Executive Sponsor – bill dunbar
Business Owner – Diana Gonzalez
Project Manager (its) – Vicki Gallegos
Project Manager (program) – Steve Hendrix
Original Plan Date: august 25, 2010
Revision Date: august 25, 2010
Revision: 1.0
Revision History
1.0 Project Overview
1.1Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
1.2 funding and sources
1.3 constraints
1.4 dependencies
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
2.3 Executive Reporting
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
3.2 Project exclusions
3.3 Critical Success Factors
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.2.1 Technical Strategy
4.2.3 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
4.2.4 Deliverable Acceptance Procedure
5.0 Project Work
5.1 Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
5.2 Schedule allocation -Project Timeline
5.3 Project Budget
5.4 Project Team
5.4.1 Project Team Organizational Structure
5.4.2 Project Team Roles and Responsibilities
5.5.1 Project Staff
5.5.2 Non-Personnel resources
5.6.1 Project Team Training
6.0 Project Management and Controls
6.1 Risk and issue Management
6.1.1 Risk Management Strategy
6.1.2 Project Risk Identification
6.1.3 Project Risk Mitigation Approach
6.1.4 Risk Reporting and Escalation Strategy
6.1.5 Project Risk Tracking Approach
6.2 INDEPENDENT Verification And Validation - Iv&V
6.3 Scope Management Plan
6.3.1 Change Control
6.4 Project Budget Management
6.4.1 Budget Tracking
6.5 Communication Plan
6.5.1 Communication Matrix
6.5.2 Status Meetings
6.5.3 Project Status Reports
6.6.1 Baselines
6.7.1 quality Standards
6.7.2 Project and Product Review AND ASSESSMENTS
6.7.3 Agency/Customer Satisfaction
6.8.1 Version Control
6.8.2 Project Repository (Project Library)
7. 0 Project Close
7.1 Administrative Close
7.2 Contract Close
Revision History
Revision Number / Date / Comment1.0 / August 25, 2010 / Initial Draft for Planning Phase
1.0 Project Overview
The Project Overview sets the stage for the details of the project and begins the “story” of the project and plan.
1.1Executive Summary- rationale for the Project
CYFD is requesting permission to use $899.5 in federal funding to replace the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) homes and centers system. The current MS Access database will be replaced with a web based solution, Enterprise Provider Information and Constituent Services (EPICS) – Phase I. Replacement of this system is part of an effort to consolidate multiple systems to state-of-the-art web based technology. Currently, the Early Childhood Services (ECS) Division has several “silo” databases that do not allow for automated sharing of data (which would help prevent errors and fraud), integration, streamlined and efficient payment processes, alignment and coordination between programs, efficiency in managing services to clients or for assuring the health and safety of children served. With the current CACFP system, the program is at high risk for error. If an error in reimbursement occurs, the Federal government requires that CYFD, as the state administering agency, reimburse USDA for the erroneous reimbursed amount. CYFD is responsible for back pay regardless of whether or not CYFD is able to recoup the erroneous reimbursement from the provider.
1.2 funding and sources
Source / Amount / Associated restrictions / ApproversFederal United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) State Administrative Expense (SAE)Re-allocation / $450,000 / Restricted to CACFP related activities and administration / CYFD Early Childhood Services
Federal Child Care Development Fund (CCDF) / $449,566 / Restricted to Child Care related activities and administration / CYFD Early Childhood Services
1.3 constraints
Constraints are factors that restrict the project by scope, resource, or schedule.
Number / Descriptionconstraint #1 / Funding Availability
constraint #2 / Priorities and existing support staff availability
1.4 dependencies
Types include the following and should be associated with each dependency listed.
- Mandatory dependencies are dependencies that are inherent to the work being done.
- D- Discretionary dependencies are dependencies defined by the project management team. This may also encompass particular approaches because a specific sequence of activities is preferred, but not mandatory in the project life cycle.
- E-External dependencies are dependencies that involve a relationship between project activities and non-project activities such as purchasing/procurement
Number / Description / Type M,D,E
1.0 / Requirements Definition / M
2.0 / System/GUI Design / M
3.0 / Software Development / M
4.0 / Unit Testing / M
5.0 / Quality Assurance Testing / M
6.0 / User Acceptance Testing / M
7.0 / Full Regression Testing / M
8.0 / Pre-implementation Tasks / M
9.0 / Implementation / M
10.0 / Post Implementation Tasks / M
Number / Description1.0 / No delays or issues with funding.
2.0 / Executive management will not change priorities
3.0 / Assigned staff will not leave during the project
1.6 Initial Project Risks Identified
Project Risks:
Risk 1 – Organizational
Description – Completion of deliverables within time period / Probability Medium / Impact7.5Mitigation Strategy – All project activities will be carefully managed by Project Manager(s) and project team using industry standard project management processes. Project scope will be clearly defined and requirements will be prioritized. Change Control will be monitored and managed by the project team using industry standard change control processes. All issues will be addressed immediately to minimize impact to project schedule.
Contingency Plan - Non-critical components of deliverables would be removed from critical path and implemented at a future date.
Risk 2 – Organizational
Description – Resources redirected or agency priorities changed / Probability Medium / Impact7.5Mitigation Strategy - Executive management and project management will need to have a clear understanding of the project deliverables and commit to the project and the resources required.
Contingency Plan - Any change to resources or project priority will directly impact deliverables and timelines. Both of these would need to be renegotiated if either changed.
Risk 3 – External
Description – Funding for the project may not be received timely / Probability Medium / Impact7.5Mitigation Strategy – CYFD will work closely with their federal partners to ensure project funds are made available to ITS in a timely manner.
Contingency Plan - Any change to funding availability will directly impact deliverables and timelines. Both of these would need to be renegotiated if either changed.
Risk 4 – Technical
Description – Requirements may not be fully defined impacting project schedule and project deliverables / Probability Medium / Impact7.5Mitigation Strategy – Project teams will work closely with business in certifying existing requirements during the project planning phase. The project team, which includes business partners, will remain intact during the entire project. Change control will make sure that any changes to the requirements are managed and tracked correctly.
Contingency Plan - Non-critical requirements added would be removed from the critical path and implemented at a future date.
Risk 5 – Planning
Description –CYFD field staff and CACFP Sponsors not trained to correctly utilize the system / Probability Medium / Impact7.5
Mitigation Strategy –CYFD Early Childhood Services Data Unit and Family Nutrition Bureau will partner in the training responsibilities of field staff and CACFP sponsor training. The Early Childhood Services Data Unit currently performs this function for all FACTS releases.
Contingency Plan - CYFD Early Childhood Services Data Unit and Family Nutrition Bureau would employ additional resources for training if necessary.
2.0 Project Authority and Organizational Structure
2.1 Stakeholders
name / Stake in Project / Organization / Titlebill dunbar / executive sponsor / cyfd / agency secretary
Diana gonzalez / CYFD compliance with federal and state mandates / cyfd / ECS Deputy Director
crawford spooner / CYFD compliance with DoIT and CYFD ITS standards / cyfd / ITS cio
steve hendrix / project management / cyfd / ECS
data manager
vicki gallegos / project management / cyfd / ITS applications development manager
2.2 Project Governance Structure
2.2.1 Describe the organizational structure – Org Chart
The Information Technology Change Control Committee (ITCCC) meets on a monthly basis to discuss the various on-going IT projects and their statuses. The ITCCC members include: CYFD CIO, ITS Applications Development Manager and CYFD program managers.
2.2.2 Describe the role and members of the project steering committee
steering committee member / rolecrawford spooner / CYFD CIO. Executive Management Project Oversight
steve hendrix / Early Childhood Services Data Manager. Project Management for Program
vicki gallegos / ITS Applications Development Manager. Project Manager for ITS
2.3 Executive Reporting
Project managers for the project report to the Executive sponsors of the project. All project reporting, including monthly DoIT project status reporting, will be shared electronically with Executive sponsors and project teams. The status on this project, as well as the status on all EPICSproject tasks, are shared and tracked at the monthly ITCCC meetings and weekly executive management meetings.
A communications plan will be created for this project and the plan will be maintained and monitored by the project manager(s) and project team to ensure communications.
3.0 Scope
3.1 Project Objectives
3.1.1 Business Objectives
Number / DescriptionBusiness
objective 1 / Ensure providers have background check clearances prior to commencing services by automating the approval process of a CACFP provider. This will be accomplished in part by role-based access in addition to securing the entry point of an individual into the system.
Objective 2 / Prevent inappropriate or duplicate CACFP participation with automated system cross-checks and the manual ability to cross-check the potential provider’s participation history with other CACFP Sponsoring Agencies.
Objective 3 / Cross-check a child’s current and historical participation.
Objective 4 / Ensure a streamlined and more efficient payment process by the ability/functionality to interface with the SHARE accounting system eliminating the need to create payment vouchers to accomplish provider payment. CYFD will coordinate this process with DoIT and DFA.
Objective 5 / Provide the system functionality for CACFP Sponsoring Agencies to submit menus on-line resulting in streamlined billing and payment.
3.1.2 Technical Objectives
Number / DescriptionTechnical Objective 1 / Implement a web based solution for CACFP.
Technical Objective 2 / Develop software that is flexible and reusable utilizing web services.
objective 3 / Develop software that is portable across various compatiblehardware/database web platforms.
objective 4 / Develop software that adheres to CYFD ITS standards, policies and procedures published in CYFD ITS internal documentation guides.
objective 5 / Develop software using existing CYFD ITS software development tools and infrastructure.
3.2 Project exclusions
This project will not address functionality outside of the scope of the CACFP Homes requirements and the CACFP Centers requirements.
3.3 Critical Success Factors
Number / DescriptionQuality Metrics 1 / The CACFP Homes and Centersapplication will meet all federal and state regulations. In addition, streamlining the workflow process will:
- Reduce the number of systems currently maintained to manage the CACFP program from 17 individual silo systems to one integrated system.
- Enhance and improve overall system performance by minimizing fraud and errors, which could result in federal sanctions and loss of federal revenue and improving data quality;
- To support the agency’s mission of enhancing the safety, dignity, and well being of children, youth and families in New Mexico by ensuring provider information is current and readily available;
- Enhance and improve service delivery to children, child care providers, CACFP Sponsoring Organizations by serving and supporting children and families in a responsive web based system of care that is client-centered and family-focused;
- Align CYFD in the direction with the State Social Services Architecture (SSA)/ Constituent Services Architecture (CSA);
- Improve CYFD Client Service delivery by providing a single point of provider entry for CYFD services.
Quality metrics 2 / Software developed is flexible and reusable utilizing web services.
Quality metrics 3 / Software developed is portable across variouscompatible hardware/database web platforms.
Quality metrics 4 / Software developed adheres to CYFD ITS standards, policies and procedures published in CYFD ITS internal documentation guides
4.0 Project Deliverables and methodology
4.1 Project Management Life Cycle
# / Deliverable / Description1 / Project Charter / Project Charter created and delivered to DoIT. Project Charter will be maintained in the project library.
2 / Project Certification Form / Project Certification created and delivered to DoIT. Project Certification form will be maintained in the project library.
3 / Project Management Plan / Project Management Plan for entire project will be created and maintained for the project. Project Management Plan will be maintained in the project library.
4 / IT Service Contracts / Professional Services RFP will be issued during planning phase. RFP will be awarded and Professional Services contract will be in place for implementation phase.
5 / Risk Assessment and management / Risk Assessment and Risk Management plan will be created and maintained in the project library.
6 / Monthly Project Status Reports to DoIT; IV&V Reporting / Monthly Project Status Reports will be created and submitted to DoIT on a monthly basis.
Initial, interim and closeout IV&V reports will be created and submitted to DoIT based on deliverables outlined in the IV&V contract. IV&V Reports will be maintained in the project library. Project Status Reports will be maintained in the project library.
7 / Project Closeout Report / Project Closeout form will be created and submitted to DoIT upon successful implementation of the project.
4.1.1 Project Management Deliverables
4.1.11Project Charter
Description:The Initiation phase will include the Project Charter as a main deliverable. This deliverable may be revised during planning. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Key project team members review for consensus.
Standards for Content and Format: Use of DoIT Project Charter template. Project Certification Form
Description:The Initiation phase will include the Project Certification Form as a main deliverable. This deliverable may be revised during planning. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Key project team members review for consensus.
Standards for Content and Format: Use of DoIT Project Certification Form template. Project Management Plan
Description:The Planning phase will include the initial version of the as a main deliverable. Project Management Plan will be the guide used throughout the project. It includes the scope, schedule, budget, Risk Management, Roles/Responsibilities of team members. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Key project team members review for consensus.
Standards for Content and Format: Use of DoIT Project Management Plan template. Service Contracts
Description:A Professional Services RFP will be released during the Planning Phase. The RFP will be awarded and the Professional Services contract in place by the Implementation Phase. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Agency, State Purchasing, DoIT and selected vendor(s).
Standards for Content and Format: Use of State Purchasing and DoIT Templates Assessment and Management
Description:A formal Risk Assessment and Risk Management Plan will be created during the planning phase. Risk will be reviewed and managed on a weekly basis throughout the project. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Key project team members review for consensus.
Standards for Content and Format: Use of formal Project Management Risk Management Template. Project Status Reports
Description:Project status reporting will include weekly internal project status reports distributed/reviewed by extended project team and project managers,weekly status reports to ITS management, weekly statusreports to CYFD Executive Management, monthly reporting to DoIT, and scheduled IV&V reporting. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Key project team members review for consensus. DoIT and IV&V Vendor.
Standards for Content and Format:
Monthly reporting to DoIT on DoIT template; IV&V reporting based on scope of work. Project Closeout Report
Description:Project Closeout Report will be created during the closeout phase of the project. Final IV&V Report will be issued during this phase of the project. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Executive Management, Project Managers. Sign-off by DoIT officially closes the project.
Standards for Content and Format:
Use of DoIT Project Closeout Report Template.
IV&V Close out report.
4.1.2 Deliverable Approval Authority Designations
Deliverable Number / Deliverable / Approvers (Who can approve) / Date Approved1 / Project Charter / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos / 6/2010
2 / Project Certification / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos / 6/2010
3 / Project Management Plan (PMP) / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos
4 / IT Service Contracts / Agency Contracts Section
Agency Legal
Bill Dunbar
Crawford Spooner
State Purchasing
Selected Vendor(s)
5 / Risk Assessment and Management / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos
6 / Project Status Reports / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos
IV&V Vendor
7 / Project Closeout Report / Diana Gonzalez
Crawford Spooner
Steve Hendrix
Vicki Gallegos
# / Phase / Summary of Phase / Key Deliverables1 / Requirements / Definition and documentation of EPICS business and technology requirements / Business Requirements Document
Technical Requirements Document
2 / Procurement / RFP process: develop and issuance of the RFP; evaluation of proposals; selection of vendor(s); negotiation of contract. / RFP; negotiated and signed Contract award or awards to perform work defined in scope of work.
3 / Design / Specifications for system design documenting business needs and technical specifications. / Design Specifications Document
Technical Specifications Document
4 / Build / Develop software. / Software developed according to Design Specifications
5 / Conversion / Preparation of specific data formats for conversion and migration to new system. / Conversion Mapping Document.
6 / Testing / Testing of software – Unit Testing, Quality Assurance, User Acceptance. / Test plans
7 / Training / Training on system – both technical, Help Desk and business users. / Training documentation
Online Help Guide
8 / Deployment / Deployment of system to all trained users, both internal external users/providers. / Software Deployed in Production
Deployment Documentation
4.2.1 Technical Strategy
- This project will replace the current CACFP MS Access Database with a web based solution utilizing web services.
- This project will leverage existing web infrastructure and web software development tools.
- This project will ensure software developed/database can be easily ported to various compatible web software/hardware platforms.
4.2.2 Product and Product Development Deliverables Requirements
Description:Detailed requirements documentation defining business requirements. Requirements will be logically grouped based on key functionality and entered into CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). Technical specifications regarding architecture, database and software development tools. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Program Project Team, Project Managers, Technical Project Team.
Standards for Content and Format: Use of standard requirements definition document. Use of CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). Use of technical specifications document. Procurement
Description:RFP Process; develop and issue the RFP, evaluate RFP, select vendor(s), award contract. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Agency, State Purchasing, DoIT and selected vendor(s).
Standards for Content and Format: Use of State Purchasing and DoIT Templates.
Description:Design will be based on requirements. Design will be based on requirements defined in CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine) and iterations of software will be planned for each main deliverable. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Program Project Team, Project Managers, Technical Project Team.
Standards for Content and Format:Use of Requirements Document. Use of CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine).
Description:Software will be developed for each software iteration defined in CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Program Project Team, Project Managers, Technical Project Team.
Standards for Content and Format:Use of Requirements Document. Use of CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine).
Description:Data from existing system will be converted for each software iteration defined in CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria:Approval by Program Project Team, Project Managers, Technical Project Team.
Standards for Content and Format:Use of Requirements Document. Use of CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). Testing
Description:For Each Software Iteration:
Unit Testing will be completed by the software developer. Quality Assurance Testing will be completed by the business analyst. User Acceptance Testing will be completed by program staff and selected external providers. / Deliverable Acceptance Criteria: Approval by Program Project Team, Project Managers, Technical Project Team.
Standards for Content and Format:Use of Requirements Document. Use of CYFD Web Project Management Tool (Redmine). Use of Test Plans. Training