21 May 2013

Series of events launched to support new business models for local media

Co-operatives UK, the trade association for co-operative businesses, in partnership with Carnegie UK Trust, has today launched a series of free events to invite communities to take control of their local media through new co-operative approaches to ownership.

With figures showing that only two of the UKs regional daily newspapers avoided circulation decline in the second half of 2012, the eight events will highlight current co-operative models of media and offer participants free specialist follow-up support and advice for those exploring new models of media ownership.

The events, which take place in all four nations of the UK, are aimed at local communities, journalists and media professionals who are exploring practical ways to create a sustainable and democratic local media.

Whilst the industry focuses on the revolution being brought about through the rise of online news, these events put a spotlight on alternative models, from the New Internationalist to West Highland Free Press, which are succeeding by putting the readers and writers at the heart of journalism.

Ed Mayo, Secretary General of Co-operatives UK, said: “We have seen communities rally around to save their shops, pubs and libraries using the co-operative business model.If we want local media, perhaps it is time to learn from their success and turn the writers and readers into owners.”

“This new series of events, the first of its kind, will provide practical support to people wanting to forge a new future for local media.”

Martyn Evans, Chief Executive of Carnegie UK Trust said: “Local news services play an important role in our communities but the decline in providers and readership is well documented. We desperately need a new model that will allow local news providers to capture the attention of local people and build more sustainable businesses.”

The first event takes place on 3 June at the National Union of Journalists headquarters in London

For more details on the eight “Make Your Local News Work” events visit

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For more information please contact:

Lily Gaffney

0161 214 1763

Notes to the editor

More details about Make Your Local News Work is available at

The workshops are as follows:

Make Your Local News Work – London - 03/06/2013 - 18:00 - 20:30

Make Your Local News Work – Leicester - 10/06/2013 - 18:00 - 20:30

Make Your Local News Work – Durham - 12/06/2013 - 18:00 – 20.30

Make Your Local News Work – Glasgow - 18/06/2013 - 18:00 – 20.30

Make Your Local News Work – Birnam (Scotland)- 19/06/2013 - 18:00 – 20.30

Make Your Local News Work – Crewe - 20/06/2013 - 18:00 – 20.30

Make Your Local News Work – Belfast - 27/06/2013 - 18:00 – 20.30

Make Your Local News Work – Cardiff - 28/06/2013 - 13:00 - 15:00

Co-operatives UK works to promote, develop and unite co-operative enterprises. It has a unique role as a trade association for co-operatives and its campaigns for co-operation, such as Co-operatives Fortnight, bring together all those with a passion and interest in co-operative action. Any organisation supportive of co-operation and mutuality can join and there are many opportunities online for individuals to connect to the latest co-operative news, innovations and campaigns. All members benefit from specialist services and the chance to network with other co-operatives.

The Carnegie UK Trust was established in 1913 by Scots-American philanthropist Andrew Carnegie. It seeks to improve the lives and wellbeing of people throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland through influencing public policy and demonstrating innovative practice. The Trust celebrates its centenary in 2013. For information on these and other specific projects, go to our website

Both Carnegie UK Trust and Co-operatives UK have a history of working on news and journalism.

  • The Carnegie UK Trust’s Better Journalism report, published in 2012, highlighted the importance of local news to democracy
  • The Carnegie UK Trust is current working in partnership with five local projects in our Neighbourhood News initiative to explore innovative ways of delivering local news.
  • Good News: A co-operative solution to the media crisis published by Co-operatives UK in 2012 argues that the crisis in the media is an opportunity to realise a more democratic and media.

The decline in circulation figures cited cover the period July – Dec 2012 and can be downloaded at