Kappa Kappa Psi

North Central District Council

Separate Meeting Minutes

September 2nd, 2001

I.Call to Order: 10:45 AM

A.Location: Residence of Brooke Hensley-Marschand

B.Officers Present:

1.President Rod Whiteman

2.Vice-President for Colonization and Membership: Tucker Ranft

3.Secretary-Treasurer: Pete Mast

4.Governor: Malinda Matney

II.Previous Meeting Minutes:

A.Will be sent via email

III.Old Business

A.Hass Grant

1.The surplus not used for chapters was used by council for national expenses

2.Mrs. Hass will get a Thank-You note from the district

3.We will ask the grant recipients to also send a Thank You note

B.Reconcile National Expenses

1.Rod paid for Bowling Shirts

2.Tucker paid for the first hotel

3.Pete paid for the convention hotel

4.What everyone needs to be squared away:

a)Rod: $10 to Pete
b)Tucker: $40 to Rod
c)Nick: $30 to Tucker, $60 to Pete, $50 to Rod

C.Current Programs

1.Push the Golden Gas Can

2.Remind Nick to send a monthly reminder about the Golden Gas Can

IV.New Business

A.President Conference

1.Will happen as long as a reasonable number of presidents are there

2.Will need presidents to RSVP

3.Workshop ideas for President’s Conference:

a)Superior Achievement Award (Rod)
b)Report writing and deadlines (Malinda)
c)Developing Leadership in chapters
d)Maintaining a High Level of Involvement as President
e)Information Resources (Pete)
f)Matt Voress’s Database
g)Creating & Maintaining Effective Committee Structure (Pete)
h)Will finalize this all by Sept. 15th

B.Convention Reform

1.Committee Restructure

a)Credentials & Resolutions gone:
(1)Host chapter takes Credentials – Pete will supervise
(2)Possibly include resolutions in a banquet program
b)Strategic Committees?
(1)Move that direction, but don’t go off the “deep end”

2.Archive presentations

a)Bring in Scott Stowell

C.Alpha Chapter asking for commissioning contributions in memory of brothers from plane incident

1.Decided to donate $200

D.Phi Mu Alpha

1.We should ask for a presentation

2.Honorary membership to the Phi Mu Alpha’s President

a)We will pay for hotel, banquet, and registration

b)Derek Mills will pay for membership cost

c)Decision for it to NOT be a surprise

E.Derek Mill’s father has been awarded the Silver Baton for his help in the National Ritual

V.Officer Reports


1.By the 15th a mailing will be sent out including:

a)Chapter Contact Form (needed for Superior Achievement award)

b)Information on the Charles Hass Award

c)District Contact Information

d)Information on the Superior Achievement Award

e)Note: Chapters will be required to claim their national email account for Sup. Ach.


1.Need to get Membership Education Manuals from Chapters

2.New Colonies

a)Will talk to Mike Osborn

b)Need to find procedure about talking to the schools

3.Potential Schools for new colonies:

a)Northern Kentucky

b)Western Kentucky

c)Grand Valley

d)University of Michigan – Flint

e)University of Wisconsin – LaCrosse


1.No Report


1.Check requests have been sent for National Convention costs, hopefully checks will arrive soon.

2.We made $637 on fundraising at convention

3.Definitely above what was budgeted for merchandise in the budget

4.Ideas for new merchandise:

a)Cell phone plates


5.Fundraising committee

a)Has not met

b)Hasn’t been productive, or self-directed


1.The NCD was represented very well at convention

a)Especially by the officers

b)Received many comments from people across the nation

2.Governors are now included in the strategic planning after convention

3.Nationals are considering closing books on new initiates on June 1st next year

4.Unofficially, the NCD gets the National Convention in 2005

VI.Council Improvement Activity

VII.Personal Updates

VIII.Meeting Closed