NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 14

Round 14

1. What has more uses that any other punctuation mark?
Answer: Comma / ___ / ___
2. Identify the only gemstone composed of just one chemical element.
Answer: Diamond / ___ / ___
3. Place these three influential women in chronological order by date of birth: Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Betsy Ross.
Answer: Ross (1752), Anthony (1820), Keller (1880) / ___ / ___
4. What is the value of the secant of pi radians?
Answer: -1 / ___ / ___
5. Which is not a computer company: Intel, Salomon, Compaq, Hewlett-Packard, or Sun Microsystems?
Answer: Salomon / ___ / ___
6. What Kern-Hammerstein song about the Mississippi "just keeps rollin' along"?"
Answer: "Ol' Man River" / ___ / ___
7. What body of water is divided into the Yucatan, Cayman, Colombian, Venezuelan, and Grenadan Basins?
Answer: Caribbean Sea / ___ / ___
8. The Declaration of Independence states that the British people were deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. What is consanguinity?
Answer: Blood relationship / ___ / ___
9. Which musical is not matched with the decade in which it is set: EVITA/20s, CABARET/30s, ON THE TOWN/40s, GREASE/50s, or HAIR/60s?
Answer: EVITA/20s / ___ / ___
10. The home of Robin Hood and his Merry Men could be described as: limpid, sylvan, urban, or Machiavellian?
Answer: Sylvan / ___ / ___
11. This book, written in 1936, has sold over 15 million copies by providing such advice as, "If you want to gather honey, don't kick over the beehive." Name this book authored by Dale Carnegie.
Answer: How to Win Friends and Influence People / ___ / ___
12., the world's largest online retailer, will take another step toward becoming the Internet's main shopping mall when it begins to sell what in alliance with Land's End, Gap, and Nordstrom this fall?
Answer: Clothes (and shoes) / ___ / ___
13. If they exist, then they have imaginary mass (meaning that the square of their mass is a negative number) and apparently violate causality (meaning that their effects can precede the cause). What are these long-sought particles which can never move as slowly as light?
Answer: Tachyons / ___ / ___
14. The saying "think before you act" is from which book?
Answer: Proverbs / ___ / ___
15. What American president said this? The attack upon Korea makes it plain beyond all doubt that Communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war.
Answer: Harry Truman / ___ / ___
16. During his life, he acted as a spokesman for traditional Japanese values and founded the Shield Society, a group of modern day samurai. This author's works include THE TEMPLE OF THE GOLDEN PAVILION, AFTER THE BANQUET, and SUN AND STEEL. Name this man who as a protest against Japanese military posture committed a public display of disembowling and decapitation in 1970.
Answer: Yukio Mishima / ___ / ___
17. Which nation does not border Libya: Uganda, Egypt, Chad, Tunisia?
Answer: Uganda / ___ / ___
18. According to Cole Porter's song, "I get no kick from champagne. / Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all." What do "I get a kick out of"?
Answer: You / ___ / ___
19. Side out, center back, and spike, are terms used in what sport?
Answer: Volleyball / ___ / ___
20. John C. Calhoun resigned the Vice Presidency when elected a ...
Answer: Senator / ___ / ___
21. Which of these classic novels was not about an adulterous woman: THE SCARLET LETTER, MADAME BOVARY, SENSE AND SENSIBILITY, LADY CHATTERLEY'S LOVER, ANNA KARENINA?
Answer: SENSE AND SENSIBILITY / ___ / ___
22. What name was given to the region of England where Viking invasions and colonizations left a lasting mark in language, culture, and place names?
Answer: The Danelaw / ___ / ___
23. Name the capital of the Czech Republic.
Answer: Prague / ___ / ___
24. On Indolence," "On Melancholy," "To Psyche," "To a Nightingale," and "On a Grecian Urn." What word begins all these famous 19th century poems?
Answer: Ode / ___ / ___
25. Father Junipero Serra is credited with founding what series of historic sites in California, structures which currently stretch along 500 miles of the California coast from San Diego to San Francisco?
Answer: The missions / ___ / ___
26. What organ removes urea from the blood?
Answer: Kidneys / ___ / ___
27. I'll give you three abbreviations you might encounter in the mail-- you tell me what they mean: C.O.D., R.F.D., R.S.V.P.
Answer: (In order) Cash on Delivery, Rural Free Delivery, Repondez S'il Vous Plait (Please Reply) / ___ / ___
28. Numerous artists have created masterpieces even in spite of serious physical handicaps. Who composed the large-scale Choral Symphony when he was totally deaf?
Answer: Beethoven / ___ / ___
29. Which President was never a governor: the first George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Franklin Roosevelt, Jimmy Carter, or Bill Clinton?
Answer: Bush / ___ / ___
30. Which Minnesota town is designated the "Icebox of the Nation" because of its reputation of being the coldest spot in the continental U.S.?
Answer: International Falls / ___ / ___
31. What part of the cat's body acts as a highly sensitive sensory organ that helps it protect its eyes, feel its way in the dark, and detect changes in wind direction?
Answer: Whiskers / ___ / ___
32. What philosophical "ism" was Thomas Huxley expressing when he said this? "I neither affirm nor deny the immortality of man. I see no reason for believing it, but on the other hand I have no means of disproving it."
Answer: Agnosticism / ___ / ___
33. Which architectural style is the oldest: Victorian, Tudor, Gothic, Baroque, or Neoclassical?
Answer: Gothic / ___ / ___
34. James Barrie wrote Peter Pan. Who wrote the children's favorite The Tales of Peter Rabbit?
Answer: Beatrix Potter / ___ / ___
35. An asteroid has an eccentricity of 0.24 and its mean distance from the Sun is 1.56 astronomical units. In astronomical units, what is the farthest distance of this asteroid from the Sun?
Answer: 1.8 AU / ___ / ___
36. To test if an egg is fresh, put it in a bowl of cold water; if it does this, it's old.
Answer: Float / ___ / ___
37. The vertex angle of an isosceles triangle measures 80 degrees. What is the number of degrees in each base angle of the triangle?
Answer: 50 degrees / ___ / ___
38. Which one of the following plays was not written by Shakespeare: ALL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL, THE TEMPEST, HENRY VIII, THE JEW OF MALTA, or MEASURE FOR MEASURE?
Answer: THE JEW OF MALTA / ___ / ___
39. The practice of turning out officeholders of a previous administration and replacing them with political friends was inaugurated by an American president. Identify both the popular term for this practice and the American president who first used it.
Answer: Spoils system, Andrew Jackson / ___ / ___
40. Which description of asthma is untrue: chronic disorder, usually allergy-related, respiratory ailment, treated with epinephrine, unaffected by stress?
Answer: Unaffected by stress / ___ / ___
41. In economics, M-1 is the most common definition of money and is equal to about $800 billion. Cash comprises about $200 billion of this amount. What makes up the rest?
Answer: Bank deposits (demand deposits or checking accounts) / ___ / ___

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
Folk Songs
42. These lyrics are about what valley? "From this valley they say you are going, /We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile, /For they say you are taking the sunshine, /That brightens our pathway awhile."
Ans: Red River Valley / ___ / ___
43. What state was to be the new home of the little dogies according to the refrain of the song, "Whoopee, Ti Yi Yo, Git Along, Little Dogies?"
Ans: Wyoming / ___ / ___
44. These lyrics are from a song about what ship? "Round Nassau Town we did roam, /Drinking all night, /We got in a fight, /I feel so break-up, I want to go home."
Ans: John B. (Sloop John B.) / ___ / ___
45. These lyrics are from what song? "When I was a bachelor, I lived all alone, / I worked at the weaver's trade. /The only, only thing I did that was wrong /Was to woo a fair young maid."
Ans: "Foggy, Foggy Dew" / ___ / ___
46. Noah built an ark, and his descendents are credited with which larger, unfinished building project?
Ans: Tower of Babel / ___ / ___
47. What is the only fruit mentioned in the biblical account of Adam and Eve?
Ans: Fig / ___ / ___
48. Deception ensued when Isaac sent which son hunting for venison?
Ans: Esau / ___ / ___
49. Who were Ishmael's parents?
Ans: Abraham and Hagar / ___ / ___
1957: Answer these questions about the year 1957
50. What famous Wisconsin anti-Communist died in May 1957?
Ans: Joseph McCarthy / ___ / ___
51. What "car of the future" was introduced by Ford on August 26th?
Ans: The Edsel / ___ / ___
52. What Finnish composer died at age 92 in September 1957?
Ans: Jean Sibelius / ___ / ___
53. What did the Soviets launch on October 4, 1957?
Ans: Sputnik / ___ / ___
54. What future president became chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in January?
Ans: John F. Kennedy / ___ / ___
55. What Teamsters' official was not missing from the public eye after his indictment for bribery in March 1957?
Ans: Jimmy Hoffa / ___ / ___
56. Who became the first black woman to win Wimbledon, July 1957?
Ans: Althea Gibson / ___ / ___
57. This dictator announced that the Spanish monarchy would be restored upon his death.
Ans: Francisco Franco / ___ / ___
58. What two New York baseball teams moved to the west coast?
Ans: The Dodgers and the Giants / ___ / ___
59. Name either the Meredith Willson or the Leonard Bernstein musicals that opened on Broadway.
Ans: "The Music Man," "West Side Story" / ___ / ___
Old Testament
60. Give the King James Version of the following verse from the New Living Translation: "The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need."
Ans: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want." / ___ / ___
61. It's the first book of the Hebrew Bible named for a specific person, although it's not certain that he wrote it. Can you name it?
Ans: Joshua / ___ / ___
62. Books of the Old Testament are divided into all these categories except: books of history, wisdom books, the law, the prophets, or the letters?
Ans: The Letters / ___ / ___
63. We meet Belshazzar and Belteshazzar in which book?
Ans: Daniel / ___ / ___