Newsletter No 31.
Spring 2011
Several Councillors who have served this town well over many years have chosen not to stand again for election. The Council would like to thank them for the time they have given, free of charge, to try and serve the needs of the people of the town. Their work is much appreciated.
Cllr Rev’d Eyre – has been on the Council since February 2005 and was largely responsible for the Nativity Event which is now a regular occurrence in the town. He has also been much involved in the development of the Performance area on the Village Green and has always taken an active part in development of recreational facilities and kept a watchful eye on the Cemetery. Revd; Eyre has always lead the Council in prayers at meetings which have often calmed troubled minds.
Cllr Linda Marriott-has been with us since 2004 and during that time has contributed a lot of time to both Parks & Recreation Committee (including as Chairman) and the Planning Committee. She has also used her valuable experience on the Disciplinary Group and the Job Evaluation group, which monitors staffing levels and she has recently worked on the group appointing the new Clerk. She has always been willing to give time to working parties on various projects and services a notice board and approves memorials for the cemetery.
Cllr John Marriott –what a well known figure Cllr Marriott has become during the 24 years he has served this Council! He has played an active part on all the committees of the Council and chaired several on various occasions. He has also compiled a book about the history of the Council, so there are few who know the town better. He has been an enthusiastic advocate of the southern bypass and works tirelessly on the traffic problems within the town. He sees a bright future for the town and has put lots of energy into achieving his vision. He has contributed to the Planning Committee and helped to bring about the ‘shield’ at the crossroads, and the opening of the Richmond Lakes path. But his achievements are too many to cover in this brief tribute. Perhaps the next instalment of the Council’s history will provide more in depth information on this passionate and committed Councillor.
Cllr Mrs Poole –the present Deputy Mayor who, unfortunately due to ill health will not be re-standing. Mrs Poole served as Mayoress to Cllr Poole and represented the town on many occasions. Cllr Mrs Poole has completed two periods of duty on the Council- 4 years from 1999 and returning in Dec 2008 to the present date. Cllr Mrs Poole has taken an interest in the Environment Committee and worked to ensure bus shelters were always cleaned.
Cllr Reg Poole –another well-known figure in the town who has served a total of 16 years on the Council, including taking the position of Mayor on 3 occasions. Cllr Poole enjoyed being Chairman of the Finance & Policy committee but has served on all the committees of the Council. His previous experience on the railways has come in useful many times in his work for the Environment Committee and he has worked to promote better public transport facilities within the town.. His work for charities during his mayoral years was well known and the concerts he organised were always well supported and attracted stars like Norman Collier. Again, ill health is forcing him to leave the Council at this time, and he is wished all the best.
Cllr Geoff Kirby – has been on the Town Council since 2008 but was already well known to the townspeople as a County Councillor for the area. Cllr Kirby also sits on Lincoln City Council and has been Mayor of Lincoln for the past twelve months, which means we have not seen as much of him as we would have wished. However, Cllr Kirby has always been supportive of the town and the Council and its policies and has taken an active part in meetings. He has always had a keen interest in the problems with the roads in the town and has worked in all his capacities to try and find a successful solution.
Cllr Ted Singerton – Can it really be that after 47 years serving this town, Cllr Singerton is finally giving in to the march of time? There is definitely too little space to pay tribute to this man. The open spaces you enjoy relaxing in were down to the foresight of him and his colleagues in the 60’s. The Air Training Squadron, Twinning, Youth Rally and so much more can be credited to Cllr Singerton. Despite the problems with ill health in recent years he has continued to lead the Council, on finance in particular and leaves the Council in an excellent financial position whilst maintaining a nil growth budget. His common sense and his experience have always been much valued at meetings. We will miss the ‘Father of the House’, but wish him some peaceful years to enjoy after all that he has given to this town.
Councillor Mrs Suzanne Sampson
April and I am nearing the end of my mayoral term, I have held this position for two years due to the sad loss of Cllr Ken Smith who would have been mayor for this current year. Throughout this year I have attended and enjoyed many local events involving the people of North Hykeham of all ages from young children to the elderly through the Schools, churches, chapel, Nursing Homes, Retirement Homes, ATC, British Legion, Gardening Clubs and Bowls club and hopefully created a link between them and the Town Council.
As Mayor of North Hykeham I have also attended and supported other mayors in the county at their civic services and social fund raising events, which I hope has raised the profile of North Hykeham. This could be regarded as a form of networking as it has always been my intention to increase our contacts with people from all walks of life, some of whom may be able to provide a service or information that can benefit our town. North Hykeham as a town cannot be in isolation if it is to provide homes, jobs and a friendly environment for its inhabitants in the future. Other Mayors and Chairpersons from other parishes and district councils that we have met all have the interests of their local community at heart.
I could have not done any of this work without the help of the staff of the Town Council and the councillors who have given me their support
It has been both an honour and a privilege for me and my husband to represent the people of North Hykeham as their Mayor and Consort.
This has been a very busy year for the Parks and Recreation Committee with some projects coming to an end, others starting and ending and others just starting.
Under the “Coming to an End” heading is the upgrading of the Skatepark based on designs provided by some of the users. The upgraded design builds on the success of the original, providing additional challenges and excitement for the many experienced riders whilst offering somewhere for beginners to develop.
“Starting and Ending” includes additional paths in the cemetery, and over £40,000 of new play equipment on the Memorial Field including a pyramid climbing frame so high (six meters) it needed planning permission.
The “Just Starting” heading includes the new allotments on Sharpe Walk that as you read this should probably come under a new “Just Ending” heading as the project will be close to being completed. The new allotments will enable us to reduce the allotment waiting list by over half. The bike track on Glebe Park should be started in May and completed less than two weeks later. The Park will be closed for the duration of the work with notification of the start announced as soon as available. The Village Green has not been ignored with drainage work starting when the spring Pleasure Fair leaves and once the drainage work is completed new seating will be installed around the performance area.
The final project “Just Starting” has to “Just finish” by the end of August this year. We have around £100,000 to spend by the last day in August on recreational projects.
We have unsuccessfully attempted to purchase land to add to open space available for the people of Hykeham so we are now looking at each of the town parks to see how we can improve the facilities on them. The Parks and Recreations committee will be looking at proposals from play equipment companies who have visited all the parks and submitted plans on how to enhance them. If you wish to see and comment on what is being proposed please contact the Town Council Office.
As well as this being my last report of this council year it is also my last report of this council four year term. The May elections mark the retirement of several longstanding hard working councillors who have given their time freely for many years. As Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Committee I would like to thank them all for the contributions they have made.
Councillor Stephen Roe Committee Chairman.
Many items this time, starting with a very big thank you to all those very kind people who have taken the trouble to feed our resident swans, geese and ducks not to mention the coots and other stragglers who help clean up afterwards. Without your kindness we may have had many fatalities during the very cold arctic and snowy early winter we experienced late 2010.
Next I have been asked by the Chairman of Parks and Recreations Committee to make mention that the new play and exercise apparatus has been installed on the Memorial Field at no cost to the council tax payer as Lindum Construction offered to pay through 106 monies in lieu of open spaces on their latest development just off Newark Road.
On the Village Green we are now taking bookings for bands and other entertainers who wish to use the Performance Area during the summer months, the Vice Chairman will be writing more on this later.
This committee really came into its own at our last meeting when two very worried gentlemen had the opportunity to discuss face to face with the police and members there problems in the Chiltern Road area.
So if you are a member of an organisation why not join us and see if we can help in any way.
At last action on the George Fischer site as demolition has begun, there is considerable speculation as to how long this will take to complete. I believe wagers have been taken which range from 6, 8 and 12 months and one of two years to clear the site. I’m afraid we will just have to wait and see, but whatever your opinions of what comes next at least we are clearing a very ugly site for a new beginning.
Cllr Tony Hillier - Committee Chairman
After many delays a new clock has been fitted at All Saints Church. Designed to look traditional it is extremely modern inside with all the latest mechanics to keep it accurate. Rev Eyre asked me to publicise this as some of the money you gave for charity and good causes during my mayoral year was used for this purpose. The rest went to the Jazz Vehicle our very own youth band based at North Kesteven School.
The 5th of May sees the first concert organised by the Town Council for your entertainment on the Performance Area on the Village Green.
The Lincoln City Band will be playing a selection of popular numbers from 2pm to 4pm.
Some seating will be available but you may wish to bring a picnic and enjoy the spring sunshine.
The occasion is free and we hope many of you will support this new initiative.
If you know any bands which wish to use the area, please contact the Town
Council office.
The following have been elected unopposed for the next four years.
FORUM: Mrs JC Phillips, P Roe
MEMORIAL: AH Hillier, CR Jackling, W Lee.
WITHAM: J Bishop, Mrs S Sampson
MILL: Ms A Clarke, R Little, S Roe, Susannah Spencer.
MOOR: M Fields, M Reynolds, Diane Tebb.