NorrisMiddle School Quizbowl 1Question Set 10

Round 10

1. Robert Peary is known as the discoverer of the North Pole. For what accomplishment is Commodore Matthew Perry chiefly remembered?
Answer: In 1853 he negotiated the treaty to open Japan to U.S. ships. / ___ / ___
2. Give a four-letter word for conflagration.
Answer: Fire / ___ / ___
3. Hollywood is worried because 321 Studios is offering software on its web site - at a cost of $100 - that will enable customers to make copies of what?
Answer: DVD movies / ___ / ___
4. Carthage must be destroyed," declared Cato during his speeches in the Senate. What did the Romans do to "destroy" Carthage when they finally captured the city in 146 B.C.?
Answer: Burned Carthage, plowed under its ruins, and salted the furrows to ensure that the soil would no longer be fertile. (Accept any one of these.) / ___ / ___
5. Is a dabbler in the arts known as a dilettante, a concierge, a falsetto, or an intermezzo?
Answer: Dilettante / ___ / ___
6. Name the river on whose "Left Bank" a 360-foot ferris wheel will be built to celebrate the year 2000.
Answer: Seine / ___ / ___
7. Distinguish between the proper uses of “farther” and “further.”
Answer: “Farther” refers to distance (literal); “further” refers to time, quantity, or degree (figurative). / ___ / ___
8. With no more people than Wichita, it has a higher per capita income than the United States, the world's highest per capita number of personal computers, and its own national language. Name this northern island nation of NATO.
Answer: Iceland / ___ / ___
9. He spent four years painting the 50-yard-long ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Who was this famous artist?
Answer: Michelangelo / ___ / ___
10. Name the longest rivers in Asia and Africa.
Answer: Volga and Nile / ___ / ___
11. Of the fourteen epistles of Paul's that are in the New Testament, four of them are written to three individuals. Name any two of them.
Answer: Timothy, Titus, Philemon / ___ / ___
12. Pentose is a sugar that has how many carbon atoms per molecule?
Answer: 5 / ___ / ___
13. What is the greatest number of pieces you may slice a pie with three straight cuts?
Answer: 7 / ___ / ___
14. Whose collection of books became the foundation of the present Library of Congress?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson's / ___ / ___
15. French composer Paul Dukas is known for only one work, a symphonic poem based on a ballad by Goethe. Give me the title of the work.
Answer: The Sorcerer's Apprentice / ___ / ___
16. Which gangster did not die during the 1930s: Bonnie Parker, John Dillinger, Lucky Luciano, or Pretty Boy Floyd?
Answer: Lucky Luciano / ___ / ___
17. What did a photographer refer to in the Oval Office when noting: "The good news is the war is over. The bad news is we lost"?
Answer: Vietnam War / ___ / ___
18. It was founded in 1773 in Russia and is especially known for its performances of 19th-century classic ballets. Name this leading Russian ballet company.
Answer: Bolshoi / ___ / ___
19. How do you spell OSCILLATOR?
Answer: / ___ / ___
20. Identify the 1875 Gilbert and Sullivan operetta whose title designates the right guaranteed by the 6th and 7th Amendments to the U.S. Constitution.
Answer: TRIAL BY JURY / ___ / ___
21. A macaw is a bird. What is a macaque?
Answer: Monkey / ___ / ___
22. In March 1997, a bomb of unknown origin exploded atop Moscow's only monument to which tsar who abdicated in 1917 following the Bolshevik Revolution?
Answer: Nicholas II / ___ / ___
23. What adjective describes a monarchy in which the monarch has total power?
Answer: Absolute / ___ / ___
24. One kilobyte is actually 1024 bytes, not exactly 1000. How many bytes does it take to make up 8 kilobytes?
Answer: 8192 / ___ / ___
25. What did Jack Nicholson type over and over again in THE SHINING?
Answer: "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy."ESB1066 / ___ / ___
26. Which volcano is called the Lighthouse of the Mediterranean?
Answer: Stromboli / ___ / ___
27. Which word meaning "soft mud or slime" is drawn from the Old English for "mud"?
Answer: OOZE / ___ / ___
28. What is the last word in the palindrome beginning with these words: Rise to vote ...
Answer: Sir / ___ / ___
29. These animals, of the class Asteroidea, can regenerate body parts and produce new bodies from a fragment.
Answer: Starfish / ___ / ___
30. What was the profession of Mrs. Siddons, the subject of one of Sir Joshua Reynolds' finest portraits?
Answer: Actress / ___ / ___
31. In the next millennium, Mithra, Toutatis, and Nereus will all pass by the Earth at distances ranging from 800,000 miles to 5 million miles. What are Mithra, Toutatis, and Nereus?
Answer: Asteroids / ___ / ___
32. On what two continents does Russia lie?
Answer: Asia, Europe / ___ / ___
33. In which of Wagner's operas is the Pilgrim's Chorus sung?
Answer: TANNHAUSER / ___ / ___
34. Larger than a cobble, the largest rock fragment recognized by sedimentologists is called what?
Answer: Boulder / ___ / ___
35. The science that deals with the capacity of people to resist disease and infection is called ...
Answer: Immunology / ___ / ___
36. Of Ronald Reagan, Leonardo da Vinci, Douglas Fairbanks, John F. Kennedy, and Frank Sinatra, which name never had a "Junior" after it?
Answer: Leonardo da Vinci / ___ / ___
37. Which of these countries is not a member of OPEC: Libya, Kuwait, Nigeria, Tunisia, or Venezuela?
Answer: Tunisia / ___ / ___
38. The phrase "a wall of separation between church and state," which the Supreme Court used in its 1962 school prayer decision, was coined in an 1802 letter to a Baptist congregation, written by what then President of the United States?
Answer: Thomas Jefferson / ___ / ___
39. Because so much of their land is at or below sea level, what's the collective name for Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg?
Answer: Low Countries / ___ / ___
40. What number is common to the heavens of the Koran, the deadly sins of St. Thomas Aquinas, and T.E. Lawrence's pillars of wisdom?
Answer: Seven / ___ / ___
41. Natty Bumppo, the hero of The Pathfinder and The Deerslayer, finally meets his death at the age of 82 in another one of Cooper's novels. Which one?
Answer: The Prairie / ___ / ___

Instructions: During the last 5 minutes of each match, use the 'Blitz' format with 10 points for each tossup and no bonus. All answers must be answered without stalling.

Blitz Round - All 10 Point Tossups / 1 / 1
New Testament
42. There were two apostles with which same name: Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, or James?
Ans: James / ___ / ___
43. In which city was the first Christian church formed?
Ans: Jerusalem (It was set up 7 weeks after Christ's death.) (Accept Antioch, where Christ's followers were first called Christians.) / ___ / ___
44. Jesus describes Hell as a place of weeping and what else?
Ans: Gnashing of teeth / ___ / ___
45. Where did Saint John write his Revelation?
Ans: On the isle of Patmos / ___ / ___
46. Foods that have a disagreeable odor and the taste of decomposing oils or fats are described as being ...
Ans: Rancid (spoiled) / ___ / ___
47. What is the eight-letter word for any substance that supplies the body with elements necessary for metabolism?
Ans: Nutrient / ___ / ___
48. The primary use of halazone is to disinfect what?
Ans: Water / ___ / ___
49. What is a thirteen-letter word for a substance that prevents the formation of blood clots?
Ans: Anticoagulant / ___ / ___
1897: Answer these questions about the year 1897.
50. He served his first year in the White House.
Ans: William McKinley. / ___ / ___
51. Trolley service began across this New York City landmark.
Ans: The Brooklyn Bridge. / ___ / ___
52. This marathon was run for the first time.
Ans: Boston Marathon. / ___ / ___
53. The first US subway opened in this city.
Ans: Boston. / ___ / ___
54. The US annexed these islands in the Pacific.
Ans: The Hawaiian Islands. / ___ / ___
55. Bram Stoker published this horror classic.
Ans: Dracula. / ___ / ___
56. This 1,000 room hotel opened in Manhattan.
Ans: The Waldorf-Astoria. / ___ / ___
57. This island proclaimed its unity with Greece.
Ans: Crete. / ___ / ___
58. The US produced 100 of these machines, up from 25 in 1896.
Ans: Automobiles. / ___ / ___
59. This future president was a mining engineer in China.
Ans: Herbert Hoover. / ___ / ___
60. Suspensions are mixtures in which tiny solid or liquid particles are suspended in a liquid or in a ...
Ans: Gas / ___ / ___
61. What adjective that literally means "water-fearing" describes molecules that are not polar and therefore do not dissolve in water?
Ans: Hydrophobic / ___ / ___
62. The term "phosphorescence" indicates that the luminescence of a substance persists significantly after the exciting cause is removed. What term indicates that the luminescence of a substance does not persist after the exciting cause is removed?
Ans: Fluorescence / ___ / ___
63. A method by which large molecules such as starch and small molecules such as glucose may be separated by selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane is called what?
Ans: Dialysis / ___ / ___
64. Find the product of the roots of the quadratic equation 3x squared plus 5x minus 12 equals 0.
Ans: -4 / ___ / ___
65. How many degrees has the minute hand moved on a clock from 4:00 to 4:12?
Ans: 72 / ___ / ___
66. How many isosceles right triangles are formed by a square and its two diagonals?
Ans: 8 / ___ / ___
67. Express the following as a single term: 4 times the square root of -9 plus 5i.
Ans: 17i / ___ / ___