April 2017 Curriculum Committee

Non-voting Members:Kathy Frisbie, Beth Carpenter, Kent Bauer, Connie Mese

Voting Members: Jessica Edington, Tim Grauberger, Jaylene Evans, Connie Mitchell, RuAnn Keith, Carol Kuper, Todd Schneider, Lynne Collins, Jennifer Thistle

Please read: The attached program/course entries for this month, or review them directly in Wufoo

Program Entries

AddChange Delete / ****** Line WorkerProgram *******
Line Worker Degree–Add TABLED
Tabled for the following reasons:
  • 2nd year of the program doesn’t add up to 30 credits (we count 29). Discussion centered on possibly adding CPR/First Aid 1 credit class. (EIC 101 was mentioned as a possibility and that it was one credit, but upon further review it is a 3 credit class)
  • The layout shows two certificates and a degree, and yet they are generically named Year 1 certificate and Year 2 certificate and Line Worker degree. Does this program have two certificates and a degree, or one certificate and after the 2ndyear they earn an AAS degree. If so, are the names of both Line Worker?
  • Are you sure this is the science class you want (SCI 155 Integrated Sciences I w/Lab)? Please discuss with Todd.
George and Jaylene can still use the same form that was tabled for May if necessary. Please make the changes directly in Wufoo or let Jessica know what you want updated.

******ABM Program *******
For the several certificate/program changes below – they are all in one Excel spreadsheet. However, I updated this spreadsheet to include the new certificate title changes.

Agriculture Business Planning and Financial Records – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Records and Business Planning (Fix “Agriculture” to appear as “Ag” in first section of the title, and add a dash, also this new title is a little different than what was shown at the mtg, just a heads up that it has changed even further to reflect the name of the classes in this certificate)
Ag Business Management Financial Analysis – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Financial Analysis (add the dash)
Ag Business Management Commodity Marketing – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Commodity Marketing (add the dash)
Marketing and Risk Management Certificate – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Market Plan Development
Web Productivity and Utilization Certificate – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Web Productivity and Utilization
Ag Business Management Advanced Business Management – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Advanced Business Management (add the dash)
Integrated Management Certificate – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Integrated Management
Rural Business Entrepreneurship – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Rural Business Entrepreneurship
Leadership and Human Resource – Change Approved
Program Title Change: Ag Business Management – Leadership/Human Resource Management
****** Medical Office AssistantProgram *******
Medical Office Assistant – Change Approved
Changes included deleting a course (MOT 130), changing MAP 120 to 4 credits, adding MAP 280 Internship at 5 credits, and adding MAP 189 Review for National MA exam (1 credit).
Please note that some changes were made back in Jan 2017 when course were updated to MAP instead of the MOT prefix. But that was a bit premature because the changes hadn’t been approved by SFCC yet. So we approved what we could for the courses in Jan, and put on hold anything else until now including the updated program layouts. The new layout (added below) has highlights of changes this time around, and notes about what was done in Jan 2017. So for instance, in Jan 2017 we approved changing MOT 150 to MAP 150 as a course, but we tabled the program layout that reflected that. So the program layout below is the updated one that reflects all of those changes that have now been approved by SFCC. This will be updated in Wufoo as soon as it is approved.

****** MultimediaProgram *******
Multimedia (AAS) – ChangeTABLED
Multimedia (Certificate) – Change TABLED
Foundations of Web Media – Add TABLED
Foundations of Graphic Design – Change TABLED
Foundations of Marketing & Advertising – Add TABLED

Course Entries

AddChange Delete / ****** Line WorkerProgram *******
EIC 141 Overhead Power Systems – Add TABLED
EIC 142 Hotline Procedures – Add TABLED
EIC 136 Advanced Electrical Distribution – Add TABLED
EIC 234 High Voltage Elect. Safety – Add TABLED
EIC 236 Transformer and Power Distribution Systems – Add TABLED
EIC 140 Underground Power Systems – Add TABLED
EIC 123 Electrical Distribution Lab – Add TABLED
EIC 121 Electrical Distribution Theory – Add TABLED
EIC 106 Power Theory & High Volt Appar – Add TABLED
These courses were tabled because we are unsure if they will change with the program credits not adding up. If we approved these – and then George or Jaylene wanted to change courses in the program – they would have to delete and add and do extra steps. When we review these in May George/Jaylene will not have to do new forms, we will just revisit these.
******ABM Program *******
ABM 103 Records and Business Planning I – Add Approved
ABM 104 Records and Business Planning II – Add Approved
ABM 105 Records and Business Planning III – Add Approved
ABM 106 Records and Business Planning IV – Add Approved
ABM 107 Records and Business Planning V – Add Approved
ABM 108 Records and Business Planning VI – Add Approved
ABM 111 Records and Business Planning I – Delete Approved
ABM 112 Records and Business Planning II – Delete Approved
ABM 113 Financial Analysis I – Add Approved
ABM 114 Financial Analysis II – Add Approved
ABM 115 Financial Analysis III – Add Approved
ABM 116 Financial Analysis IV – Add Approved
ABM 117 Financial Analysis V – Add Approved
ABM 118 Financial Analysis VI – Add Approved
ABM 121 Financial Analysis I – Delete Approved
ABM 122 Financial Analysis II – Delete Approved
ABM 123 Commodity Marketing I - Add Approved
ABM 124 Commodity Marketing II - Add Approved
ABM 125 Commodity Marketing III - Add Approved
ABM 126 Commodity Marketing IV - Add Approved
ABM 127 Commodity Marketing V - Add Approved
ABM 128 Commodity Marketing VI – Add Approved
ABM 163 Marketing Plan Dev I –Add Approved
ABM 164 Marketing Plan Dev II - Add Approved
ABM 165 Marketing Plan Dev III - Add Approved
ABM 166 Marketing Plan Dev IV - Add Approved
ABM 167 Marketing Plan Dev V - Add Approved
ABM 168 Marketing Plan Dev VI - Add Approved
ABM 135 Marketing and Risk Management I –Delete Approved
ABM 136 Marketing and Risk Management II –Delete Approved
ABM 203 Web Productivity/Utilization I - Add Approved
ABM 204 Web Productivity/Utilization II - Add Approved
ABM 205 Web Productivity/Utilization III - Add Approved
ABM 206 Web Productivity/Utilization IV - Add Approved
ABM 207 Web Productivity/Utilization V - Add Approved
ABM 208 Web Productivity/Utilization VI - Add Approved
ABM 137 Web Productivity/Utilization I –Delete Approved
ABM 138 Web Productivity/Utilization II - Delete Approved
ABM 213 Advanced Business Management I –Add Approved
ABM 214 Advanced Business Management II - Add Approved
ABM 215 Advanced Business Management III - Add Approved
ABM 216 Advanced Business Management IV - Add Approved
ABM 217 Advanced Business Management V - Add Approved
ABM 218 Advanced Business Management VI - Add Approved
ABM 141 Advanced Business Management I - Delete Approved
ABM 142 Advanced Business Management II –Delete Approved
ABM 223 Integrated Management I - Add Approved
ABM 224 Integrated Management II - Add Approved
ABM 225 Integrated Management III - Add Approved
ABM 226 Integrated Management IV - Add Approved
ABM 227 Integrated Management V - Add Approved
ABM 228 Integrated Management VI - Add Approved
ABM 143 Integrated Management I - Delete Approved
ABM 144 Integrated Management II - Delete Approved
ABM 243 Rural Business Entrepreneurship I –Add Approved
ABM 244 Rural Business Entrepreneurship II - Add Approved
ABM 245 Rural Business Entrepreneurship III - Add Approved
ABM 246 Rural Business Entrepreneurship IV - Add Approved
ABM 247 Rural Business Entrepreneurship V - Add Approved
ABM 248 Rural Business Entrepreneurship VI - Add Approved
ABM 151 Rural Business Entrepreneurship I –Delete Approved
ABM 152 Rural Business Entrepreneurship II –Delete Approved
ABM 253 Leadership Human Resource I –Add Approved
ABM 254 Leadership Human Resource II - Add Approved
ABM 255 Leadership Human Resource III - Add Approved
ABM 256 Leadership Human Resource IV - Add Approved
ABM 257 Leadership Human Resource V - Add Approved
ABM 258 Leadership Human Resource VI - Add Approved
ABM 153 Leadership Human Resource Management I - Delete Approved
ABM 154 Leadership Human Resource Management II–Delete Approved
ABM 131 Commodity Marketing I – Delete Approved
ABM 132 Commodity Marketing II – Delete Approved
These two were mistakenly left out when Barb entered all the others. She did them during the meeting and we voted to approve these two deletions.
****** CRJ Course *******
CRJ 127 Crime Scene Investigation –Add Approved
Course is a part of the AA Degree with Designation in Criminal Justice. Eventually this course will be a part of an AAS degree in Criminal Justice that is discussions at MCC. Is being added to expand our CRJ offerings and at the request of students and other people. The Fort Morgan Chief of Police will be teaching the course.
****** Math Courses *******
MAT 201 Calculus I – Change TABLED
MAT 202 Calculus II – Change TABLED
Both MAT 201 and 202 are tabled because they are held up at the state level with discussions around the “either/or competencies” that were approved by SFCC. The either/or rule was created for classes such as these that are in a sequence but depending on the textbooks a college picked the competencies might be covered in either the first or second textbook and therefore the first or the second class.
MAT 203 Calculus III – Change Approved
MAT 215 Discrete Mathematics: MA1 – Change Approved
MAT 120 Math for Liberal Arts – Change Approved
The 203 course is at GT council for review and approval, and 120/215 were just approved by the VPIs.
****** Medical Office AssistantProgram *******
MOT 130 Insurance Billing and Coding –Delete Approved
The competencies in this class were absorbed into MAP 120 so we are removing it.
MAP 120 Medical Office Financial Management – Change Approved
This course is updating from a 3-credit to a 4-credit course. It is absorbing the competencies from MOT 130 so those skills will still be taught.
MAP 280 Internship –Add Approved
This was originally submitted as MAP 283, but it was corrected as MAP 280. This is a switch from the MOT 188 Practicum class that was previously in the program that didn’t fit as well as the 280 course will.
MAP 189 Review for National MA exam - Add Approved
This course was in the new program layout – but Lynne forgot to do the Add a Course form, so she did it immediately after the meeting. We voted to approve all of the changes in the program from the class additions so that includes the addition of this course.
****** MultimediaProgram *******
MGD 104 Videography – Add TABLED
CWB 209 Web Content Management Systems – Add TABLED
MAR 155 Social Media for Businesses – Add TABLED
JOU 111 Principles of Advertising – Add TABLED
MAR 289 Capstone – Add TABLED
Questions regarding the program and some of the classes tabled this program change and course additions. Specifically:
  • The JOU course is not a GT course and will be a part of an AAS program – but is it considered a GenEd course and therefore subject to the master’s qualified rule?
  • The JOU class is all about creating advertisements and hands-on designing and idea generation – all experience Jessica Edington has as the Multimedia instructor with CTE credentials in visual media including graphic design – but can she teach it without having a JOU CTE credential? The Marketing discipline has a Principles of Advertising class but it is not as hands-on as the JOU class and has a lot more lecture/theory than actual advertisement creation.
  • For CWB same question – does the current CTE credential cover this discipline?

Committee Business

/ We will need to have a May meeting on an alternate date to accommodate the end of the year and getting these items resolved – look for an mtg invite via email soon.

Other Information

/ SFCC Updates
Updates from the 4-14-17 meeting
SFCC Review Bulletin Board
View the current Bulletin Board for SFCC in the link below;

To view the proposed courses that will be reviewed at SFCC, visit the Common Course Numbering System, and in the top search settings, change it from “Current Courses” to “Proposed Courses”

Review the March 2017 Approved/Denied courses

Next meeting – Monday, May 8, 2017 and 3:30pm