Isle La Motte School Board

Meeting May 17, 2018

At Isle La Motte School

Attendance: Art and Barb Larvey, Paul Zera, Tim Campbell (Alliance), Rob Gess (Business Manager) and Thomas Tregan (Principal)

Board: Keri Johnson, Chet Bromley and Jane Zera

5:30 JZ called the meeting to order.

Adjustment to Agenda: JZ made note for Emergency Call List and Protocol.

Minutes April 19, 2018: JZ made motion to accept the minutes CB 2nd and all in favor.

Alliance Presentation by Tim Campbell. Included services and how they operate, etc.

Principal’s Report: TT reported there was a science program, PE was having different programs, included Walk and Roll to School (that happened on May 10, whole school), 6th Grade trip, GI Rowing Regatta to be held on May 18 (at Grand Isle School), After school Zumba/Yoga is wrapping up and May 25th there will be the Memorial Day Program at 9:00 am. Mrs. Johnson has arrived and replacing Meg Walker while on leave. Previous evening there was a water issue, pipe with leak, water/bleach leaking in water room. Pipe replaced Thursday morning. There was a discussion about the process.

Review of Budget to Actuals : RG reported there was an outstanding Burlington High Tuition bill.

Approve Continuous Improvement Plan – TT explained plan written by Megan Grube and needs to be approved by all school districts. Supervisory Board already accepted it. All in favor of the Continuous Improvement Plan.

Alliance Contract: CB made the motion to accept the contract. KJ 2nd and all were in favor.

Policy E11 – RG went over the Policy JZ made motion to accept Policy E11, CB 2nd and all in favor.

Appoint Executive Committee Member – KJ made the motion for Chet Bromley to be the rep. JZ 2nd and all were in favor.

JZ stated 19th of June would be last day of school for children. That day would be half day.

Approve Bills: Some discussion was held about the Vermont Electric bill. RG will find out why bill was past due, both JZ and KJ remember seeing a VEC bill in previous month. KJ made the motion to approve the bill in amount of $30,828.20. CB 2nd and all were in favor. Amount minus $760.07 for VEC.

JZ made comment that there needs to be up date to the Emergency Call list.

JZ made motion to move to Executive Session at 730 pm.

840 pm out of Executive Session, CB made motion to adjourn. KJ 2nd. All in favor.

Chet Bromley ______

Keri Johnson ______

Jane Zera ______(Minute Taker)