Health & Community Chaplaincy Committee
Matthew 25:34-45
Presbyterian Church of Victoria
Position Description
PCV Pastoral Support Worker for Ministry Wives (PSW)
1. Objective:
To provide pastoral care and support services to the wives of Ministers and Home Missionaries (hereafter referred to as ministry wives) within the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
2. Employer:
The Health and Community Chaplaincy Committee (HCCC) of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
3. Terms and Conditions:
The position isfor a three day per week appointment (0.6EFT) for a three year term commencing 1/7/2017.
Applicants should be a member in good standing of the Presbyterian Church with a basic understanding of Presbyterian polity and practice.
4. Accountability and Reporting:
The Pastoral Support Worker (PSW) will be responsible to the HCCC through the Committee’s Executive Officer, the Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator and will report in writing twice annually to the Committee regarding the progress of the role during the year.
The PSW will be subject to an annual review by a sub-committee appointed by the Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator, which may include representatives from the wider church.
Any matters relating to wider church accountability for the PSW, eg: from Presbyteries or committees will be forwarded to the HCCC’s Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator and will be directed to/discussed with the Convener, HCCC and the PSW accordingly.
5.Position Pre-requisites:
(a)Relevant qualifications in a related discipline: theology, pastoral care and/or counselling.
(b)Proven experience in Christian ministry and ministry to those involved in Christian ministry.
(c)Ability to build and maintain relationships amongst individuals and groups within the Presbyterian Church, including Presbyteries., Committees and the PCV’s Theological College.
(d)Demonstrated Christian maturity and a clear understanding of the need for sensitivity, discretion and the protection of privacy for ministry spouses at all times, in ministering to their needs.
(e)The ability to interpret and appropriately respond to the needs of diverse parties within both the pastoral relationship, the ministry family and wider ministry relationships (eg: church and presbytery).
(f)Friendly, caring, empathetic and approachable manner.
(g)Well organised and able to work independently.
(h)Freedom to travel as required into country regions in Victoria with occasional overnight stays and across Melbourne. Own car is essential. An accommodation and travel allowance will be provided.
(i)Competency and experience in organising seminars and functions.
(j)Basic understanding of computerised data bases and email.
(k)Good spiritual,mental and physical health and stamina.
(l)Able to establish and maintain healthy boundaries in role-based relationshipswithministry wives.
6. Mandatory Competencies:
Applicants will be assessed, appointed and reviewed in six key areas.
(a)Personal and Spiritual Suitability
Christian maturity and experience.
Commitment to biblical truth and practice in line with the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Suitability of gifts and temperament – demonstrated gifts of prayer, discernment and wisdom with a commitment to exercise these gifts in the service of ministry wives.
Communication, discretion, sensitivity and good interpersonal skills.
Concern for and rapport with ministry wives and an understanding of the specificphysical, spiritual and emotional issues related to ministry life.
Physical and mental health and stamina.
Ability to set and maintain appropriate professional boundaries in pastoral care relationships.
Ongoing commitment to self-care.
Willingness to undertake regular supervision with an appropriately qualified professional.
(b)Specialist Knowledge
Basic understanding of Presbyterian polity and practice.
Experience in Christian ministry and an understanding of ministry lifestyle and pressures.
Theological/Pastoral care qualifications relevant to pastoral support.
Experience in ministering to the sick, grieving or bereft.
Up to date knowledge of developments in, and availability ofappropriate resources for therapeutic Christian counselling, marriage and family therapy.
(c) Technical Skills and Application
Personal counselling skills relevant to sensitive and active listening.
Discretion, insight and the ability to negotiate and establish pastoral relationships rather than therapeutic counselling relationships with ministry wives. Appropriate referral skills in this regard
Telephone and written communication skills, enjoying personal contact..
Skills in event planning, organisation and delivery.
Resourcefulness for others – able to determine what resources and support links arerelevant, available and how to best accessthem on behalf of ministry wives.
Community building and relational networking skills.
(d)Record Keeping and Administration
Able to develop, access and maintain up to date records of contact details for ministry wives and families.
Able to develop and manage an annual calendar of events, visitations.
Presbyterian gatherings eg General Assembly, Ministers Family Camp for visitation and support purposes and profile raising.
Preparations of/for newsletters, mail-outs, flyersetc.
Twice annual written reports to the HCCC and regular meetings as determined with Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator
(e)Team Work and Communication
Commitment to the development and maintenance of a strong working relationship with the HCCC Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator, HCCC committee members and other Committee and PCV employees if relevant.
Commitment to maintaining healthy communication and relationships with wider church bodies including Presbyteries and PCV committees.
Capacity to work towards the development of a network of ‘Volunteer Helpers‘: designated current and past serving ministry wives who may be able to assist with the delivery of supportsto ministry wives at a Presbytery level.
(f)Ongoing personal and professional development
Willingness to undertake regular professional supervision (paid for and authorised by HCCC).
Attendance as a participant at pastoral care and other professionally relevant conferences and seminars (at HCCC’s expense and subject to approval by the Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator)
Regular attendance at worship and a commitment to an active church life and Christian fellowship within the Presbyterian Church.
Commitment to the maintenance of appropriate boundaries in working relationships and ongoing self-care.
7. Key Responsibilities:
(a)Initial emphasis will be on the obtaining/maintaining of accurate records and contact details for ministry wives, and in conjunction with the Presbyterian Church office, putting in place a good system for mail-outs (physical and email) to be made to ministry wives on a regular basis.
(b)During the first two years if possible, a visit will be made to each of the 11 Presbyteries to meet with the ministry wives as a group and with individuals who at the PSW’s general suggestion may seek a private meeting for the purposes of encouragement, support and prayer. The PSW may seek to encourage wives within a Presbytery to meet semi-regularly, if not currently doing so and follow up key leaders in the Presbytery to facilitate more regular meetings.
(c) The HCCC will be responsible for writing letters of introduction for the PSW to the Presbyteries and Theological College, to assist with becoming known and accepted across the denomination
(d)The PSW will seek to develop and enact a calendar for Presbytery visitations and other denominational events throughout the year (eg: attending annual Ministers family camp and General Assembly of Victoria functions.)
(d)Personal visitation and assistance to ministry wives in their first pastorate along with anyone who is known to be sick or in crisis is to be given priority in the first year.
(e)The PSW is encouraged to develop links with the Clerks of each Presbytery to receive information about movements within the Presbytery throughout the year eg: transfers in or out, demits, serious illnesses or other special circumstances in ministry families where denominational support may be required. The HCCC is to assist where possible with this.
(f)The PSW will seek to maintain established links with the Student Wives Group at the Presbyterian Theological College and attend a meeting if possible early in the year for introduction purposes and then toward the middle of the year – prior to exit appointments being made for the following year. The PSW will follow up candidates’ wives as they prepare to transition into their first appointments and maintain supportive contact during this process and into the first year of full time ministry.
(g)The PSW will maintain links within the denomination to the current exisiting support structures for ministry wives including the Ministers Wives Prayer Chain and the Ministers Wives Association. Through these links and Presbytery networks she will seek to become informed of situations where denominational support would be appropriate and make contact where appropriate, as a representative of the wider church.
(h)The PSW will work with the Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator to further develop a portfolio of resources which can be accessed by and for ministry wives and families as appropriate. This may include working with the HCCC in the advertising of the Ministry Family Assistance program (MFA) , obtaining and distributing encouraging literature, encouraging attendance at relevant seminars and the provision of other relevant support services.
(i)Writing and circulating of quarterly “Food for thought” devotion or similar for Ministry wives and regular reminders of PSW’s availability and services.
(j)The PSW will commit to a regular extended prayer time each week for ministry wives in Victoria and to lift in prayer relevant personal needs and situations as they arise.
(k)The PSW will attend the Minister Family Camp each year at the expense of the HCCC and be available at that camp for general contact, networking and follow up amongst attending ministry wives.
(l)The organising and delivery of relevant seminars/training days that will assist ministry wives in their ministry and support roles. These seminars may be run at a Presbytery level or at a denominational level at the discretion and funding of the HCCC as advised by the PSW and should occur both in the metropolitan region and within country Victoria.
(m)It should be emphasised that the PSW is available as a personal support resource but is not given authority to become personally involved at the Presbytery level without the express permission of the Convener, HCCC.
Any matters arising of a Presbytery nature are to be referred with the wife’s permission, through the HCCC’s Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinatorto the Convener HCCC to plan a relevant course of action. The PSW may communicate specific outcomes to the ministry wife and other parties as agreed with the HCCC Convener and Chaplaincy & Pastoral Care Co-ordinator .
(n) The PSW is to maintain an ongoing active participation in the life of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.
My position description has been explained in detail and I understand and accept the responsibilities and authorities as outlined.
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Executive Officer, Health & Community Chaplaincy Committee
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Convenor, Health & Community Chaplaincy Committee
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