North Hartsville Elementary School Supply List 16-17
“The Best School in the Universe”!
First Grade
No rolling bookbags, hand-held pencil sharpeners, binders, or Trapper Keepers!
__1 pair of children’s safety scissors
__4 boxes of crayons
__4 large glue sticks
__3 boxes of pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils)
__2 packs of cap erasers
__1 sturdy pencil pouch (no boxes)
__1 box of facial tissue
__3 marble (hard cover) composition notebooks
__1 dry ease marker
__4 pocket folders without prongs
__1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper
__1 pair of headphones in Ziploc bag (not earbuds)
__1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
__2 packs of large pink erasers
__1 box of Ziploc quart-sized bags (girls)
__1 box of Ziploc gallon-sized bags (boys)
$2.00 for Home/School Folder
Wish List
Clorox wipes, baby wipes, Lysol spray disinfectant, band-aids, individuallywrapped candy (no gum)
Second Grade
No rolling bookbags, hand-held pencil sharpeners, binders, or Trapper Keepers!
__1 pair of children’s safety scissors
__2 boxes of 24-count crayons
__1 box of facial tissue
__1 pack of glue sticks
__#2 Pencils with an eraser (no mechanical pencils)
__Extra pencil-top erasers
__4 two-pocket folders
__4 marble (hard cover) composition notebooks
__1 pair of headphones in Ziploc bag (with name) for computer lab
__1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
__1 zippered pencil pouch (no boxes, please)
__1 box of Ziploc quart-sized bags (Last name A-K)
__1 box of Ziploc gallon-sized bags (Last name L-Z)
$2.00 for Home/School Folder
Wish List
Baby wipes
Third Grade
Nopencil boxes, hand-held pencil sharpeners, binders, Trapper Keepers, or markers!
__1 pair of children’s scissors
__1 clipboard
__4 rolls of Scotch tape
__1 sturdy pencil pouch with zipper
__1 pack of wide-ruled notebook paper (unopened)
__2 packs of 24 count #2 pencils
__1 4-pack of thick dry erase markers
__1 pack ofpencil top erasers
__1 4-pack of yellow highlighters
__4 large or 8 small glue sticks
__1 bottle of glue
__2boxes of crayons
__7 marble (hard cover) composition notebooks
__2solid colored pocket folders
__1 box of facial tissue
__1 pair of headphones in Ziploc bag for computer lab
__1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
$2.00 for Home/School Folder
Wish List
Clorox wipes, individually wrapped candy (no gum), Ziploc quart and gallon bags
Fourth Grade
No hand-held pencil sharpeners, markers, pencil boxes, or Trapper Keepers!
__4 packs of wide-ruled notebook paper
__1 pair of scissors
__4 large glue sticks
__10 #2 pencils with erasers
__1 pack of thick dry erase markers
__4 rolls of Scotch tape
__1 box of colored pencils
__1 box of crayons
__1 1-inch binder
__10 multi-colored vinyl or plastic pocket folders with prongs
__7 marble (hard cover) compositionnotebooks
__1 box of facial tissue
__1 protractor
__2 packs of sticky notes
__1 large bottle of hand sanitizer
__1 pair of headphones in Ziploc bag for computer lab
$2.00 for Home/School Folder
Wish List
Ziploc gallon and quart bags, hand sanitizer, Clorox wipes
Fifth Grade
No hand-held pencil sharpeners, binders, or Trapper Keepers!
__7 marble (hard cover) notebooks (no spiral notebooks)
__Glue sticks
__1 roll of Scotch tape
__Wide-ruled notebook paper
__24#2 pencils with erasers (no mechanical pencils)
__1 pack of cap erasers
__1 pack of yellow highlighters
__1 box of Ziploc bags (any size)
__1 pair of scissors
__5 two-pocket folders with prongs
__1 pack of colored pencils
__24-packs of black dry erase markers
__1 box of facial tissue
__1 bottle of hand sanitizer
__1 pair of headphones in Ziploc bag for computer lab
$2.00 for Home/School Folder
Wish List
Baby wipes, Clorox wipes
Thank you for supporting your child by providing the materials needed for school! We appreciate it greatly!
Home/School Folder payments are made the first week of school to the teacher. Cash or checks made out to NHE are accepted.
Any donations of extra items are greatly appreciated. If you choose to supply extra items, you may deliver them to the school office.