NorthGeorgiaTechnicalCollege Board of Directors

Meeting Minutes

September 1, 2006


Don Jamison called the Board of Directors’ meeting to order at 9:25 a.m. in the Rock House at the Dillard House in RabunCounty.


Jeff Gooch

Don Jamison

Alice Ariail

Staff: Ruth Nichols, Tom Sommer, Mark Ivester, Mike King, Larry Culpepper, Sammy Howe, Vicki Nichols, Jim Watkins, Lynn Ward, Jeannie Barrett.


Kathy Blalock

Jeff Patterson

Joe Hatfield

Terry Wright

A. Invocation

Mr. Mark Ivester gave the invocation.

B. Approval of Minutes

Upon motion by Ms. Ariail, second by Mr. Gooch, the minutes of the August 2, 2006, Board of Directors’ meeting were approved by all.

C.Committee Reports

Administrative Services (presented by Jeff Gooch)

  • Tracy Sadler was selected to fill the Campus Police Officer vacancy. Vickie Jo Brown was selected to fill the Dining Hall Cook vacancy. The Technical Support Specialist position is still open.
  • The NGTC vehicle fleet was updated with two 2007 Chevrolet Malibu’s. Two worn out, high mileage vehicles were sent to state surplus to prevent an increase in the total number of vehicles in our fleet.
  • The relocation of our transportation programs to the new facility has begun. The relocation of Marine Engine is complete and the remaining programs will be completely moved no later than August 30. The old automotive building, Deaton Vardeman, is scheduled for asbestos abatement beginning September 5 and the demolition will take place the following week. Punch list issues such as grading, student center, and water pressure, among other items, still must be resolved.
  • The façade renovation to the MobleyAdministrationBuilding is near completion. Landscaping and a few additional punch list items remain open.
  • Instructional equipment is being ordered to place in the new Visual Arts facility. Classed are scheduled to start in the new facility winter quarter of 2007.
  • Conversion of the State of Georgiafinancial software, PeopleSoft, has not progressed well to this point. Due to that fact, financial statements are not available for this report.
  • The Department of Audits has scheduled an on site visit in September or October.

Blairsville Campus (presented by Larry Culpepper)

  • Dr. Ruth hosted a tomato sandwich lunch for faculty and staff on August 4.
  • A Big Band Dance benefiting NGTC’s Foundation was held on August 5 at the Blairsville Campus. Chef Instructor David Drake and four students prepared an assortment of cakes and desserts for the guests and Chef Instructor Al Tholen and four students presented the desserts and supported the event during the evening.
  • The BlairsvilleConferenceCenter hosted two events with over 160 people in attendance.
  • The Cosmetology Department students began taking appointments and working with the public this quarter.
  • Continuing Education served 38 students in 2 classes.
  • Marcie Culpepper presented a staff development program on telephone skills on July 28.

Currahee Campus (presented by Sammy Howe)

  • Ruth Nichols and Trudy Ayers conducted a needs survey to the Developmental Studies students on July 24, 25, and 27.
  • HEROES sold hotdog lunches during the month of May and collected $504 for Relay for Life. Renée Carroll, the Chairperson for Stephens County Relay for Life, accepted the check on July 19.
  • A visit to the GED students was made on Monday, August 7, to encourage them to enroll in a program after they receive or while they are completing their GEDs.
  • On August 3, the new name of the StudentCenter was celebrated. Dottie Dutton was the student who won the contest by naming the center Eagle’s Landing.
  • School supplies were collected by the PBL club, and Barbara Stevens, Stephens County School Social Worker, came to the campus to accept the donation. She was very impressed with the items.
  • There were 401 people attend events at the conference center.

Economic Development (presented by Judy Taylor)

  • Two Quick Start Signing Ceremonies have been conducted at the Currahee Campus. A ceremony for Global Partitions, an affiliate of GEM Industries, was held on August 1. Global Partitions has located in the facility formerly occupied by Gilbert and Bennett in Toccoa. Axis Products, manufacturer of trailer axles, had its signing on August 8.
  • A group of representatives from Georgia Power met with several NGTC people on August 14. The meeting was requested by Georgia Power to discuss NGTC becoming a training site for linemen. Currently the only technical college training site is at South Georgia Tech. Georgia Power committed to a program at NGTC before leaving and planned a next-step meeting with other utilities at NGTC on September 12 to determine if other partners will commit to the program.
  • On August 15, Judy Taylor and Ruth Nichols attended a luncheon/meeting at the Currahee Campus for Quick Start and the Stephens County Development Authority hosting a prospective company. If the company, a manufacturer of windows, locates in Toccoa, 250 to 300 jobs will be created.
  • September 14 Seminar at Currahee Campus, Becoming a Customer-Focused Organization. This will be jointly hosted by Georgia Tech and NGTC. Corporate-level speakers from Caterpillar, IBM, and Coca-Cola are scheduled. The key-note speaker is a nationally known author with Georgia Tech.

Institutional Effectiveness (presented by Vicki Nichols)

  • Established COC Leadership Team and held first meeting on August 18. The COC Leadership Team will be conducting an audit of all COC required/expected written policies, procedures, statements, and plans in order to gauge the college’s compliance with those items in preparing to complete the required Compliance Certification report.
  • Implemented a new Graduating Student Survey to gauge graduates’ satisfaction with programs and services in order to continually improve those services.
  • Revised the Annual Plan format for the Administrative and Educational Support (AES) units to include the assessment of expected outcomes and to strengthen the tie of unit objectives to the budget.
  • Conducted staff development for the AES Units on August 25 to discuss the new format and to help them develop a draft of their FY07 Annual Plan.
  • Dr. Ann Chard from COC will visit the Clarkesville Campus on August 23 and meet with our COC Leadership Team to discuss the Compliance Certification.

Instructional Services (presented by Alice Ariail)

  • Kim Kimbrell was hired as the Cosmetology Instructor effective October 1, 2006.
  • The faculty developed FY07 Annual Plans for their programs.
  • The annual Chicken and Grits will be held on October 10. The program advisory boards meet at that time.
  • The Nail Technician TCC for the Blairsville Campus is almost ready for approval.

Student Services (presented by Mike King)

  • Shannon Hill resigned her position as Financial Aid Specialist,and Brenda Speed resigned her position as Director of Student Services effective July 7.
  • NGTC received approval notification for the Appalachian Regional Commission grant application submitted for $129,000 to develop agri-tourism strategies. This will include developing hydroponics, organics, and vineyard technician programs of study.
  • A grant application for $84,000 in Stay-in-School grant funds was submitted. We were notified that NGTC would receive an award – the exact amount will be determined later.
  • Recruitment efforts included the following: Fruit of the Loom Plant, Stephens County High School Automotive Classroom, White County Business Expo, UnionCountyHigh School, Habersham Ninth Grade Academy Honors Day, Fairview Elementary Career Day, Hispanic Recruitment Committee, and Habersham Hills Advertiser’s Appreciation Day.
  • Student Services will continue staffing of the transition center at the Fruit of the Loom plant through August 2006.

Chair’s Report

  • Reservations have been made for the Leadership Conference in Savannah. All Board members are to notify Lynn Ward of their arrival and departure times/dates.
  • Photographs will be made at the next meeting which will be October 4.

President’s Report

  • GED Graduation will be held on September 19, 2006, in the Gym. This is a change from our normal procedures. This year there will only be one graduation for all seven counties.
  • Commencement is September 21, 2006.
  • Chicken & Grits will be held on October 10 at the ball field.
  • Recruiting efforts have increased dramatically. Every student in every school in every county has received a flyer from NGTC promoting enrollment in programs. Booths have been manned at fairs.
  • Heavy Diesel Mechanics has begun at NGTC. This program is being supported by Caterpillar.
  • Additional evening programs have been added at the Clarkesville Campus for Auto Maintenance and Detail.
  • At our next State Board Meeting on September 7, 2006, a few of the issues we will discuss include vote on Massage Technician, NGTC has been exploring growth in all program areas and assessment of interest in the community.
  • Ruth Nichols introduced her new assistant, Lynn Ward and welcomed Vicki Nichols as the newest member of the Admin Team.
  • Photographs of Board Members will be made at the next Board Meeting.


Mr. Jamison adjourned the meeting at 10:02 a.m. The next meeting will be October 4, at NGTC in the Dining Hall Annex.

Minutes submitted by:______

Ruth R. Nichols, President


Approved by:______

Don Jamison, Chair

NGTC Board of Directors