The BHASD Explore program has been created for all students K-8. It is rooted in but not limited to the STEM subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and is taught using the Four C’s of STEM (Critical thinking, collaboration, communication and creativity). During Explore class students are asked to work collaboratively within small groups to solve a problem based on real world application using communication, critical thinking and creativity. Through hands on inquiry based learning, students are encouraged to learn by doing and never give up trying.
Grade 1 Description
In Grade 1, instructional time focuses on four main areas:
- Introduction to the 4 C’s of STEM, Communication, Collaboration, Critical Thinking and Creativity and learning to work cohesively within a small group.
- Introduction to simple machines through the use of hands-on interlocking brick kits.
- Introduction to coding. Students will begin the unit by coding offline and will then progress to online coding activities and then program robots.
- Introduction to the engineering design process. Students will plan, imagine, create, and improve upon an invention sketch and bring it to, “life,” by building a 3-D prototype of it.
Grade 1 Units:
- Unit 1: STEM Challenges
- Unit 2: Early Simple Machines
- Unit 3: Coding and Robotics
- Unit 4: Explore Fair
Subject: Explore / Grade: 1st / Suggested Timeline: 1 period per 6 day Cycle
Unit Title:
STEM Challenges
Unit Overview/Essential Understanding:
In this unit, students will be re-introduced to the 4 C’s of STEM (Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity). They will work within small groups to solve challenges based on the STEM philosophies that are rooted in but not limited to the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. While problem solving, students will be asked to exemplify each of the 4 C’s as they attempt to meet the criteria of the given challenge.
Unit Objectives:
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
- Define STEM as consisting of but not limited to the subjects of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math
- Define the 4 C’s of STEM education
- Work collaboratively within a small group to solve a problem
- Use critical thinking to help solve a problem
- Communicate ideas and suggestions
- Use creativity to help solve a problem
Focus Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups
- CC.2.4.1.A.1 Order lengths and measure them both indirectly and by repeating length units
Important Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- Communicating ideas in a small group setting comes easily
- It’s not okay to question others ideas
- STEM Philosophy
- The 4 C’s of STEM
- Problem solve with peers
- Work collaboratively within a group of peers.
- Define displacement
- Knowledge of the engineering design process
- Understand gravity and forces in motion
- Engineering/design through tower and bridge building
- Use observation and problem solving to develop a solution for the honey bee crisis
- Create and build model boats that can sail and withstand weight
- Design a package that will keep a pumpkin safe from a fall
- Use creativity and critical thinking to design a car that can travel down a ramp
- Use measurement to determine length and width
Building on the skills they learned in Kindergarten, first grade students will be asked to work collaboratively within small groups to complete building challenges based on problems that have originated through literature or real world observation. They will have to use team work and the engineering design process to build a bridge and a noodle tower. They will learn about displacement by building a model boat that will float and carry a load. They will investigate the honeybee crisis and how honey bees live in order to try and help solve the problem. Students will experiment with gravity by designing a package that will keep a pumpkin safe from a fall as well as build a car that will go down a ramp being powered by gravity alone.
- Teacher observation of students ability to collaborate, communicate, and use critical thinking and creativity within a small group setting
- Completion of given challenges
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Science: Engineering design process, biology and species preservation, weight and matter
Math: Measurement, estimation, weight, volume
Language Arts: Children’s literature
Social Studies: Focus a real world problems that need to be solved / Additional Resources:
- file:///C:/Users/kelwom/Downloads/STEMEngineeringChallengesPackFairyTalesSet2SetofFive.pdf
Subject: Explore / Grade: 1 / Suggested Timeline: 1 period per 6 day cycle
Unit Title:
Early Simple Machines
Unit Overview/Essential Understanding:
In this unit, students will develop an understanding of the science of simple machines through investigation and hands on activities. They will work with a partner to build various simple machines using interlocking bricks early simple machines building kits.
Unit Objectives:
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
- Build a car launcher that has a working wheel and axle
- Understand friction
- Identify an inclined plane
- Read scales to measure distance
- Understand how a pulley drive effects gearing
- Investigate forces
Focus Standards Addressed in this Unit:
Important Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- CC.1.5.K.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups
- Force does not affect distance
- Substituting parts will not change your building outcome
- Work collaboratively with peers
- Understanding of simple machines
- Follow step by step instructions
- Recognize a lever
- Recognize a pulley
- Recognize a gear
- Define force
- Working collaboratively to successfully complete the LEGO building challenge
- Ability to follow step by step instructions
- Investigate wheel and axels and force through the building of a car launcher
- Investigate distance and measurement through the building of a measuring car
- Investigate gearing, forces, and levers though the building of an ice hockey player
- Investigate pulley drive and gearing through the building of Sam’s new dog
In this unit, students will work collaboratively with their building partner to build a car launcher to investigate the effect of distance and force. They will build a measuring car and use it to determine the length of different classroom objects. The building of an ice hockey player will allow them to observe how levers work. At the end they will build Sam’s new dog. During this build they will use gears and a pulley system. Through the building process, they will learn about different types of simple machines with an emphasis on pulley’s and wheel and axels. They will use the simple machines building kits and build cards to do this.
- Teacher observation of completion of building challenge
- Ability to communicate and collaborate with building partner
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Math: Measuring, timing, counting, estimating, using standard and non-standard units
Science: Using simple equipment and tools to gather information, communicate investigations and explanations, describing way of movement, pushes and pulls
Engineering: Modeling in two or three dimensions, testing and evaluating
Technology: Constructing and testing, making improvements, discovering how things work, energy comes from many different forms / Additional Resources:
Subject: Explore / Grade: 1st / Suggested Timeline: I period per 6 day cycle
Unit Title:
Coding and Robotics
Unit Overview/Essential Understanding:
In this unit, students will be re-introduced to computer coding and robotics through the use of unplugged, online, and hands-on coding activities. They will build on their prior knowledge of algorithms, programming, and de bugging and will be introduced to looping, programming images, and animation.
Unit Objectives:
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
- Express movement as a series of commands
- Order movement commands as sequential steps in a program
- Represent an algorithm as a computer program
- Create a program to complete an image using sequential steps
- Create a program to draw a shape using sequential steps
- Convert a series of multiple actions into a single loop
- Identify the benefits of using a loop as opposed to single step commands
- Create a program that loops a command
- Create an animated interactive story using sequence and loops
Focus Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- CL.L1:3-02. Work cooperatively and collaboratively with peers teachers, and others using technology
- CT. L1:3-01. Use technology resources (e.g., puzzles, logical thinking programs) to solve age appropriate problems
- CPP.L1:6-05. Construct a program as a set of step-by-step instructions to be acted out
- CPP.L1:6-06. Implement problem solutions using a block-based visual programming language
- CT.L2-01. Use the basic steps in algorithmic problem solving to design solutions
- CT.L2-06. Describe and analyze a sequence of instructions being followed
- CT.L2-08. Use visual representations of problem states, structures, and data
Important Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- Using a loop instead of single sequential steps is always beneficial
- Collaboration
- Problem solving
- Computing practice
- Programming
- Creativity
- Pixels
- Loop
- Program
- Image
- Animation
- Work collaboratively using pair programming to complete a task
- Use problem solving skills to write a program that will complete a task
- Understand the importance of using a loop
- Use a loop correctly in a program instead of sequential one step commands
- Create a program that will complete an image based on number of pixels moved
- Create a program that will tell a story using animation
Students will use pair programming to complete their lessons in this unit. With their partner they will write a program that successfully completes a given task. They will then learn about pixels and create a program that can finish drawing an image based on number of pixels moved. Building on what they learned in the previous lesson students will be asked to create a program that can draw an image they have designed. They will also learn the importance of using a loop instead of giving repeated one step commands or to repeat a single task. Finally, they will write a program that tells a story through animation.
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Math- cardinal directions, sequential order, geometric shapes
Art- Drawing images / Additional Resources:
Subject: Explore / Grade: 1st / Suggested Timeline: I period per 6 day cycle
Unit Title:
Explore Fair
Unit Overview/Essential Understanding:
Students will be asked to work with a partner or team to design and create a STEM project that they will be able to show at the end of year Explore Fair. They will follow the engineering design process to turn and invention sketch into a 3-D model or prototype. This is a culminating unit where student choice and ingenuity is encouraged. As first grade student’s they will also have the option to build upon or re-design their invention from kindergarten if they choose.
Unit Objectives:
At the end of this unit students should be able to:
- Work collaboratively within a small group
- Design and sketch an invention that solves a real world problem
- Create a materials list necessary for project completion
- Build a 3-D model/prototype using classroom materials and recyclables
- Make improvements/redesign model if necessary
- Orally present/share the value your invention adds or brings to society
Focus Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- CC.2.3.1.A.1 Compose and distinguish between two- and three dimensional shapes based on their attributes
- CC.1.5.1.A Participate in collaborative conversations with peers and adults in small and larger groups
Important Standards Addressed in this Unit:
- Distinction between fair and unfair games
- Use the engineering design process
- Create and build models in 3-Dimensional form
- Work collaboratively within groups of peers
- Orally present in front of peers
- Make improvements to design
- Game Creation and playing
- Invention sketch
- Selection of group project
- Formation of materials list
- Building of 3-D model or prototype
- Re-design or additional changes and improvements to 3-D model or prototype
- Oral presentation of project
- Display project at Explore Fair
Students will start off this unit by being asked to create their own game. After the first two lessons, students will then be asked to reflect back on the previous units and decide a general direction they wish to pursue for their end of year Explore Fair project while all the while keeping in mind it must somehow better/help society. They may also choose to build/ improve upon the project they began in kindergarten. Once they have decided what they are basing their project off of, they must then create an invention sketch that will depict their design. After sketching, students pair up with at least one other person and determine whose invention they are going to, “bring to life.” Once decided, groups should create a list of needed materials and then begin the building/construction phase of the project. Students will also be encouraged to re-design and improve upon their original design. Once completed, groups must come up with a short presentation they can share with the class to explain their project.
- Teacher observation of student’s ability to communicate, collaborate, and use critical thinking and creativity within a small group.
- Completion of final project to display at the Explore Fair
Interdisciplinary Connections:
Math- 3-Dimensional shapes
Science- Engineering design process
Social Studies- Recognizing and making connections to real world problems / Additional Resources: