Preliminary Observations

·  The papers will be submitted for publication until October 2, 2017.

·  The papers which do not fall within the limits specified below will be resent for changes.

·  We will not accept texts in Romanian language which do not have diacritics marks.

·  The paper will be written in English or Romanian.

·  The paper must necessarily contain an abstract (Romanian or English).

·  Please limit your study at top 25 pages using our page layout and format.

Paper Preparation

·  The paper must be arranged as follows: (1) title, (2) the author's/authors’ name, (3) the author's/ authors’ institutional affiliation and e-mail, (4) abstract, (5) key words, (6) the paper, (7) bibliography.

·  Page Format: B5 JIS (18.2 × 25.7 cm), Margins: 3 cm (top); 3 cm (bottom); 2.5 cm (left); 2.5 cm (right); Orientation: Portrait (it is accepted Landscape orientation in cases where annexes or tables require).

·  Title: it must be short, specific and informative. Wording: Times New Roman, 13, Bold, Center.

·  Authors: positioned in two lines below title. Wording: Times New Roman, 11, Italic, Center. The names of the authors will be written with asterisk (*).

·  Institutional Affiliation: positioned in two lines to authors and it is mentioned the institutional affiliation and e-mail of the authors (with stars mentioned at author section). Wording: Times New Roman, 10, Justified.

·  Abstract: positioned in two lines to institutional affiliation. Wording: Times New Roman, 10 Justified. The abstract will contain between 300 and 500 characters that must not contain citations and abbreviations. The abstract will be written in English or Romanian, but in other language than the article.

·  Keywords: positioned in two lines to abstract. Minimum five key words. The key words will be written in the same language as the abstract. Wording: Times New Roman, 10.

Article text

o  Font: Times New Roman, 11;

o  Paragraph settings: Justified alignment; Line spacing – single; First Line: 1.27 cm.

Author quotation:

·  It will be made only in the form of footnotes using the Harvard system of quotation.

·  Quotation will be made on the model: author, year, page (ex. Bader, 1978, p. 58.), and when it is desired to point a figure or a note that will be specified also (ex. Bader, 1978, p. 58, fig. 4.).

·  In case of two authors quotation will be specified only their names (ex. Ionescu, Ghergari, 2006, p. 26.)

·  In case of more than tree authors, quotation it will be specified the name of the first author followed by “et alii” abbreviation.

·  In case that an author has more than one paper per year will use indications as “a”, “b”.


·  the title BIBLIOGRAPHY will be written in Times New Roman, 12, Center, Bold, Uppercase.

·  will be included the authors quoted in the article, the authors of figures and tables (where appropriate)

·  the authors will be arranged in alphabetical order, by name of first and second author.

·  if an author is quoted with several papers, they are arranged in chronological order.

·  the names of quoted journals and publishers shall not abbreviate.

·  quoting models:

o  Papers in journals:

Schuster, 2000 / Christian SCHUSTER, Despre reprezentări în lut ars ale piciorului uman din Bronzul românesc, In: Analele Banatului, Serie Nouă, VII–VIII, 2000, pp. 261–279.

o  Books:

Iambor, 2013 / Petru IAMBOR, Aşezări fortificate din Transilvania (sec. XI-XIII), Ed. Argonaut, Cluj-Napoca, 2013 (Ediția a 2-a), 420 pg., ISBN 973-109-420-5.

o  Book chapters:

Măruia, 2012 / Liviu MĂRUIA, Caracteristicile fizico-geografice ale zonei Moşniţa, In: Liviu MĂRUIA, Dorel MICLE, Cristian FLOCA, Andrei STAVILĂ, Alexandru BERZOVAN, Lavinia BOLCU, Oana BORLEA, Geografia istorică a zonei Moşniţa Veche. Rezultatele cercetărilor arheologice de teren, Ed. BioFlux, Cluj-Napoca, 2012, 1154 pg., ISBN 978-606-8191-43-0.

o  Thesis (Phd, M.A.) and unpublished reports:

Floca, 2010 / Cristian FLOCA, Liebling. Monografia arheologică, Universitatea de Vest, Timişoara, Disertaţie (ms), 2010, 250 pg.

o  Maps:

Petrescu, Dăuş, 1966 / Ioan PETRESCU, Vasile DĂUŞ, Harta Geologică, Timişoara 24, 1:200000, Comitetul de Stat al Geologiei. Institutul Geologic, 1966, planşa L-34-XXII.

Figures and Tables

·  will be sent separately in JPG or TIFF format, at a minimum resolution of 300 dpi;

·  will be inserted in Word document for indicating their location in text;

·  will be sent in color format (for the printable format this images will be converted as black and white and for the digital format, images will be kept as color);

·  photos and drawings that illustrate artifacts or archaeological contexts it is necessary to contain scale (and north indicator if case);

·  maps is mandatory to contain geographic north and scale;

·  the quotation in text must follow the model “Fig. 1”;

·  the quotation in text must follow the model “Tab. 1”;

·  the list of figure will be on a separate page.

A template can be downloaded from /Template_eng.doc

Examples of these rules applied to different individual cases are to be found also in the first three editions of the ArheoVest year-book available on-line at