Teacher: Sharon Hogan

Subject: Personal Finance

Unit Plan: Cash Flow 101

Key Learning: Students will learn how to be the masters of their money.
Unit Essential Question: How do I invest money during my working years to provide enough income for myself and my family to live our dream life during my retirement years? (How do I make my money work for me, instead of me working for my money?)
The Rat Race / Concept:
The Fast Track / Concept:
Living the Dream
Lesson Essential Questions:
What is your occupation?
What is your income?
What are your expenses?
How much money do you have available each month to make investments? / Lesson Essential Questions:
What is your dream?
How much does your dream cost?
What is passive income?
To which charitable causes should I give a portion of my income?
Should I invest in stocks and mutual funds? / Lesson Essential Questions:
When can you afford to quit your job?
Do I continue to donate to charitable causes?
How do I maintain my lifestyle during retirement?
Vocabulary: asset; automated business; balance sheet; capital; capital gain/loss; cash flow; cash offer vs financed offer; CCR; certificate of deposit (CD); dividend; Doodads; down payment; foreclosure; government savings bond; income statement; inflation; IPO; liability; limited partnership; mortgage; mutual fund; passive income; REIT; ROI; shares split; stock share; tax lien; 1031 tax-deferred exchange; the market; trading range
This activity will take three block periods.
Date / Activity
3/6/15 / Day 1 – Assign student groups. Review rules of game and account sheets for record keeping. Students begin playing Cash Flow 101. Choose an Occupation card. Record income and expenses for beginning of the game. Track income and record changes after each turn.
3/9/15 / Day 2 –Play continues from class on yesterday. Students will try to get out onto the Fast Track today to achieve their dreams.
3/10/15 / Day 3 --Students write an essay about their personal game experience using the rubric for a two-page business paper.
1)  Did you enjoy playing the game? Explain your likes and dislikes?
2)  What was your occupation and how much annual income did you earn?
3)  Were you successful at reaching your dream?
4)  What was your best investment? Did it double/triple/more in value?
5)  Describe any financial setback or disaster you had to live through.
6)  What is the most important money management concept you learned from the game?
10 pts. Each Item
1 / Reports are to be at least two pages in length.
2 / Name, date, and class period should appear in the footer of the paper.
3 / Title of the report (or topic) should be stated in all CAPS on the 1” line.
4 / A QS should follow the title before the first body paragraph.
5 / Margins are to be set at 1” on Left, Right, Top, and Bottom.
6 / Typed DS; size 12 font; Times New Roman or Arial.
7 / Answer the following questions in detail within the contents of your essay:
(10 pts. each question)
1)  Did you enjoy playing the game? Explain your likes and dislikes?
2)  What was your occupation and how much annual income did you earn?
3)  Were you successful at reaching your dream?
4)  What was your best investment? Did it double/triple/more in value?
5)  Describe any financial setback or disaster you had to live through.
6)  What is the most important money management concept you learned from the game?
8 / Last paragraph is summary of report that offers definite or possible solution to problem, or your opinion of topic/presentation.
9 / Paper should be grammar checked and spell checked before printing final draft.
Total Points (140 possible)