Nomination to the Cultural and Educational Panel of Seanad Éireann

February 2016


NYCI welcomes the opportunity to nominate a candidate to stand for election in the Cultural and Educational Panel of Seanad Éireann. NYCI does not take this duty lightly. We are anxious to nominate a person who has the skills and capacity to contribute to the work of the Oireachtas and who will endeavour to ensure that issues impacting on the lives of young people and the youth sector are raised and highlighted. In order to assist us in our decision making we are requesting the following information from all interested candidates;

1 page (maximum) abbreviated CV

Completed Application Form

Please send the document/s to by 5pm Thursday February 25thor deliver by hand to NYCI, 3 Montague Street, Dublin.

NYCI will not consider applications which do not provide the information as outlined above.

NYCI reserves the right and option of seeking a meeting/interview with applicants prior to making a decision on this nomination.

The decision of NYCI concerning the nomination of a candidate will be final.

NYCI reserves the right not to make any nomination in the event that we decide that no candidate meets our criteria.

Seanad Éireann Educational and Cultural Panel Nomination Application form 2016

Please answer all the questions, if any question is unanswered the application will be deemed incompleteand will not be considered for the nomination. If you have any questions on the application form or process, please send them in writing to ly.

Please type or write responses in a legible manner

Name, address, phone number, email, occupation (or other if still in education/training) and date of birth.
Are you a sitting member of the Oireachtas or of a City/County Council, if so please provide details?
Are you a member of a political party and/or political grouping/alliance, if so please provide details?
Do you have the support of your political party and/or political grouping/alliance to seek a nomination to contest the Educational and Culturalpanel for the Seanad Elections? Can you provide written confirmation?
Do you know how many others from yourpolitical party and/or political grouping/alliance are/or will be seeking a nomination for the Educational and Culturalpanel for the Seanad Election?
Please indicate how as a local councillor/member of the Oireachtas/community activist you have supported young people and the work of youth organisations? (Max 300 words)
Please briefly outline your involvement in youth work or youth organisations if any, to date? (Max 300 words)
Are you supportive of the entire NYCI General Election manifesto (see ) and if elected how will you support the implementation of these proposals? (Max 300 words)
If nominated by NYCI and elected to Seanad Éireann will you support and vote in favour of our campaign to increase investment in youth work services?
If nominated by NYCI and elected to Seanad Éireann will you support and vote in favour of extending voting rights to 16 and 17 year olds?
If nominated by NYCI and elected to Seanad Éireann will you support and vote in favour of restoring the full rate of Jobseekers Allowance to young people under 26 years?
Would you be willing to raise other issues of concern to NYCI in the Seanad if elected?
Would you be willing to facilitate meetings between NYCI and other members of the Oireachtas if elected?
How do you propose to communicate with and keep NYCI informed of issues/legislation if elected? (Max 300 words)


I confirm that I am eligible to stand for election to Seanad Éireann. I confirm that the information provided in this application is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed Date