offense must have at least four (4) players on the line of scrimmage.

5.Illegal motion: Accept or decline the penalty. The offensive team may not have more than one player in motion at the time of the snap. The offensive player may move parallel to the line of scrimmage as long as they remain five (5) yards behind the line of scrimmage. When the offensive team has multiple players in motion, they must come set for at least one second before the ball can be snapped.

6.Handing the ball off:Accept or decline the penalty. The ball must be pitched at least one yard.

7.Illegal forward pass: If by offense, the down counts. The offensive team may not pass the ball forward while in front of the line of scrimmage.

8.Too many players on field:Accept or decline the penalty. Eight players will constitute a team of which one must be a woman.


1.Forward pass interference: If committed by the offense, the down counts. If it is committed by the defense, it is an automatic first down. Pass interference occurs when there is contact made by a player on a pass that can be caught with reasonable effort.

2.Charging:Accept or decline the penalty (down counts). The offensive/defensive player must attempt to avoid contact.

3.Tackling:Accept or decline the penalty (automatic first down). The defender must play the flags.

4.Illegal blocking:Accept or decline the penalty. The players' hands and arms must be at their side or behind their back.

5.Illegal use of hands:Accept or decline the penalty. The players need to keep their hands away from the opponent's body, face and head.

6.Clipping:Accept or decline the penalty. A block in the back.

7.Tripping: Accept or decline the penalty.

8.Hurdling: Accept or decline the penalty. If the penalty is accepted, it is marked off at the point of the infraction.

9.Wearing illegal equipment: Accept or decline the penalty.


Major Penalties and Ejections

1.Unsportsmanlike Conduct: It's a fifteen (15) yard penalty, plus if committed by the offensive team, it is a loss of a down. If committed by the defensive team, it is a fifteen (15) yard penalty with the offensive team receiving an automatic first down.

2.Intentional striking, kicking, kneeing, fighting, or spearing is an automatic ejection from the game.

3.Roughing the quarterback: In no way will defenders strike the quarterback. You must play the flag not the player.

4.If conduct of one team, or both teams, is deemed unduly rough and out of hand, the referee may forfeit the game.


1.Intentional pulling of a receiver’s flag before a reception is considered pass interference. If it occurs in the end zone, the ball will be placed at the three- yard line.

2.On a pass the receiver needs to touch at least a foot inbounds before going out. A receiver may not be eligible for a pass if he/she steps out of bounds before receiving a pass. However, the receiver remains eligible if the defender forces him out.

3.If a team forfeits two (2) scheduled league games they will be dropped from the Intramural schedule.

4.It is the manager's responsibility to make sure all players know and understand the rules and regulations.

5.If, during the game, a player has questions about a judgment call or rule, he/she is to ask their manager rather than argue with the official.