Selectmen's Meeting
Town Office
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Present: Selectmen Robert Hamilton, Roberta Oeser, Jim Qualey, Executive Secretary Katy Robbins, Finance Director Ellen Smith
Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a) for Personnel
Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a) for Reputation
Roberta motioned to enter into Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II(a) for Personnel and RSA 91-A:3 II(a) for Reputation, seconded by Jim and approved 3-0 – Bob Hamilton, Roberta Oeser and Jim Qualey.
Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
Citizen’s Forum
Jim motioned to enter into Public Session, seconded by Roberta and approved, 3-0.
Bob Hamilton read a statement regarding Kinder Morgan and pipeline. They have suspended further work and expenditures for the Northeast Direct Project.
General Business
Approval of:
Roberta motioned to approve the Accounts Payable and Payroll for 3/31, 4/14 and 4/21/16, seconded by Jim and approved 3-0.
Roberta motioned to table the minutes for approval.
Thank You
Bob Hamilton read a statement thanking the Rindge Fire Department, Police Department, Department of Public Works, Rindge Memorial School, Jaffrey Fire Department, Jaffrey Police Department, the Cheshire Sherriff Department, New Hampshire State Police and all other members involved with the bomb threat that had been reported at Rindge Memorial School. The students were sent to a secure location where they were sent home for the day.
A special Thank you will go out to the following individuals:
Rick Donovan, Deb Douglas, Casey Burrage, Dale Smith, Ron Osimo, David Jadlocki, Ruben Duncan, Dan Anair Jeff Seppala, Kelly Marcotte, Eli Rivera, Mike Cloutier and Rich Cloutier.
Wage Pool Distributions
The Board of Selectmen have reviewed the Wage Pool. This was passed by the voters in the March 2016 elections. There are copies available (see attached). Retain 720.82 in the Executive Fund.
Roberta motioned to approve transferring Funds of $35,611.00 which was included in the Executive Budget to the General Fund, Jim seconded and approved 3-0.
Beautification Committee
Some discussion took place regarding the Beautification Committee is in need of help. We currently only have 2-3 members that take care of flowers and beautification of the town. They are in need of donations and manpower. Several suggestions were made as to where donations.
Larry Cleveland asked the question regarding how much mulch the Town would need for the buildings. He will contact some of the companies that would possibly donate some mulch to the Town.
Roberta motioned to accept $200.00 from Save our Town in unanticipated funds for the Beautification Committee, seconded by Jim and approved, 3-0.
We will put an invitation on our website indicating the dire need for volunteers for the Beautification Committee.
Telecommunications/Technology Committee
There was some discussion regarding the Grant from the USDA. Roberta may be attending a conference in Washington, DC, this is for the New Hampshire Business community, to help being heard.
A discussion regarding potential committee members took place.
Trespassing Ordinance
Roberta requested to change the wording in the current Trespassing Ordinance. Information is attached.
Pipeline Update
Much discussion took place regarding the pipeline. The feeling that this is a done deal should not stop the attention being paid to this issue.
Town Administrator Transition
Discussion took place regarding the advertising of the Town Administrator's cost.
Roberta suggested to place the ads in the Leger Transcript two consecutive Thursday's and the Union Leader on a Sunday and Wednesday.
Bob stated that the Search Committee will be authorized for $1500 in advertising.
Deed Acceptance
Bob made a motion to accept the deed on map # 39-10-1 seconded by Roberta and approved
BOS Goals
The Board of Selectmen discussed the goals for the upcoming year. (see attached).
Informational Items/Communication
Any other business to come before the Board
Ellen stated the new rates have been set at 7.24% opposed to the 9.2% used for budgeting process.