DATE:February 1, 2012


Bill Mills, President Will Smith, Area 2 VP

Mark Griffin, SecretaryDebbie Foster, Area 3 VP

Paul Farr, Treasurer

Fred Joyner, National CommitteemanR C Coburn, Member-at-Large

Ron Davidson, Immed. Past PresidentEd Mullis, Member-at-Large

Charles Holder, President of NCIFAFBill Gribble, Member-at-Large

Ken Morgan, Executive Director

Guests: Jeanenne Mumford; Matt Stone; Juli McNeely, NAIFA Trustee

Absent: Jim Coviello, President-elect; Glenn Deal, Area 4 VP; Rhonda Cobb, Area 1 VP; Todd Grantham, Member-at-Large


The meeting was called to order at 1:00 PM by President Bill Mills with invocation by Mark Griffin.

Minutes of Last Meeting

MOTION by Farr, SECONDED by Holder, and APPROVED the minutes of the October 5, 2011 meeting.

NAIFA Trustee Report

Juli McNeely from Wisconsin is serving as our NAIFA Trustee liaison for the current year. Juli updated the Board on the recent recommendations of the NAIFA Board and Blue Ribbon Task Force. There are three major areas that will be considered by the Delegates at the 2012 Convention in Las Vegas. Elections will be based on a recommended slate with one nominee per vacancy, dues increases will only need Board approval, and a major overhaul of the organizational structure of NAIFA. The NAIFA Board will be finalizing the items to be voted on at its April meeting and the States and Locals will be notified of the specific items in July. Extensive discussions were held on the impact of the changes.

Action Between Meetings: NONE

Treasurers Report

Treasurer Paul Farr reviewed the tentative Balance Sheet Comparison for Assets and Liabilities for 7-1-11 compared to 1-10-12; the Account Comparison for Assets and Liabilities for 1-10-11 compared to 1-10-12; the Income and Expense comparison for 7-1-11 to 1-10-12 compared to current year for same period; and actual compared to budget for FY 2011-2012. Current year income is down about $8,600. Expenditures for the first three months are down by $2,300.

MOTION by Holder, SECONDED by Davidson, and APPROVED receipt of the Treasurer’s Report.

Report of National Committeeperson

The 2012 NAIFA Convention will be September 8-11 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Candidates for Secretary will include: Julie McNeely from Wisconsin and Keith Gillies from Louisiana. The Trustee Liaison for North Carolina is Julie McNeely from Wisconsin.

North Carolina submitted suggested names for national committees.

Fred also reported on the NAIFA NC and NCAHU joint meeting of the officers in January. The purpose is to explore areas of mutual benefit and to maintain dialogue with health underwriters.

Fred reported on the DOI Health Benefits Exchange Work Group and the Technical Advisory Committee. Fred serves on both of these committees.

The DOI recently appointed a Life & Health Agents Advisory Committee. NAIFA leadership, Ron Davidson, Rhonda Cobb, and Ed Mullis have been appointed by the Commissioner to serve on the committee.

Report of President Elect

Ken Morgan reported for Jim Covielloon the plans for the 2012 Convention on June 19 & 20. Commissioner Goodwin, Representative Jeff Collins, and NAIFA Trustee Juli McNeely will be with us for part of the Convention. The Board reviewed the draft agenda for the meeting.

MOTION by Joyner, SECONDED by Holder, and APPROVED: The Chairman of the Convention Committee is authorized to waive the Convention registration fee for up to 5 local presidents-elect of “small” locals to attend the Convention. The individuals must have also attended the state presidents-elect conference to qualify.

Report on 2012 Symposium

Ron Davidson reported on the 2012 Symposium. Speakers will include: Micki L. Hoesly, CLU, ChFC; MDRT Secretary; Jon LoDuca, The Wisdom Link; Betty Doll, MBA, CLTC; Gino Gianfrancesco, CLU, ChFC; Phil Eichinger, CMFC, Senior VP, National Sales Manager, Guardian Investor Services; andIvan M. Kirshner, DDS.

Report of Membership Chairman

R C Coburn, Chairman of the Membership Committee reported on the current membership status. He encouraged all Board members to take advantage of the Membership Tracker. Discussions were held on the importance of all Board members supporting the membership effort and that the At-Large and Area Vice Presidents would be assigned specific membership duties in the coming weeks.

Foundation Report

Charles Holder, President of the Foundation, reported on Foundation activities. Everyone was encouraged to sell their raffle tickets. Foundation scholarships for 2012 are directly related to the number of tickets sold for the raffle. No Silent Auction will be held this year.

PAC Committee

Ron Erickson reported on PAC Committee activities for the past year. Efforts are being made to broaden the base of support withmore members making a contribution. Our total income for 2011 was $66,260 with only 358 members contributing to PAC.

Following discussions by the Board, MOTION by Holder, SECONDED by Davidson, and APPROVED that it is not in the spirit of an educational event to allow political candidates to purchase exhibitor space or purchase advertising at the Symposium.


Review of Committee Minutes:

MOTION by Sherlin, SECONDED by Smith, and APPROVED the minutes of the

Finance Committee, October 4, 2011

PAC & Gov Relations Joint Committee, November 9, 2011


1. Management Contract and Lease Agreement

MOTION by Holder, SECONDED by Farr, and APPROVED the Management Contract and Lease Agreement for July 1, 2012 – June 30, 2014.

2. Suggested Local Policy on Convention Expenses

MOTION by Davidson, SECONDED by Gribble, and APPROVED with modifications the Suggested Local Policy on Convention Expenses.

VP Reports

Report of Area VP’s: Area 3, Debbie Foster reported.

Report of At-Large Board Members: RC Coburn; Ed Mullis; Bill Gribble;

Report of Executive Director:

Based on recent recommendations of the NAIFA Blue Ribbon Task Force, Ken reminded the Board of his contract with the Association. The Finance Committee serves as the Personnel Committee for the Association. Based on the current contract, if the association dissolved, he would be paid for 12 months severance based on one month per year of employment up to a maximum of 12 months.

The meeting adjourned at 3:50 PM.


Bill MillsMark GriffinKen Morgan

PresidentSecretaryExecutive Director
