North Dakota Department of Emergency Services

Division of Homeland Security

PO Box 5511

Bismarck, ND 58506-5511


Federal Fiscal Year 2016 / 2017

Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness

Grant Application


Applicant Name: Agency DUNS #:


City: State: ND Zip Code:




City: State: ND Zip Code:

Telephone #: 701-- Cell #: 701--

Fax #: 701-- Email:


The LEPC reviewed the project:


Total HMEP Grant Dollars Requested: $

Total Local Match $

Jurisdictional Representation: Does this proposal represent:

A single responder agency Multiple responder agencies

A county-wide effort A multi-county effort

A regional effort Other (explain): ______


STATEMENT OF WORK: Provide a full description of the project. See the Grant Guidance for definition or details in completing the sections.

Needs Assessment:

Broad Description of Project (planning and training activities:

Year Two (FY17/18) Activities (optional):

Year Three (FY18/19) Activities (optional):

Objective 1:

Outputs for Objective 1:

Objective 2:

Outputs for Objective 2:

(If you have additional Objectives/Outputs you may include them in an attachment)

The proposed training falls under which of the following curriculum categories:

Awareness Hazardous Material Code Enforcement

Hazardous Waste Incident Command System

Response Training Emergency Medical Training

Operations Public Outreach

Storage & Handling Technician

Hazardous Materials Response Team Training

Verify and explain that the training meets the standard within the core competencies of NFPA 472. A summary of the standards/competencies may be found on the DES website under the Hazardous Materials Emergency Preparedness Grant section. Be specific and identify which standard(s) apply:

Estimated Date(s) of Training:

Location of Training:

Anticipated # of Participants:

Indicate whether the training will be:

Classroom Field Classroom & Field

If the proposal includes an exercise/drill please indicate if it will be:

Tabletop Functional Full-Scale

Project Time Line:

Monitoring Provide a description of the monitoring and evaluation activities that will be conducted to ensure that the grant activities are successfully carried out:

BUDGET: Complete “Budget Form” located on web site with the application and guidance.

BUDGET NARRATIVE: Provide an explanation/calculation how you came up with your total expenses (see Grant Guidance for details on the Budget Narrative):

Training Expenses

32.1.1 Contractor --

32.1.2 Travel/Per Diem --

32.1.3 Materials & Supplies--

32.1.4 Leases --

32.1.7 Meeting Room Rental --

32.1.8 Other

Exercise Expenses

33.1.1 Contractor --

33.1.2 Travel/Per Diem --

33.1.3 Materials & Supplies --

33.1.7 Meeting Room Rental --

33.1.4 Leases --

33.1.8 Other --

Planning Expenses

30.1.1 Contractor --

30.1.2 Travel/Per Diem --

30.1.3 Materials & Supplies --

30.1.7 Meeting Room Rental --

30.1.4 Leases --

30.1.8 Other --

Note: If your project is approved, you will be required to provide documentation to support in-kind match expenses when requesting reimbursement. In-kind match expenses must be verifiable.


All HMEP Grant Applications must be received by DES no later than 4:30 p.m. on April 1, 2016. No late applications will be considered.

You may mail the application to: For Assistance call:

ND Department of Emergency Services Karen Hilfer

Division of Homeland Security 701-328-8100

P.O. Box 5511

Bismarck, ND 58506-5511

Attn: Karen Hilfer FAX: 701-328-8181

Or, email to

Or fax to: 701-328-8181, Attn Karen Hilfer

An original signature is required. If you email the application you must in addition sign and then scan and email, fax, or mail the following Certification.


We, the undersigned, hereby certify

·  The above grant request will be utilized in accordance with federal and state laws and regulations to provide training for the jurisdictions defined on a 80-20 basis with non-federal resources;

·  The above grant request does not supplant other funds; and

·  The jurisdiction has completed all EPCRA requirements


Agency Name


Signature of Applicant Date


Signature of Fiscal Authority Date