Norman Gervais, Page | 1
(518) 859-9422,
- Project driven and hardworking professional that enjoys collaborating and working in a team environment.
- Have plenty of experience with public speaking,technology, computers and all common software.
- Flexible and eager to learn new things.
University at Albany, State University of New York
Ph.D. Information Science - GIS Course work completed, Expected 2016
MA Geography, Specialization: GIS December 2010
Graduate Certificate GIS and Spatial Analyst May 2011
College at Brockport, State University of New York
BS Environmental Science and Biology, Concentration: Terrestrial Ecology May 2007
US Army Corps of Engineers Seasonal, July 2010- Present
Student Trainee (Geography) (Aug 2012-present)
Biological Technician (July 2010-Aug 2012):
- Responsible for obtaining, maintaining, and ensuring proper function of the offices geospatial data.
- Assist with the permitting and minimization of impacts to the navigable waters of the United States (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act) from a variety of proposed project types, including linear utility projects, through issuing Nationwide Permit (NWP) verification letters and providing geospatial support for compliance with Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.
- Develop and interpret GIS maps, via remote sensing techniques, to provide pertinent information to aid in site visits and preliminary identification of alleged violations.
- Awarded Outstanding Government Improvement certificate of achievement.
Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS) June 2009-August 2009
Biological Student (Soil Conservation):
- Worked in conjunction with the Rensselaer County Soil and Water Conservation District.
- Achieved an integrated system of land use and conservation to restore, enhance, and protect the environment in harmony with the needs of several landowners through the implementation of conservation practices.
- Assisted in the planning and construction of agricultural water runoff and supply.
- Technical drawing and interpreting blueprints.
- Overlooked contractors work to ensure compliance with NRCS specifications.
NYS Department of Environmental Conservation May 2008- October 2008
Wildlife Technician 1:
- Responsible for ensuring compliance with Article 24 (wetland) and Article 15 (stream) of the Environmental Conservation Law in eight counties in the Eastern Adirondacks (region 5 of the NYS DEC).
- Ensured that projects, as permitted by the Department for landowners, consultants, and local governments, were being followed in accordance with the plans.
- Wetland delineations and marking the boundary with a GPS unit. Uploaded the GPS point files to a GIS.
- Assisted law enforcement with environmental complaints related to wetlands.
- Disseminated wildlife information to the public.
Northeast Analytical Inc. November 2007- January 2008
Organic Extraction Technician:
- Tested for water samples forvarious pollutants
University at Albany 2012-present
- Solely taught and managed:
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- Research Methods for Informatics (INF 200)
- Web Technologies (INF 201)
- Introduction to Data and Databases (INF 202)
- Introduction to Networks and System (INF 203)
- Probability and Statistics for Data Analytics (INF 300)
- Web Development (IIST 361)
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- Participate in regular faculty meetings, weekly brown bag talks, and weekly departmental events
- Serve on Faculty and Staff Growth and Commencement Program Committees
Sage College of Albany
Online Course Developer July 2014-September 2014
- Developed SCI 205 – Intro to Physical Geography
University at Albany October 2013-Present
Student Assistant, Research (part time):
- Work part time with a professor on urban ecology research
- Develop python scripts to automate processes
- Set up, install, and run a Linux operating system and Linux software
- Obtain data
- EnhancingRemotely Sensed Datato Better MeasureVegetation Patterns. Presented at The Informatics Department of the College of Computing and Informationbrownbagseries of talks and discussions, SUNY Albany
- VGI's Role in Improving Government 2.0. Poster Presented at NYGeoCon
- Challenges with the Conserving Biodiversity: The Importance of Surrogates. Presentation at New Trends in Computing and Informatics Research (NTCIR), SUNY Albany
- A Proposed GIS based Method for Modeling Aquatic Ecosystem Health. Poster Presented at New Trends in Computing and Informatics Research (NTCIR),SUNY Albany
- A Geospatial Representation of Coincidence Among Digitally Mapped Wetlands and Hydric Soils in St. Lawrence County. Poster Presented at GIS/World Town Planning Day, SUNY Albany
- Individual Development Award Program Grant, for expenses to attend 2014 NYS Geospatial Summit
- UA-GSA Professional Development Award Program, for expenses from 2013 NYGeoCon presentation
- 2012-2013 Professional Development Award Program, for expenses from 2013 CIT presentation
- Awarded Department of the Army - Certificate of Achievement: Regulatory Branch Permits Digitization Team - Commander's Outstanding Government Improvement
Member, NYSGIS Association