JUNE 2005
Noncredit Matriculation Background
The passage of AB 3 (the Seymour-Campbell Matriculation Act) in 1986 established a prescribed set of services and operations to be provided for students enrolled in credit courses in the public California community colleges. These services and operations are linked one to another through components that were developed primarily to reflect the legislative and regulatory mandates adopted to ensure equitable access and potential for success for the credit community college student. The Matriculation service components are: (1) Admissions; (2) Orientation; (3) Assessment; (4) Counseling/Advising; (5) Follow-Up; (6) Coordination and Training; (7) Research/Evaluation; and (8) Pre- and corequisites. While many community colleges have been extending Matriculation services to students enrolled in noncredit courses, AB 3 did not allow the provision of these services using Matriculation funds.
Noncredit Matriculation Legislation
During the 1996-97 legislative session considerable discussion occurred concerning both present and future Matriculation services for students enrolled in noncredit classes, courses and programs. Much of this discussion ensued through the 18 member bipartisan committee on Welfare Reform for California. New legislation and budget language (AB 1542, AB 107) extended the provision of Matriculation services to students enrolled in designated noncredit classes, courses and programs and appropriated $10 million to this effort:
AB 1542, Section 16 is added to the Education Code, to read:
72620.5. “Commencing with the 1997-98 fiscal year, community college districts, to the extent that funding is provided in the annual Budget Act, may provide counseling and Matriculation services for students enrolled in credit courses and students enrolled in noncredit courses, according to a welfare-to-work plan as provided in Section 11325.21 of the Welfare and Institutions Code.”
AB 107, Item 7b
“Of the amount appropriated in Schedule (f), $10,000,000 shall be allocated to community college districts on a one-to-one matching fund basis to provide Matriculation services to include, but not be limited to, orientation, assessment and counseling for students enrolled in designated noncredit classes and programs who may benefit most, as determined by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges pursuant to Sections 78216 to 78218, inclusive, of the Education Code.”
The intent of this legislation is to allow community colleges to provide Matriculation services for students enrolled in designated noncredit classes, courses and programs. Further, students enrolled in designated noncredit course categories will be able to use these curricula and support services to move into the workforce through skill acquisition or job placement services.
Qualifying Criteria
The following is a list of Matriculation services to be provided to students enrolled in noncredit courses or programs: (services in bold-face required)
- Orientation
- Assessment
- Counseling/Advising
- Admissions
- Follow-Up
- Coordination and Training
- Research/Evaluation and
Although colleges have the option to provide eligible students multiple Matriculation services, AB 107, specifically identifies orientation, assessment and counseling, as minimum services that should be offered to students enrolled in designated noncredit classes.
Designated Noncredit Classes
Noncredit Matriculation funds shall only be used to provide Matriculation services to students enrolled in any of the following approved classes, courses or programs:
- Elementary and Secondary Basic Skills;
- English as a Second Language;
- Disabled/Adults with Disabilities;
- Citizenship/Immigrant;
- Parenting and
- Short-Term Vocational courses.
Note that supervised tutoring courses are not designated for Noncredit Matriculation allocation purposes.
Noncredit Matriculation Implementing Guidelines
These implementing guidelines are based on the premise that orientation, assessment and counseling/advisement are services vital to the full participation and retention and Matriculation of noncredit students, particularly those whose welfare assistance and transition to the workplace is predicated upon their community college enrollment. Colleges should engage in active planning that produces a stable educational environment that provides continuous opportunity for life-long learning. As students enter the workforce, career paths will certainly change, new skills will be required and new career goals will be identified. Matriculation support services should be put in place to accommodate the changing workforce and student needs. Major consideration of staffing and fiscal resources issues should be considered to effectively deliver Matriculation services to students enrolled in the designated noncredit course categories. Service standards for the following components can be found in the College Matriculation Plan.
Orientation is the process by which students and potential students are acquainted with the services, facilities and programs provided by the college. For the noncredit student population, this service should be interpreted more broadly as this service can be accommodated in either a student service or instruction centered approach.
The assessment process is used to identify basic skill levels, learning styles, career interests and aptitudes and/or the need for special services for the noncredit students enrolled in one or more of the designated categories. The assessments for noncredit students should provide a "holistic" and "emerging" portrait of students, which will assist in their advisement. The process needs to be on going as students acquire new skills and achieve goals.
Counseling and Advisement
Counseling and advisement for the noncredit student population should be frequent and services can be provided for within an instructional environment. Students enrolled in designated noncredit classes, courses and programs should meet with a counselor or educational advisor as needed. Each participating community college district should establish a process for assisting students enrolled in designated noncredit classes, courses and programs to identify and determine their academic and vocational objectives. This process should be outlined in the noncredit student educational plan.
In noncredit courses, the role of the counselor or educational advisor is to assist the student to understand the process by which academic and vocational objectives are set and to participate fully in the setting of these objectives for him/herself. The major instrument for describing the students’ path to meeting their objectives is the noncredit student educational plan.
Its purpose is to support the retention and persistence of the student by “mapping” the student’s progress in short term and long term segments. The noncredit student educational plan should also include prescriptive advice from the counselor or educational advisor regarding study methods, resources outside the college, etc. It should also note referrals made to the student, as well as students’ responsibilities to ensure their success. Electronically maintained and monitored student educational plans should be used whenever they are available.
Facilitating the transition of noncredit students into other noncredit and credit academic and vocational programs provides students additional opportunities to enhance skills, participate in career ladder pathways and fulfill life-long learning goals.
Before you begin, duplicate as many copies as you anticipate you will need of the Section B
1-4 documents. Depending on the number of support service components you are providing, you may require more than one page for each component.
General Plan Instructions: The plan is divided into two sections:
- Section A: - District/College Certification - Complete this section by obtaining the required signatures.
- Section B: - Noncredit Matriculation Service Components - Provide the objectives, activities and frequency and the staff person name and contact information for each service component.
Please provide the following information for each service component:
Objectives - List the objectives to be accomplished within each service component.
- Activities - Describe each service, process or activity with respect to each of the objectives identified above and in which of the six-approved categories is it being provided.
Frequency -Describe how often you plan to conduct each activity and/or provide each service.
- Designated Noncredit Classes – Place a check mark in each Matriculation service under each designated class that applies to your program.
Section A
Noncredit Matriculation District/College Certification
Cover Page
Region Number: ______
Submitted To:Arnold Bojorquez Sally J. Montemayor
Regions 1, 4, 7, 9, & 10 Regions 2, 3, 5, 6, & 8
The undersign certify that the information contained in the application is correct and that the utilization of funds is for the delivery of Matriculation services to students enrolled in Noncredit Matriculation courses and programs.
District: ______College: ______
Address: ______Address: ______
Noncredit Matriculation Coordinator/Contact Date
Supervising Administrator Date
Signature of District/College Business Manager Date
Signature of Superintendent/President Date
Signature of District Chancellor Date
Please return the Noncredit Matriculation Program Plan
and signed District/College Certification to:
Chancellor’s Office
California Community Colleges
1102 Q Street, Sacramento, CA 95814-6511
Section BNoncredit Matriculation Program Components
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero_____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
District: Allan Hancock College College Name: _Allan Hancock College
I. Orientation: (please use additional pages if necessary)
Orientation is the process by which students and potential students are acquainted with the services, facilities and programs provided by the college.Objectives:
- Students will be aware of campus services, programs and facilities.
- Students will be knowledgeable about their rights and responsibilities.
1.1Provide enrolled and potential noncredit students with information concerning college programs, services, facilities, grounds, academic expectations, course scheduling and institutional procedures in a timely manner.
1.2Provide modified or alternative services for the orientation process (when necessary) for ethnic and language minority students and students with disabilities.
1.3Utilize computerized and online information services to implement or support orientation activities.
1.4Inform students about support services available to noncredit students transitioning to credit services, including, but not limited to, counseling, financial aid, tutoring, EOPS, learning assistance and child care services. / Frequency:
Orientation: cont.
1.5Produce and distribute brochures and college publications to provide information about available services and new programs.2.1Inform students of procedure for alleging unlawful conduct and discrimination in the implementation of matriculation and other college practices.
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero_____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
District: _Allan Hancock College______College Name: Allan Hancock College______
II. Assessment
The assessment process is used to identify basic skill levels, learning styles, career interests and aptitudes and/or the need for special services for the noncredit students enrolled in one or more of the designated categories. The assessments for noncredit students provide a holistic and emerging portrait of students, which assists in their advisement. The process is ongoing as students acquire new skills and achieve goals.Objectives:
- Students will understand their academic readiness for placement in noncredit and credit courses.
- Students will identify career interests.
- Students’ remediation needs will be identified for selection of appropriate noncredit classes.
1.1Administer assessment instruments to determine student competency in computational and language skills.
1.2Use multiple measures for placement recommendation and appropriate referral(s) or for subsequent evaluation.
1.3Provide modified or alternative services for the assessment process (if necessary) for ethnic and language minority students and students with disabilities.
1.4Utilize computerized and/or online information services to implement and support assessment services.
2.1Assist students to identify their aptitudes, interests and educational objectives.
2.2 Assess vocational/job readiness skills in coordination with JPCS.
3.1 Evaluate students’ study and learning skills.
3.2 Provide assessment services to determine functional/educational remedial needs of noncredit students. / Frequency:
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero_____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
III. Counseling/Advisement
Counseling and advisement for noncredit students take place throughout the semester as needed by students. Services are provided in an instructional environment as well as within an office setting in the Noncredit Matriculation and Counseling Office. Students enrolled in designated noncredit classes, courses and programs meet with a counselor as needed. When congruent with the student’s educational goal, counseling is also geared to facilitate the transition of noncredit students into other noncredit and credit academic and vocational programs to provide students additional opportunities to enhance skills, participate in career ladder pathways and fulfill life-long learning goals.Objectives:
1.Students will be able to use assessment information and placement recommendations for educational planning.
2.Students will be able to actively participate in their educational planning.
1.1Assist students in the interpretation of assessment results to noncredit students.
1.2Utilize students’ assessment results, academic goals, transcripts andpersonal interests in the recommendation of course work.
1.3Integrate student placement, tracking and progress in noncredit ESL, short term vocational and basic skills courses with credit courses.
2.1Make counseling/advisement available to all targeted students.
2.2Provide advisement concerning course selection.
2.3Provide assistance in selection of a specific educational goal and
development of the student educational plan, including identifying studentresponsibilities.
2.4Continue to revise and upgrade the electronic student educational plan (Ed Plan) as needed, to better serve the students for their use in determining the courses required of them to meet their educational goals. / Frequency:
Counseling/Advisement: cont.
2.5Make appropriate referral(s) to available support services and curriculum offerings.
2.6Provide modified or alternative services for the counseling and advising process (if necessary) for ethnic and language minority students and students with disabilities.
2.7Support noncredit students transitioning to credit classes.
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
District: _Allan Hancock College______College Name: Allan Hancock College______
IV. Admissions
The admissions process provides admissions and registration services to more easily meet the needs of a diverse, multicultural student population by continuing to provide special registration times, dates and locations, as well as staff trained to meet the needs of special populations.Objective:
- Students, including language minority and disabled students, will be able to have access to and navigate the admissions process and will be
1.1Advertise admissions and registration procedures in the noncredit class schedule every semester and at all college sites.
1.2 Make available to students and the community, admissions and registration procedures in Spanish at registration sites, in the non credit class schedule and the college Web-site.
1.3Provide reasonable accommodations to students with learning and physical disabilities.
1.4Advertise the admissions and registration process and procedures in the college Web-site and revise and update site as needed on a periodic basis.
1.5 Utilize computerized information services to implement or support admissions services. / Frequency:
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero_____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
V. Student Follow-Up
Follow-up activities are intended to identify additional student needs to support student success, persistence and retention. A systematic plan of follow up is in place for new noncredit students who come in contact with the office.Objectives:
- Students will be able to identify academic difficulties early on and will engage in further educational planning.
- Students will be knowledgeable about the resources available on and off campus and how these can be beneficial to them in reaching their educational goals.
- Students will learn how to navigate the academic system to seek and receive the necessary personal and academic support to reach their short term and long term goals.
1.1Provide post-enrollment evaluation of each noncredit student’s academic progress.
1.2Provide follow-up counseling for noncredit students.
1.3Involve faculty in early detection of academic difficulties for all students and provide other interventions and follow-up activities.
1.4Utilize computerized and online information services to implement, support, monitor and/or track follow-up services.
1.5Make referral contacts to community services as appropriate.
1.6Support comprehensive intervention programs for ethnic, language minority and disabled student populations.
2.1 Make referral(s) to appropriate services for follow up process (if necessary) for ethnic and language minority students, for students with disabilities and for ethnic and language minority students with disabilities.
2.2 Work in partnership with the Learning Assistance Program to provide
reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities including
language minority students. / Frequency:
Student Follow-Up: cont.
3.1Provide students with the necessary personal and academic support to continue their educational process long enough to gain mastery of basic skills.
3.2Support students in the process of transitioning to credit classes.
Contact information of the staff person responsible for this component:
Name: Angela Caballero de Cordero_____
Phone Number: (805)922-6966, ext. 3740
Email Address:
District: _Allan Hancock College______College Name: Allan Hancock College______
- Coordination and Training
The Dean of Counselingand Matriculation has been assigned as noncredit matriculation coordinator at AllanHancockCollege. Approximately 15% of the dean’s assignment is designated to coordinate the college’s matriculation efforts. Matriculation training and coordination activities are also conducted by a counselor who expends 40% of his/her full time assignment in this capacity.
- To provide overall program coordination of noncredit matriculation services.
- To provide in-service training for faculty and staff regarding student services, counseling strategies and techniques and outreach approaches relevant to currently enrolled and potential noncredit student populations.
1.1Meet periodically with the matriculation sub-committee to facilitate coordination, to advise administration regarding noncredit programsand to plan and review budgets.
1.2Maintain integrated procedures and services for noncredit matriculation.
1.3Provide counseling or advisement by appropriately trained counselors or staff in areas deemed appropriate by the district.
1.4Maintain appropriate level of counseling staff and support persons to carry out regular monitoring and follow-up for all noncredit students in target programs.
2.2 Provide in-service training for faculty and staff to support noncredit matriculation.
2.2 Provide in service training to individuals involved in the provision of noncredit matriculation procedures.
2.3 Identify and develop training programs and secure staff necessary to implement the college’s noncredit matriculation plan. / Frequency:
Coordination and Training: cont.