Application for State FFA Degree
Application must be received in the State FFA Office no later than 5:00 pm on April 6th 2012 . Please mail to:
Mr. Jason Davis, State FFA Coordinator, North CarolinaStateUniversity, Box 7654, Raleigh, NC27695-7654.
Section One: Personal Data
NameJohn Doe ChapterSouthCountyFFA
Address123 Oak St.AnytownNC22222
Street or PO BoxCityState Zip
Email address: ______
Date of Birth8/26/83 Present Age17 Years of Ag. Ed. completed3
Year in school or year of graduationjunior Total active FFA membership in months36
Year Greenhand Degree awarded2000 Year Chapter FFA Degree awarded2001
Section Two: Candidate’s Involvement in FFA activities (to be completed by FFA Advisor)
- Has the candidate demonstrated skill in performing XYesNo
ten parliamentary procedure abilities?
- Has the candidate delivered a six minute speech onXYesNo
an agricultural topic?
- Has the candidate participated in the planning andXYesNo
completion of the chapter program of activities?
List FFA offices held and/or FFA committee participation of the candidate. / Level of FFA participation / YearJunior Vice President / Chapter / 2000-01
Banquet Committee / Chapter / 2000-01
Reporter / Federation / 2002-03
Secretary / Region / 2002-03
List five (5) FFA activities above the chapter level that the candidate has participated in. / Level of FFA participation / Year
Tool ID CDE / State / 2000
National Convention / National / 2001
FFA Camp / State / 2001
FFA Children’s Barnyard / Federation / 2002
Fall Leadership Conference / Region / 2002
Section Three: Candidate’s Supervised-Agricultural Experience Program
Note:In sections A, B, and C on the back of the page – Complete only those which apply to your SAE.
Brief Description of the Candidate’s Supervised Agricultural Experience Program
John has two different SAE’s: honey bees and lawn care. John owns three stands of honey bees. He manages the stands and collects honey in the spring and in the summer. He packs the honey himself and sells it throughout his local community.
John also landscapes and mows his yard and his grandmother’s yard. He works throughout the year to maintain the landscapes. John plants flowers, prunes trees and shrubs, mows, and collects leaves. He is not paid for these hours of work.
Net Worth SummaryColumn A / End of First year/ Dec. 31, __1999___
Column B / End of First year/ Dec. 31, __2000___
Column C / End of First year/ Dec. 31, __2001___
Column D / End of First year/ Dec. 31, __2002___
Column E / End of First year/ Dec. 31, _____
Column F
- Total Income
- Total Expense
- Net Income
- Amount
Invested / $0 / $170 / $210 / $380
Total Amount Productively Invested (Sum of line 4 in columns B through F). $ 760
Year / Job title or Type of Work / Total Hours Worked / Gross Earnings / Total Expenses / Net EarningsUnpaid / Paid / Total
1999 / Landscaping / 38 / 38 / $0 / $0 / $0
2000 / Landscaping / 110 / 110 / $0 / $0 / $0
2001 / Landscaping / 134 / 20 / 154 / $100 / $0 / $100
2002 / Landscaping / 95 / 32 / 127 / $160 / $0 / $160
TOTALS / 377 / 52 / 429 / $260 / $0 / $260
C.Analytical / Experimental
Year / Description of Research/ Analytical Activity / Summary of the Results / Total Hours Worked(Use additional pages of necessary) / (Use additional pages of necessary)
Minimum Qualifications: The candidate must have earned and productively invested $1,000 or worked at least 300 hours in excess of scheduled class time, or a combination thereof, in a supervised agricultural experience program. Records to substantiate the above figures may be requested by the State FFA Coordinator.
Section Four: Community Service
Activity / Number of HoursRoad Side Clean Up / 8
PALS Program / 17
Minimum Qualifications: The candidate must have participated in two projects totally atleast twenty
Section Five: Certifications
- I hereby certify that the candidate has a satisfactory scholastic record. SIGNED
Principal (Signature)
- We hereby certify that the statements on this application are true, accurate and complete and we are able to recommend the candidate for the State FFA Degree.
Chapter Advisor (Signature)Chapter President (Signature)
- We hereby certify this application to be true and accurate.
Parent or Guardian (Signature)Candidate (Signature)