Madeira Elementary School PTO Bylaws— Effective May 1, 2012

Madeira Elementary School

Parent Teacher Organization


Effective May 1, 2012


Section 1:NAME—Thename of the organization is the Madeira Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization, otherwise known as the Madeira Elementary School PTO or MES PTO. The MES PTO is located at Madeira Elementary School in Hamilton County, State of Ohio.

Section 2:DESCRIPTION—The MES PTOis a non-profit organization that exists exclusively for educational, charitable, and scientificpurposes under Section 501(c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code, orcorresponding section of anyfuture Federal tax code.


a.  To provide funding and support for student enrichment and school activities

b.  To connect parents to the school through activities and education


Section 1: Membership—

a.  May 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013—Membership shall be automatically granted to all parents and guardians of Madeira Elementary Schoolstudents, and all staff at Madeira Elementary School.

b.  Effective July 1, 2012—Membership will be retroactively effective to July 1 of the school year for which Membership Dues are paid and will end on the following June 30. Membership will be open to any adult parent, guardian or other caregiver of a student enrolled in Madeira City Schools and any staff member of Madeira ElementarySchool, without discrimination.

Section 2: Membership Dues—

a.  Effective July 1, 2012 Membership Dues will be $10 per household or $5 per staff member.

b.  The Executive Board reserves the right to change Membership Dues at any time effective the following July 1.

c.  The Executive Board may waive Membership Dues in the event of financial hardship.

Section 3: Voting Rights—Each member has voting privileges. One vote per household or staff member is permitted.


Section 1:EXECUTIVE BOARD—The Executive Board shall consist of the following Officers: President,Treasurer and at least two Vice Presidents. Any Officer position can be sharedby more than one person.


a.  The term of office for all Officers is one year, beginning July 1 and ending the followingJune 30.

b.  The President and Treasurer can serve no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. There is no limitation on the number of terms that can be served by Vice Presidents.

c.  Each person elected shall hold only one office at a time.

Section 3: QUALIFICATIONS—Any MESPTO member in good standing may become an Officer of the MES PTO.


a.  Conduct MES PTO General Meetings

b.  Create policies

c.  Present recommendations to the membership

d.  Transact business between meetings

e.  Prepare the annual budget and submit it to membership

f.  Establish and oversee committees to conduct the work of the MESPTO

g.  Keep and make available to all members:minutes of meetings, a membership list, and accounting records

h.  Approve by vote of the Executive Board unbudgeted expenditures of no more

than $200

i.  Retain and be familiar with these Bylaws


a.  President:

1)  Serve as the leader and official representative of the MES PTO

2)  Preside over General Meetings of theMES PTO and the Executive Board

3)  Serve as the primary contact for the principal and staff of Madeira Elementary School

4)  Coordinate the work of committees and other Officers so that the objectives of the MES PTO are served

5)  May oversee any committee not served by anotherOfficer

b.  Treasurer:

1)  Serve as custodian of the MES PTO’s finances

2)  Collect revenue and pay expenses in accordance with the adopted budget

3)  Keep and maintain accurate records of all financial activities

4)  Prepare and report financial activity on a monthly basis and by request of any member

5)  Prepare and submit forms and reports as required by the IRS, the State of Ohio, the Madeira City School District and any other entity to which the MES PTO is required to report

6)  May oversee any committee not served by another Officer

c.  Vice Presidents: There will be at least two Vice Presidents. These duties will be delegated to individuals by the President.

1)  Put out an annual request for members and maintain a record of membership

2)  Help recruit committee chairpersons for activities

3)  Coordinate written and email communication with parents, staff and the community

4)  Assist President as needed with meetings or as designated

5)  Carry out duties of president in his or her absence or inability to serve.

6)  Assist committees in recruiting volunteers for activities, as needed.

7)  Oversee all student, teacher and parent activities not coordinated by another Officer.

d.  Recording Secretary

1)  Take and keep record of meeting minutes and attendees

2)  Hold historical records for the MES PTO including Bylaws

3)  Maintain the MES PTO webpage and Facebook page

4)  Coordinate correspondence and communications with outside persons and entities (i.e. thank you notes)

Section 6: BOARD MEETINGS—The Executive Board shall meet at least three (3) times per year at the discretion of the President. Meetings may be in-person; via conference call; using online messaging or conferencing; or any other method that enables the Executive Board members to share information and make decisions as a group.

Section 7: VOTING AT BOARD MEETING—Any vote will require two-thirds (2/3) of all Officers or 3 Officers, whichever is greater, for approval.

Section8: Nominations and Elections—Any member of the MES PTO, including members of the Executive Board, can nominate Officercandidates for the following year. Members can also nominate themselves. The Executive Board may designate a nominating committee to select candidates for office. Elections will be held atthe second to last or the last General Meeting of the school year. Members will be notified of the candidates for office at least two weeks prior to this meeting. Candidates will be communicated to members via the school’s email system or other communication system, as available, and will be posted on the MES PTO webpage. At the meeting,nominations may be made from the floor. Voting shall be byvoice vote if there is one candidate for each office. If more than one person is runningfor an office, a ballot vote shall be taken.

Section 9: REMOVAL—An Officer can be removed from office for failure to fulfill his/her duties, after reasonable notice. Two-thirds (2/3) approval of all Officers or 3 Officers, whichever is greater, is required.

Section 10: VACANCY—If a vacancy occurs on the Executive Board, the President shall appoint anMES PTO member to fill the vacancy, for the remainder of the Officer’s term. If there is a vacancy in the office of President, one of the Vice Presidents will become the President.

ARTICLE IV – Committees

Section 1: Committee Membership—Committees may consist of members and non-members, with the President or his/her designee acting as an ex officio memberof all committees.

Section 2: TYPES OF COMMITTEES—Committees will be maintained and created as necessary to fulfill the objectives of the MES PTO.


Section 1: GENERAL MEETINGS—General Meetings shall be held to conduct the business of the MES PTO. Meetings shall be held at least six (6) times during the year at the discretion of the Executive Board. A member of the Executive Board will notify members of upcoming meetings using the school email, or other communication system, as available, at least one week prior to the meeting if the date and time is not indicated on the Madeira City Schools district calendar. General Meetings are open to all, but only members may vote.

Section 2: VOTING—Each member in attendance at a General Meeting is eligible to vote, one vote per household. Absentee or proxy votes are not allowed. A majority vote is necessary to pass any motion, unless stated otherwise in this document.

Section 3: QUORUM—Seven (7) members of the MES PTO present and voting constitute a quorum for the purpose of voting.


Section 1: FISCAL YEAR—The fiscal year of the MES PTO begins July 1 and ends June 30 of the following year.

Section 2:BANKING—All funds shall be kept in a checking account in the name of the MES PTO held at a local financial institution.

Section 3: AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES—The President and Treasurer will be authorized to sign checks. The President may designate any Vice President check signing authority. No authorized signatory may write a check to themselves.

Section 4: DEBIT CARD PURCHASES—The debit card affiliated with the MES PTO checking account may be used for budgeted expenses under $200. A detailed receipt must be kept as part of the expense records.

Section 5: REPORTING—All financial activity shall be recorded in a manual or computer-based accounting system. The Treasurer shall reconcile the account and report all financial activity monthly.

Section 6: BUDGET—A tentative budget shall be drafted by members of the Executive Board before the first General Meeting of the MES PTO. This proposed budget will be presented at thefirst General Meeting. A majority vote of members present at this meeting will be required to adopt the budget. Any variance to the adopted budget of $200 or more of additional expense must be approved by a majority vote of the members present at a General Meeting.

Section 7: CONTRACTS—Contract signing authority is limited to the President or the President’s designee.

Section 8:DISTRIBUTIONS—No part of the net earnings of the MES PTO shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, Officers, or other private persons except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of its objectives.

Section 9: DONATIONS—All donations are subject to atwo-thirds (2/3) vote of members at a General Meeting and must adhere to the following conditions:

a.  Donations may be made in the form of scholarships to advance the education of a Madeira student.

b.  Donations may be made to the Madeira City Schools including to any of its individual schools.

c.  Donations may be made to another 501(c)(3) organization.

Section 10: Contributions and Gifts—The Executive Board may accept on behalf of the MES PTO any contributions or gifts for the general purposes or for any special purpose of the MES PTO. These shall be in conformity with the laws of the United States, the State of Ohio, and any other relevant jurisdiction.


Amendments to the Bylaws may be proposed by any MES PTO member. Amendments presented at a General Meeting shall be considered for voting at a subsequent General Meeting. Members will be notified of any proposed change to the Bylaws at least two weeks prior to this meeting. Proposed changes will be communicated to members via the school’s email system or other communication system, as available, and will be posted on the MES PTO webpage. Two-thirds (2/3) approval of all members present and voting is required to adopt an amendment to the Bylaws.


In the event of dissolution of the MESPTO, any funds remaining shall bedonated to a 501(c)(3) with a purpose similar to this organization or to Madeira Elementary School or its successor, subject to majority approval of all members present and voting.


Unless specified elsewhere, the authority for this organization shall be Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised.


These Bylaws shall be effective as of May 1, 2012.

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