Excellence in Concrete 2010
North Dakota Ready Mix & Concrete Products Association Awards
Category: Bike Path (with Pedestrian Bridge)
Drain 27 Pedestrian Bridge
Fargo, ND
Executive Project Summary:
The City of Fargo selected Ulteig to provide engineering services for the Drain 27 Pedestrian Bridge located in south Fargo in the Osgood area. This pedestrian bridge connects the existing shared use path along the west side of Drain 27 and the proposed shared use path along 52nd Avenue South.
The preliminary engineering effort included an analysis of the existing conditions and alternative locations for the pedestrian bridge. A project concept report was prepared which included a hydrologic and hydraulic analysis and report, Class III cultural resource study, a geotechnical analysis and report, and a decision document for the bridge/path alternative selection. The preliminary engineering effort also included an analysis of a 20-degree skewed bridge vs. a perpendicular bridge alternative.
Prefabricated and cast-in-place superstructure alternatives were explored. Ultimately, the bridge was designed with a 135-foot cast-in-place concrete deck supported mid-depth by a pair of prestressed concrete I-beams that also serve as curb/rails for the bridge. This design presented an interesting challenge in adapting the bridge I-beams to a use in which the top of the flange is not supported laterally by the bridge deck. Another design challenge was implementing the 20-degree skewed preferred alignment of the new bridge.
The concrete multi-use approach path was designed to maintain a minimum radius of 100 feet where possible and is approximately 1,200 feet in length. Ornamental railing was designed to provide both safety and some aesthetic appeal to the new structure.
Construction of the pedestrian bridge and related multi-use path was completed in 2009. Ulteig provided construction administration and observation, as well as construction staking.
Related Project Quantities Include:
4” Concrete Trail 1340 SY
Structural Concrete 128 CY
Reinforcing Steel 18,112 LF
Steel Piling 1,524 LF
72” Pre-stressed I-Beam 263 LF
Bridge Concrete Deck 52 CY
Bridge Pedestrian Railing 270 LF
Pedestrian Railing 85 LF
Cost: Engineer’s Estimate = $408,000 Low Bid = $445,000