A Case Study on
The Contribution of Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development
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Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla is internationally acclaimed for its many innovative works in the field of rural development in Bangladesh. The Comilla Approach to Rural Development, which is, in fact, a package of mutually supportive development models produced lasting impacts on changing the lives and living environment of the rural poor. The academy’s cumulative experience in the arenas of training, research and action research of around 46 years is a wealth that could be shard by all countries and people engaged in rural development.
BangladeshAcademy for Rural Development (BARD), Comilla is located at Kotbari, an area along the Mainamati-Lalmai (one of the archeological sites of Bangladesh) hill range Comilla district at a distance of about 100 kilometers from the capital city of Dhaka. Its sprawling campus covers an area of156 acres of land including undulating hilly valleys. A large part of the Campus is orchards, vegetable farms, nurseries, parks and lined with shady tropical trees. The office and the residential buildings have been design and located in harmony with the topography and surrounding landscape. The well-planed layout of the institution and green landscape give the campus a serene and idyllic beauty.
Scope & Objectives of the Report
The objectives report is to gather practical knowledge regarding overall distribution system and its operations. Theoretical classes of BBA provide us theories regarding different subjects where as practical training gives us the chances to view those systems and their operations. Practical training is a story of giving shape to dream. The principal intent of this report is to analyze the trends of different systems and recesses of BARD. More precisely we can identify this report as follows:
- To observe the Plays and their work towards the Rural development of Bangladesh BARD.
- to observe the management reactions towards the new ploicy of BARD.
- To identify the gap between rural peoples expectations and the service rendered as perceived.
- To study the services and activities of BARD.
- To identify Findings of BARD
- To provide the recommendation for improvement of BARD.
Methodology of the Report
For achieving the specific objective of this study, data were gathered from both primary and secondary sources.
Primary Sources:
Direct Conversation with the respective officers.
Face to face conversation with program officer
Observation of the organizational activities.
Secondary Sources:
Various records of the organization.
Website of BARD.
Annual report BARD.
Different articles and journals
Limitations of the Report
Although we have made all endeavors to make the study a fruitful one it is not far from limitations. Several drawbacks appeared at the time of preparing the report and hindered the total work process.
Due to some policies of the organization we could not show the organization hierarchy to show the organizational decision flows.
Now accessibility to plans and programs of the organizational.
It is difficult to make information based a rich report in a short time.
Bard Profile:
The Academy was established in 1959 basically as a training institute to train government officials and representatives of the local government and village organizations in subjects relating to rural development. It is an autonomous institution governed by a of Governors of which the Minister for Local Government, Rural Development Cooperatives is the Chairperson. Administratively, it is attached to the Ministry of It Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives. The Board of Governors formula policies and the Director General of BARD as the Chief Executiveimplements and conducts the day-to-day affairs within the framework of the ordinance and Rules of the Academy. The activities of the Academy carry out by its Faculty working. Divisions each of which is headed by a Director. The Divisions are divided into two categories ; Service Divisions and Academic Divisions. The Service Divisions in Training; Research; Project; and Administration. The Academic Divisions are Administration and Local Government; Rural Economics and Management; Rural Education and Social Development; Rural Sociology and Demography; and Agriculture Environment. The strength of the faculty is 60 including the Director General, Additional Director General, 9 Directors, 14 Joint Directors, 13 Deputy Directors and 22 Assistant Directors. 305 supporting officials and staff assist them.
The Academy is famous for its evolved model "Comilla Approach to Rural Developer Tiome and abroad; and received National Award in 1986 for its remarkable contributk Rural Development.
M. Khairul Kabir
M. A. (Journalism), DhakaUniversity, M. A. (Mass Communication),
Leicester, U.K.
Certificate Course (Low-cost Media Production for Non-formal Education)
London, UK.
Certificate Course (New Community Development), Seoul, S. Korea.
Field of Specialization: Development Communication,
Project Management, Management Development, Training of Trainers.
E-mail : kabir
Dr. Mihir Kumar Roy
B. Sc. Ag. Econ. (Hons.), M.Sc. Ag. Econ. BAU, Mymensingh
Ph. D. (Agricultural Economics), IBS, Rajshahi University
Email: mailto:
Alauddin Ahmed
B. Sc. (Hons,), M. Sc. (Statistics) JahangirNagarUniversity
Diploma (Co-operative Development and Management),
University Lougborough, U. K.
Certificate Courses (Strategies and Programmes
for Reducing Poverty in Asia and the Pacific Region;
and Techniques of Estimation of Output of Pood Crops_, India.
Field of Specialization: Research Methodology, Training
E-mail: alauddin_bard®yahoo.com
Mohammed Mir Kashen
B.Com. (Hons.), M. Corn. (Management), DhakaUniversity
Certificate Course (Rural Finance for Trainers), CAB, Pune, India
Diploma (Training in Rural Extension and Teaching), Deventer, Netherlanc
M. Sc. (Social Development Planning and Management), Wales, U. K.
Field of Specialization: Rural Economics and Business Management
Email: bardhotmail.corn
Nurun Mahar Begum
M. Sc. (Bio-Chemistry) DhakaUniversity
M. Sc. (Payclioloyy) and M. l3d. DhakaUniversity .
Certificate Course (Rural Research and Rural Policy), Sussex, U.K.
M.A. (Gender and Development), East Anglia, U.K.
Certificate Course (Rural Extension), IAC, Netherlands
Field of Specialization: Gender development
Email: nurunnaharof astmail. fmbardliotmail. corn
A.K. Sharifullah
B.Sc.. (Agricultural Engineering) BAU, Mymensingh
M.Sc. (Irrigation Engineering), CIT, U.K.
Certificate Course (Rural Extension), IAC, Netherlands
Email: bardhotroail. coin
Dr. S.J. Anwar Zahid
B.Com. (Hons.), M.Com. (Accounting), RajshahiUniversity
Certificate Course (International Training Methodology), INTAN, Mal-aysi;
M.Sc. (Management and International Development Projects), Manchester, t
PhD (
Field of Specialization: Accounting and Business Management
Email: bardhotmail.com
Tapash Ranjan Bose
B.Sc. (Agricul'ture-Hons. ) BAU, Mymensingh
M.Sc. (Tropical and Sub-Tropical Horticulture and Crop Science), London,
Field of Specialization: Horticulture and Agriculture Development.
Dr.Md. Abdul Hafflid
B.Sc (Hons) (Agricultural Engineering
Ph.D. (Natural Science & Technology),
International Course on 'Technologies
Field of Specialization: Environment,
M.Sc. (Agri Structural Enginee]
Okoyama, Japan
Dr. Kamrul Ahsan
B.Sc. (Agricultural Engineering), BAU, Mymensingh
Diploma (Agricultural Management in Rural Development Projects), NAC, D(Certificate course on Agrarian Reforms and Rural Development(Taiwan)
Ph.D. in Environmental Science
Title of the Dissertation is "Environtal Consequences of Development Ii
Rural Areas"
Field of Specialization: Environmental and Agriculture Development
Email: Kamrul_bardt«yahoo. corn
Mobile: 01718 572033
Dr. Swapan Kumar Dasgupta
Ph.D.(Agricultural Economics), TottoriUniversity,Tottori, Japan
M.Sc. (Econ)(Food Policy and Commodity Trade), University of Wales Swan;
M.A.(Economics), ChittagongUniversity,Chittagong, Bangladesh
B.A. (Hons.), (Economics), Chittagong.University, Chittagong, Bangladesi
Dr. Masusul Hoq Chowdhury
B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (Economics), ChittagongUniversity
B.Sc. (Fisheries), BAU, Mymensingh
Certificate Course (Rural Development-Poultry), Wales, U.K.
Diploma (Agricultural Management in Rural Development Projects), N'.A.C. M.Sc. (Fisheries) Hiroshima University, Japanand Environment Development
Email :bardh.otmail. com
Md. Shafigul Islam
B.A. (Hons.), M.A.
B.A. (Hons.), M.A.
(Economics), ChittagongUniversity
(Mass Communication & Journalism)
Field of Specialization: Development Communication
Dr. Tapash Kuinar Biswas
B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Statistics), JahangirNagarUniversity
Certificate Course (Population Education), Wales, U.K.
M.Sc. (Rural and Regional Development Planning), GermanyThailand
Field of Specialization: Monitoring and Evaluation, research methodolog}
Date of Birth: 25 May 1961
Email: tapashkb_bard®yahoo.combardhotmail.com
Easin Ali
M.Sc. (Applied Chemistry), DhakaUniversity
Certificate Course (Participation and Development), Wales, U.K.
Field of Specialization: Youth Development
Email .-bardhotmail. corn
Dr. Shafiqul Islam
B.Sc. (Hons.) M.Sc. (Agricultural Economics)BAU, Mymensingh
Ph.D in Agricultural Extension and Rural Development
Title of Thesis: Sustainable Livelihood of Rural Development through Cor
Field of Specialization: Agricultural Extension and Sustainable Develop!
Abul Kalam Azad
B.Sc. Engg. (Hons.), BAU, Mymensingh
Certificate Course (Rural Development Water and Irrigation Management),
Certificate Course (Agricultural Machinery & Management), AIT, Thailand
Field of Specialization: Agricul.ture Engineering.
Milan Kanti Bhattacharjee
B.A. (Hons.), M.A. (English), ChittagongUniversity
CcrtiEicate Course- (Development Comnuinicnt-.ion) , Wales, U.K.
Field of Specialization: Development Communication, Particicipatory Rural
Abdul Qader
B.S.S. (Hons.), M.S.S. (Public Administration)
Certificate Course (Participatory Development), Wales, U.K.
Kamrul Hasan
B.S.S. (Hons.), M.S.S. (Sociology), DhakaUniversity
Diploma (Managing Human Development Programme for Rural Reconstruction) ,
NIRD, Hyderabad, India.
Field of Specialization: Rural Sociology
Field of Specialization: Local Government and Development Administratiol
Abdul Karim
B.S.S. (Hona.), M.S.S. (Public Administration), Chitl.ngongUniversity
Diploma (Decentralized Planning for Rural Development), NIRD,
Hyderabad, India.
MS (Comparative Study on Politics in Asia (CSPA), Faculty of Law,Kyushu
Field of Specialization: Local Government, Rural Development, Institutic
E-mail: bardkarimOyahoo . corn
Abdullah Al Mamun
B.Sc. (Hons.), Biochemistry, M.Sc. (Nutrition), DhakaUniversity
M.P.S. (Food and Nutrition Plannin9), UPLB, Philippines.
Certificate course (GIS and ICT Application for Rural Development), NIRI
Post Graduate Diploma(hons) in Food and Nutrition Security, Wageningen I
Email: mamun
Nasima Akhter
B.S.S. (Hons.), M.S.S.
(Sociology), M.Ed.
Dr.Md. Jahangir Alain
B.Com. (Hons.), M.Com. (Marketing),
Ph.D in Marketing, DhakaUniversity
Title of the Thesis : "Impact of Diversified Agriculture on the socio_e<
the Rural People of Bangladesh."
Email :bardliotmail. com.
Ranj an Kumar (Guha)
B.Com. (Hons;), M.Com.
Field of Specialization:
bardho tmai 1.com
Md. Mi z anur Rahman
B.S.S. (Hons.), M.S.S. (Public Administration)
Shishir Kumar Munshi
B.Sc.Ag. (Hons.), M.Sc. (Horticulture), BAU, Mymensingh
Certificate Course (Vegetable Production), EICA, Egypt.
Field of Specialization: Horticulture.
Irin Parvin
B.A. (Hons.) M.A. (Library and Information Science)
Field of Specialization: Information Management and ICT.
Email .-bardhotinail .corn
Uddin Ibne Syed
(Hons.), M.S.S. (Anthropology) University.
Field of Specialization
Email .-bardhotinail .com
Mohainmad Abdul Maiek
BSS(Hons-) MSS (Economics), DhakaUniversity
Certificate Course (Managing Micro-Enterprises and Micro Finance DevelO]
Field of Specialization: Development Project Planning, Monitoring and Ei
Anwarul Azim
B.A. (Hons.), M.A.
(Mass Communication & Journalism)
Field of Specialization: Development Communication, Rural Development.
Email: bardhotinail. com
Fduzia Masr'een Sultana
B.S.S. (Hons.), M.S.S. (Political Science) ChittagongUniversity
M.S. (Public Management) NationalUniversity
Field of Specialization: Decentralization, New Public management, Publii
Kazi Sonia Rahman
BSc (Hons.) in Computer Science and Information Technology(CSIT)
ComillaUniversity(UNIC) :
Field of specialization : Software Engineering, Webpage design & applic;
Email ; sonia_bard(s)yahoo . corn
shainmi55200l®yahoo.combardhotinail. com
Junaed Rahim
BA (Hons.) M.A in English
Field of specialization ;
The Laboratory Area
The academy may use place or places within Comilla Sadar Upazila or any other upazlla the administrative division of Chittagong, Dhaka and Sylhet as may be decided by Academy for the proposed experiments ofrural development as social laboratory area. If Faculty
Functions and Activities:
- Research in rural development and allied fields.
- Training of government officials and others concerned with rural development.
- Test and experimentation on concepts and theories of development.
- Evaluation of the programmes and activates relating to rural Development.
- Providing advisory and consultative service to the government and other agencies.
- Guiding and supervising national and foreign students in their dissertation.
- Conducting national and international seminars, conferences and workshops.
- Helping policy planners in the fields of rural development.
Success cases and the Contribution of BARD to the Economic Development of Bangladesh.
* 1. Rural Works Programme
*2. Thana Training and DevelopmentCenter
*3. Thana Irrigation Programme
*4. Two-tier Cooperatives
**5. Family Planning
**6. Adult Education
**7. Village Publicity
**8. Women's Development
**9. Rural Health and Nutrition
**10. Village Child Development Programme
**11. FeederSchool and Imam Teachers Programme
**12. Mechanised Cultivation
**13. Marketing, Processing and Storage
14. Poultry and Dairy
**15. Rural Electrification
16. Mechanical Rice Drying
17. Reclamation of'Derelict Tanks
18. Youth Programme
* Land Use Development Planning
* Kitchen Gardening and Home Level Food Processing
**21. Small Farmers and Landless Labourers Development Programme (SFDP)
**22. Joint Study on Rural development Experiment
**23. ComprehensiveVillage Development Programme (CVDP)
* Local Level Planning and Management
* VillageSchool and Community Learning
* Community Information and Planning System
* Building Capacity for Local Governance
* One House One Farm
The academy has been conducting socio-economic research since its inception. Research findings are used as both training materials by the Academy itself and information mate by the Ministries, Planning commission and policy makers for drawing up development programs. In some particular cases, these are also circulated among the internet agencies and institutions. The total number of completed research till June 2005.
Over time the academy has also expanded international contact and under collaborative research with various development organization. During last 45 Michingan State University, HarvardUniversity, GottingenUniversity, BathUniversity, KyotoUniversity, Population Council, ICOMP, APDC, FAO, UNDP, UNESCO, CIRDAP have become the major international research collaborators. BARD is very linked with the center of Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific and acts as its National IRD Centre for Bangladesh. It is also working as the NationalLinkedCenter for SAARC in the field of rural development.
The BARD faculty have a wide range of experience in the fiedl of research training action research. On an average, every faculty member has 9 research publication addition to self sponsored studies, every yewar BARD conductes as commendable number researches sponsord by GOs, NGOs and international agencies. The academy with an disciplinary faculty has gained the capacity to conduct multi-dimensional studies on development and welcomes requests to conduct studies from any agency national, International. Requests for conducting studies are to be made to Director General, Comilla-3503, Bangladesh. Research Publication are available at Publication Section of BARD.
The Academy is a designated national training institute. Its training clientele includes officials and non-officials. Officials comprise of civil servants and officers of nation departments while the non-officials are loca! councilors, local leaders, and member operatives, students of educational institutions and members of voluntary organization Besides, a large number of international clientele including students, scholars, consult. The government officials, members of diplomatic corps and international agencies visit Academy.
A unified approach of research, training and experimentation to solve the problems of rural development has given special significance to the role of the Academy as a training institution. Because of this specialty BARD continues to attract trainees from different government agencies, local level organizations and non-government organizations (NGOs) as well as trainees, observers and visitors from abroad. During the period from 1959 to June 2005 a total of 1,90,416 trainees and visitors attended various programmes offered and conducted by the Academy.
BARD has accumulated vast experience in the field of training. Every year BARD 150 training courses on an average. It has also developed 30 training modules broad category of rural development. Various groups of national and international die have already participated in training courses on these modules. These courses are on on request with a reasonable budget. Requests for organizing training courses are made to Director General, BARD, Kotbari, Comilla-3503, Bangladesh.
Title of the Training Courses
Advanced Training of Trainers (TOT) (2 Weeks)
Training of Trainers (TOT) (1 Week)
Socio-Economic Research Methodology for Rural Development (3 Weeks)
Development Communication (1 Week)
TeamBuilding, Leadership Development and Mind-set Change (I Week)
Mainstreaming Gender in Development Planning (3 Weeks)
Reproductive Health Rights, HIV and AIDS (1 Week)
Gender and Development (1 Week)
Irrigation Management and Land Use Development Planning (2 Weeks)
Environmental Imoact Assessment of Rural Develooment Proiects (2 Weeks
Disaster and'Environment Management (1 Week)
Entrepreneurship Development (1 Week)
Participatory Rural Development (1 Week)
Rural Finance and Credit Management (1 Week)
Development Project Planning and Management (2 Weeks)
Monitoring and Evaluation of Poverty Focused Rural Development Programme (2 week)
Project Planning, Implementation, Monitoring and;,Evaluation (2 Weeks)
Planning with the People for Sustainable Poverty Alleviation (3 Weeks)
Food and Nutrition Programme Planning and Management (1 Week)
Action Research
The Academy is continuously searching out new models of rural development. Therefore is conducting experiments in different areas. Some of these are;
1. Women's Education, Income and Nutrition Improvement (WEINI) Project
Since 1962, women in the Comilla villages are being organised in cooperatives so that they can get the facilities of training and services on capital formation, credit operation, kitchen gardening, knitting and sewing and other income generating activities. Based on this experience such programmes are now being implemented by BRDB and many other government and non government organizations.
4. Developing a Regular Local Level Poverty Monitoring System (LLPMS) in Bangladesh:
Under MIMAP-Bangladesh, the Poverty Monitoring System developed and tested the methodology and the indicators for a local level poverty monitoring system (LLPMS). The experimentation was carried out by BARD in consultation with the Bangladesh Institute of Development Studies (BIDS). The pilot testing was kept limited to one ward under Sreepur Union, Chauddagram Upazila of Comilla, to acquire the required insights prior to its wider replication. On the basis of successful outcomes of the experimental phase, this phase intends to cover all villages within an entire Union of Muhammadpur (West) under Daudkhandi Upazila of Comilla District to see its effective at Union level. This phase of the research is being carried out under the auspice International Development Research Centre (IDRC) through Community Based Moniti System (CBMS) Network, Philippines.