“Bringing out the best in your child.”


I am delighted to extend a warm welcome to Norbury Church of England Primary School. It can be an exciting and challenging responsibility choosing the right school for your child and you need to be sure that your decision is the right one.

This prospectus will provide you with key information about our school, but it is only when you visit that you will feel and see for yourself what a unique school Norbury is.

Ours is a rural, safe village school with a wonderfully caring family atmosphere in which children thrive. Here, we value the uniqueness of each child and strive to provide the best opportunities for them to achieve. Children are encouraged to believe in themselves, to have confidence in their own abilities and appreciate the worth of others. We nurture all of our pupils, to encourage them to grow in confidence, to develop as independent thinkers and prepared for the next stage in their educational journey.

At Norbury, your child is important, as are you. We pride ourselves on our open-door policy and the excellent communication between staff, pupils and parents. We are a partnership working to ensure that your child’s time at school is the happiest possible.

If you require further information, or would like to arrange a visit, please do contact us at school or look on the school website at

Rebecca Chapman Headteacher

Our School

Norbury CE Primary School is a Church of England controlled school, funded by the Local Authority, Derbyshire County Council. We have excellent links with the village church of St Mary and St Barlok in addition to the Derby Diocese Education Board.

The School was built in 1894, serving the villages of Norbury and Roston, but now extending out to a wider catchment area. The school is at the heart of the community, next to the local village hall, with a beautiful outlook across open fields. As a rural village Primary school of 60 pupils, we pride ourselves on our knowledge of each child and our ability to recognise and develop individual talents. Our school is characterised by its warmth and friendliness. As a Church of England School, the Christian ethos is strong. Collective worship, RE and PSHE make important contributions to pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural and social development.

Relationships within the school are excellent with a strong sense of Christian family values. Staff work closely together as a team and have a genuine care and concern for each other and the pupils. Children are friendly and polite to adults and to other pupils. In all aspects of school life, children are encouraged to adopt a positive mental attitude and aim for the highest standards.

Rules at Norbury are simple; encouraging courtesy, respect, consideration and thoughtfulness for others. Behaviour is excellent and pupils take great pride in their school. All pupils feel safe and secure in this environment, which enables them to thrive and succeed.

School Ethos

The Ethos of our school is the distinctive spirit and the attitudes of our culture.

Our Ethos encompasses our vision, our key values and our aims, as corporately agreed by all stakeholders in our community.

School Vision

We are a caring Christian school in which all children are inspired to work towards excellence with enthusiasm and confidence.

Our Key Values

•To bring out the best in each child

•To encourage courtesy, consideration and mutual respect within the context of Christian belief and practice

Structure of Classes

Throughout the school, children are taught in small mixed age classes, which we believe, enhances their learning. The average number of pupils in each year group is 8-9. Most mixed teaching groups therefore consist of approximately 16/18 children for the teaching of the Core subjects.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) (ages 4-5)

Our EYFS children are taught by the Infant team of teachers, supported by Teaching Assistants. Children have access to a natural outdoor learning environment to

further extend their learning.

Key Stage 1 – Years 1&2 (ages 5-7)

EYFS and KS1 children are taught by the Infant team of teachers, supported by TeachingAssistants.

Key Stage 2

Lower Juniors – Years 3&4 (ages 7-9)Taught as one single class for Maths, Literacy, Science, ICT, PE/Games, Swimming, Art, Design and Technology, RE, PSHE and Forest Schools.

Upper Juniors – Years 5&6 (ages 9-11)

Taught as one class for Maths, Literacy,

Science, ICT, PE/Games, Swimming, Art,

Design and Technology, RE, PSHE and Forest Schools.

The School Day

The School Day is as follows:

Time / Session
8.45am / Playground supervision on the playground Pupil Arrival
8.55am / Registration
9.10am / Big Maths [Mental arithmetic]
9.30am / Maths
10.25am / Playtime
10.40am / Phonics and SPAG
[Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar]
11.00 / Literacy
12-1.15pm / Lunch
1.15pm / Afternoon sessions
3.30pm / End of School – Infants End of School - Juniors


The Curriculum

The Staff and Governors at NorburyPrimary School believe in providing an exciting, stimulating and appropriate curriculum, which is broad and balanced and meets the needs of all groups within the school. Additionally, it is our aim that when the pupils leave our school, we have had a positive impact on their spiritual, moral, social, cultural, academic and physical development. This will help them meet the needs of their next phases of education and prepare them for their role in later life.

We are a church school and value understanding and mutual respect. We aim to help children value honesty and to have confidence in their own ability.

The Core curriculum for all ages consists of Literacy, Maths, Science, ICT and Religious Education.

Pupils also follow a range of Foundation Subjects – History,

Geography, Art, Design and Technology, PE, Music, French, Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and

Citizenship/Enterprise Education.

All year groups follow the broad and balanced curriculum, with progression being integral to all subjects, building on previous knowledge and expertise.


We strive to ensure that before leaving us, children will be able to read to the best of their ability with enjoyment and understanding, write clearly and fluently and speak with expression and confidence.

A considerable amount of time is given to spoken language, listening skills, literacy and the teaching of reading. An extensive range of materials is used to teach reading, aspects of grammar, spelling and handwriting. All pupils participate in a daily phonics session.

Children bring home a reading book every day, together with a diary for parents to add comments. They also bring home word lists and spellings on a weekly basis.

Drama plays an important part in our curriculum, and all pupils take part in an annual production either in December or during the summer term. Over the years, productions have included plays, pantomimes and musicals, which have been memorable highlights for parents and children alike.


In our maths work, our aim is not only to give children an understanding and knowledge of basic mathematical concepts, but to develop an attitude of enquiry, confidence and above all pleasure in the subject. Through practical activity, exploration and discussion children learn to understand and appreciate the importance of mathematics in everyday life. Mental maths skills and the regular practising of times tables are given a high priority.


In science, we aim to stimulate the child’s curiosity, teaching methods of enquiry and investigation. We involve pupils in ‘real’ scientific activities, researching a problem or carrying out a practical experiment and analysing the results. We encourage the children to ask, as well as answer, scientific questions.


Through teaching ICT we equip our children to participate in a rapidly changing world where work and leisure activities are increasingly transformed by technology. We enable them to find, explore, analyse, exchange and present information. We also focus on developing the skills necessary for children to be able to use

information in a discriminating and effective way. ICT skills are a major factor in enabling children to be confident, creative and independent learners.

We are constantly upgrading our facilities to keep up to date with new technologies. We have a class set of IPADS [16] We have a range of classroom computers and laptops. High-level filters are in place to ensure that pupils only have access to appropriate material. The children are taught how to keep safe when using the Internet.

The Arts

From an early age our children are encouraged to develop their creative ideas and talents.

Art is an important part of schoolwork because it aids the development of skills and also enables children to express themselves in a unique way. Children are taught a variety of techniques and methods, and subject matter often reflects other topics within the curriculum. We value and exhibit all children’s creative work.

Music at Norbury is of a high quality. Taught by a Music specialist, the children encounter music from many different cultures and have the opportunity to create and enjoy music of every sort.

Musical Instruments

It is possible for children to learn a variety of musical instruments on a group or private basis, from visiting specialist music teachers.

Foundation Subjects

Through their work in Geography, children learn about their local area and compare their life in this area with that of other regions in the UK and the rest of the world. Norbury’s idyllic rural setting provides a practical starting point for many field trips and environmental projects.

History is taught in a lively and imaginative way. Typical topics include ‘The Victorians,’ The Tudors,’ and the ‘History of Britain Since 1930’ and frequently link into other aspects of the curriculum such as art and music. Our aim in teaching history is to stimulate our children’s interest and understanding about the life of people who lived in the past.

In Design and Technology children are given opportunities to design and make a variety of items. They are taught how to use tools safely, how to choose appropriate materials and how to approach problem-solving in a creative, logical way.

Physical Education is highly valued at Norbury School, and all children have the opportunity to enjoy gymnastics, athletics, games, dance and swimming at various times throughout their school career. The children are fortunate to be able to enjoy a large well-maintained playing field, overlooking open countryside, together with marked playgrounds

and have the use of the Village Hall for indoor pursuits. Emphasis is placed on the full range of activities within the curriculum.

An annual Sports Day is held, with all children taking part. There are also opportunities for children to play football, netball, tag rugby and rounders, and to participate in inter-school matches and local Dove Valley sports events. Outdoor Adventurous Activities are experienced during our annual residential experience.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship aims to encourage our children to become healthy, independent and responsible members of society. Social issues such as crime, gender, race, bullying and drugs are tackled, and many lively discussions take place!

Relationships & Sex Education is introduced gradually, and as appropriate to the age and stage of each pupil. It is taught in the context of the morals and values of the school and family life, with caring relationships and respect for others being an integral part of the PSHE programme. The Relationships and Sex Education policy, has been approved by the Governors and the parent body, is available from the school office.

Religious Education

As a Church of England School, the values and principles of Christian belief are explained to the children and the major festivals are celebrated. The Christian ethic is an integral part of the school community and close contact is kept with the local vicar who makes regular visits to the school. We also develop children’s knowledge and understanding of the major world faiths so that they can appreciate the differing beliefs that exist in our world and understand other points of view.

Parents have the right to withdraw their child from Religious Education classes should they wish to do so. In this case they should inform the Headteacher of their decision.

School Council: all year groups have their views represented through the School Council, whose suggestions help influence many aspects of day-to-day school life. In addition, the school has an active Eco-Council, currently building upon our Bronze eco status.

Forest Schools

We are fortunate at Norbury to have trained Forest School Teachers, delivering weekly

‘Forest Schools’ sessions to all pupils. We have our own neighbouring forest schools site, allowing pupils to further enjoy learning outside the classroom, promoting independence, self-esteem and confidence.


Homework tasks are given to the children as appropriate to their age and stage of learning. Homework is set to encourage children to develop the skill to work independently, in preparation for the demands of secondary school and later life. Homework is also a useful tool to help a child revise, practise and reinforce lessons they have received throughout the day.

Infant children have a reading book, which they bring home every day. Years 1-2 have a homework activity each week reflecting the work, which they have been doing in class. Infant children will additionally have word lists or spellings to learn. KS2 pupils have reading, spelling, English and maths on a weekly basis, plus projects, research and other curriculum activities throughout the term.

Extra-Curricular Clubs

Children at Norbury have the opportunity to participate in a host of after school clubs, run by staff and volunteers. There are various clubs available at different times of the year, for example: choir, craft club, football, multi-skills, athletics, recorders, dancing, aerobics, cookery club, running club and art club. All club

details are published on the school website.

Educational Visits

Out of school activities and educational visits are an important part of the learning experiences of all children. These visits may take place close to school or be many miles away by coach. Each year the older juniors have the chance to go away for a few days on a residential trip. This is a valuable opportunity for the children to mix with others of their own age and to widen their experience. For the last few years we have visited the White Hall Activity Centre near Buxton, where qualified instructors teach activities such as walking, rock climbing, canoeing and abseiling. Enrichment activities for both Infant and Junior children and are often linked to topic work or area of study.

School Meals

Derbyshire County Council provides a daily lunch service in school, which is available to all children. Our meals are cooked and eaten in the village hall next to the school. We have regular ‘parent to lunch’ days and special lunches for community members.

The school cook, Angela, prepares the daily lunch and is able to accommodate the likes and dislikes of the children whilst encouraging them to eat a healthy diet. Please note that children who have food intolerance allergies can be catered for. School meals are charged at £1.90 per day. We appreciate it if the correct money for the week is

sent in a named, sealed envelope each Monday morning.

Alternatively, parents can pay each half-term in advance.

Parents who feel they may be eligible for Free School Meals are asked to chat to either the Headteacher or contact DCC on

School Uniform

At Norbury, we encourage all children to wear uniform because it helps pupils take pride in their appearance and their school. The school logo incorporates a heron in flight, a sight often seen in the rural location of Norbury. Sweatshirts, fleeces and cardigans (royal blue with logo) are practical and comfortable and may be purchased from school at a reasonable cost.


For Physical Education, all children require a white T-Shirt and navy shorts, (which can be purchased from school), and pumps or trainers. These should be left in school in a named pump bag. A school PE bag is available if required. In winter, tracksuits/jogging bottoms are useful, particularly during periods of adverse weather.

Junior children will require a towel and a swimming costume or above knee swimming shorts for lessons at Denstone Swimming Pool.

For art and technology, all children require an apron or overall, this should be kept in school.

Children may appreciate a pair of wellington boots or old trainers for outdoor playtimes or for when in the outdoor learning area.

Safeguarding – Keeping your child safe

Our first priority is your child’s welfare. There may be occasions when our concern about your child means that we may have to consult other agencies even before we contact you. The procedures we follow have been laid down by the Derbyshire Safeguarding Children Board. If you want to know more about this procedure, please speak to the Headteacher.