NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 11
Round 11
1. The question is "Kakyuy muziku vy lyubitye?" in Russian, "Quelle musique aimez-vous?" in French, and "Que musica le gusta?" in Spanish. What's the question in English?Answer: What kind of music do you like? / ___ / ___
2. The German word for "bold" is the derivation for which four-letter word meaning "sharp" or "intense"?
Answer: Keen / ___ / ___
3. Pencil and paper may needed for this one. If it's not a leap year, when New Year's Day is a Friday, Christmas will be a Saturday, Independence Day will be a Sunday, and Flag Day will be a Monday. But what day of the week would Thanksgiving be?
Answer: Thursday (Thanksgiving is ALWAYS a Thursday!) / ___ / ___
4. Identify the American musician whose compositions include Outdoor Overture and A Fanfare for the Common Man.
Answer: Aaron Copland / ___ / ___
5. How many atoms of iron are there in one molecule of iron oxide?
Answer: 2 / ___ / ___
6. According to a listener's poll conducted by radio station WQXR-FM in New York City, he is the Elvis of classical music lovers. Five of his works placed in the top ten, with his Ninth Symphony voted the most popular. His other works in the top ten were Symphonies No. 5, 6, and 7, and his Piano Concerto No. 5. Name the composer.
Answer: Ludwig van Beethoven / ___ / ___
7. Who were the adulterous lovers in the Arthurian legends?
Answer: Lancelot, Guinevere / ___ / ___
8. Animal breeders often cross members of the same litter in order to maintain desirable traits. This procedure is known as: hybridization, inbreeding, natural selection, vegetative propagation, or phrenology?
Answer: Inbreeding / ___ / ___
9. Between 1857 and 1859, Richard Wagner was in love with Mathilde Wesendock, the wife of a close friend and patron. As a result of this affair, he created a semi-autobiographical opera in 1865. Name it.
Answer: Tristan and Isolde / ___ / ___
10. Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov are novels by what author?
Answer: Fyedor Dostoevsky / ___ / ___
11. The practice of punishing a coward by making him run between rows of men as they whipped him was called what?
Answer: Running the gauntlet / ___ / ___
12. Forty-seven czars are buried within the walls of what citadel?
Answer: Kremlin / ___ / ___
13. The U.S. Treasury owes you $5000, but you want to market this IOU because it will be 30 years before it matures. Are you holding a Treasury Note, Bond, or Bill?
Answer: Treasury bond (Notes mature in less than 10 years; Bills in 3, 6, or 12 months.) / ___ / ___
14. These resort areas are found in what mountain range: Cortina d'Ampezzo, St. Moritz, Interlaken, Lucerne?
Answer: Alps / ___ / ___
15. What is the smallest integer greater than three which can NOT be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers?
Answer: 11 / ___ / ___
16. Give me the nickname of the region off North Carolina's coast where the wreckage of Blackbeard's flagship is believed to have been discovered in 1997.
Answer: Graveyard of the Atlantic / ___ / ___
17. Which of Shakespeare's characters was known as the Thane of Cawdor?
Answer: Macbeth / ___ / ___
18. In chemistry, the term refers to the study of non-organic, non-metallic minerals, while in art, the same term refers to the making of objects out of clay, such as pottery and porcelain. What's the term?
Answer: Ceramics / ___ / ___
19. Not all languages have adjectives. Some have no nouns, but all have these.
Answer: Verbs / ___ / ___
20. What mammal is capable of finding its food by means of echolocation?
Answer: Bat (porpoise) / ___ / ___
21. Is a laconic reply characterized by its brevity, honesty, harshness, or wisdom?
Answer: Brevity / ___ / ___
22. The oldest form of folk dance is one in which the dancers follow one another around a ring. What is the collective name for such dances?
Answer: Circle dance / ___ / ___
23. Why do certain trees have needles instead of leaves? (a) The needles are more attractive than leaves. (b) The needles provide protection against bark-eating animals. (c) The needles do not taste good to predatory insects. (d) The needles contain the seeds that allow the trees to reproduce. (e) The needles allow the trees to exist in colder temperatures and with less water.
Answer: (e) / ___ / ___
24. The Bible refers to the image on a coin only in one instance. Whose image?
Answer: Caesar's / ___ / ___
25. The Education of a Woman" is the official biography of what person, known for her outspoken feminist views?
Answer: Gloria Steinem / ___ / ___
26. State the simplest fraction equal to the decimal 0.025.
Answer: 1/40 / ___ / ___
27. The U.S. has launched a $15 million campaign to persuade what religious group around the world that they are free to live and worship as they wish in the U.S.?
Answer: Muslims / ___ / ___
28. Name a one-word Robert Frost poem title and you've also identified the trees used by Indians to make their canoes.
Answer: "Birches" / ___ / ___
29. Arrange these four famous suicides of antiquity in proper chronological order: Cleopatra, Judas Iscariot, Nero, Socrates.
Answer: Socrates, Cleopatra, Judas, Nero / ___ / ___
30. Polygamy means plurality of wives. What is the term for plurality of husbands?
Answer: Polyandry / ___ / ___
31. In 1776, two monumental books were published. Name the authors and the books, one a revolutionary economics text, the other a still-quoted masterpiece of classical history.
Answer: Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations; Edward Gibbon, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire / ___ / ___
32. What is the total number of syllables in a line of iambic pentameter?
Answer: 10 / ___ / ___
33. His finest paintings include The Execution of Emperor Maximilian, Olympia, and Luncheon on the Grass. Name this French artist.
Answer: Edouard Manet / ___ / ___
34. Who held wild celebrations on Walpurgis Night: zombies, mummies, werewolves, grave snatchers, or witches?
Answer: Witches / ___ / ___
35. Sublingual medications, usually in tablet form, are placed under what part of the body?
Answer: Tongue / ___ / ___
36. Match these World War I battles -- Battle of Verdun, First Battle of the Marne, First Battle of the Somme, Battle of Cambrai -- with these facts -- first mass tank attack in history, largest British offensive during the war, it halted the German advance into France in 1914, largest battle fought on the Western front.
Answer: Verdun, largest Western front; Marne, halted German advance; Somme, largest British; Cambrai, tank attack. / ___ / ___
37. The Russian Revolution started on November 7 of what year?
Answer: 1917 / ___ / ___
38. When Manhattan Project leader General Leslie Groves submitted his list of targeted Japanese cities to Secretary of War Henry Stimson, Stimson struck this city off the list because he had gone on his honeymoon there and felt that it was too beautiful and civilized to bomb. Name this city, home to many universities, whose name is Japanese for "capital city," owing to the fact that it was the capital of Japan for over 2,000 years.
Answer: Kyoto / ___ / ___
39. The most notorious female outlaw in Texas, she was known as the outlaw queen of the Indian Territory. Who was she?
Answer: Belle Starr / ___ / ___
40. In a symbolic move, slavery was abolished in 1995 by state senators in Mississippi, the only state never to ratify which Constitutional Amendment?
Answer: 13th / ___ / ___
41. What meteorological term was borrowed from the military during World War I?
Answer: Front / ___ / ___
Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.
Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1Math
42. A trapezoid has bases of 10 and 14 feet and an area of 72 square feet. Find its altitude.
Ans: 6 feet / ___ / ___
43. Transform the Roman numeral XIX into a binary numeral.
Ans: 10011 / ___ / ___
44. Express the cube root of 3 squared in exponential form?
Ans: 3 to the 2/3 power / ___ / ___
45. Consider a reflector in the shape of a dish with a parabolic cross section. The depth of the dish is 3 inches and its diameter is 2 feet. What is the focal length of the reflector?
Ans: 12 inches / ___ / ___
46. A person who served 2 complete terms in the House of Representatives, 1 term in the Senate, and 2 terms as President has spent how many years in public office?
Ans: 18 / ___ / ___
47. The framers of the Constitution gave voters the most direct participation in the selection of the (a) House of Representatives, (b) Senate, (c) President, or (d) Supreme Court?
Ans: (a) House of Representatives / ___ / ___
48. What is the main tool used by the Federal Reserve Board to control the money supply: the gold standard, reserve requirements, the bond market, inflation, or the consumer price index?
Ans: Reserve requirements / ___ / ___
49. What is the magic population number whereby the U.S. government considers a town a "metropolitan area" and therefore eligible for automatic federal funding?
Ans: 50,000 / ___ / ___
Finish the Title
50. In the 1945 novel by Betty Smith, what "Grows in Brooklyn"?
Ans: A Tree / ___ / ___
51. Identify the mythological titan whose name completes the title of Alexander Scriabin's symphonic poem ______The Poem of Fire.
Ans: Prometheus / ___ / ___
52. Rembrandt painted ______Contemplating the Bust of Homer.
Ans: Aristotle / ___ / ___
53. John Calvin's most important work was his ______of the Christian Religion.
Ans: Institutes / ___ / ___
Small African Countries
54. South Africa could say to what tiny country, "Don't move. We've got you surrounded."?
Ans: Lesotho / ___ / ___
55. Ruanda-Urundi split into Rwanda and what else?
Ans: Burundi / ___ / ___
56. Freetown, founded as a home for freed slaves, is the capital of what country?
Ans: Sierra Leone / ___ / ___
57. Guinea is bordered by this country, that also has "Guinea" in its name.
Ans: Guinea-Bissau / ___ / ___
Translations: Translate from English to Spanish.
58. Yellow
Ans: Amarillo / ___ / ___
59. Cat
Ans: El Gato or La Gata / ___ / ___
60. To talk
Ans: Hablar or converser / ___ / ___
61. Eighty
Ans: Ochenta / ___ / ___
62. Library
Ans: La biblioteca / ___ / ___
63. Birthday
Ans: El cumpleanos or el natalicio / ___ / ___
64. On time
Ans: A buena hora / ___ / ___
65. Post office
Ans: El correo / ___ / ___
66. The blue book
Ans: El libro azul / ___ / ___
67. Blanket
Ans: El sarape or la manto / ___ / ___