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NM PDC > C ou rses
Nomination/Selection Information
Reservist Information
Advanced Medical Department Officer Course
Clinic Management
Financial and Material Management Training Course
Administration Course
Executive Medical Department Enlisted Course
TRICARE Financial Management Executive Program (TFMEP)
Joint Medical
Planners Course
Global Medicine
Military Tropical
Medicine Course
Plans, Operations & Medical Intelligence Course
Basic Medical
Department Officer
Nomination/Selection Information
Completed Nomination Forms are required at NMPDC (for SELRES) no later than eight (8) weeks prior to course convening dates. Nomination due dates are included on course information pages located within this site. The nomination should be for only one course date.
The nomination form for non-operational courses can be accessed at non-operational course submissions for active duty members only. The nomination form for all operational courses can be accessed at operational course submissions for active duty members only.
The nomination form for Reserve Personnel can be accesed at Reserve Information page.
You must ensure that all information requested is provided. Information not available should be indicated, e.g. “no individual e-mail for this nominee”. Command priority level and justification statement for priority must be included. Include EAOS/PRD: EAOS/PRD should not be less than one year from the date of the course convening date.
Commitment: The nomination represents a commitment by the nominating command to send the member and that the member will be available to attend the course, if selected. Individuals who cannot attend should not be nominated.
Cancellations/Substitutions: NMPDC requires command notification (written) regarding need for cancellations. Individual substitutions by commands are not authorized. The selection authority creates a prioritized alternate list. If a cancellation occurs, the Course Director will select an alternate.
Point of Contact: Command Education and Training Coordinators/Education Officers are expected to serve as the central point of contact for interactions with NMPDC Bethesda. Nominees should attempt to resolve questions and/or concerns through their command representative. Reserve students should attempt to resolve questions/concerns through the Reserve Liaison.
Selections for courses are made from nominations received by authorities documented below:
Course Nominations to Selection Authority Funded By
Advanced Medical
Department Enlisted
Advanced Medical Department
Officers Course (AMDOC)
Clinical Management CourseNMPDC 0A3Course DirectorNMPDC
Operational Course
Nomination Form
Financial and Materiel
Management Course
if PCS
Course Nomination
Joint Medical Planners CourseNMPDC 0A3Program Manager/N931NMPDC
Student and Welcome
Aboard Information
Frequently Asked
Patient Administration Course
NMPDC 0A3PERS4415/Detailers/Specialty
Questions / Plans, Operations, and Medical NMPDC 0A3 Specialty Leaders NMPDCIntelligence (POMIC)
Executive Medical DepartmentNMPDC 0A3BUMED FORCE CMC officeNMPDC Enlisted Course (EMDEC)
Global Medicine (GM) NMPDC 0A3 Course Coordinator NMPDC Military Tropical Medicine (MTM) NMPDC 0A3 Course Coordinator NMPDC Advanced Medical Department Visit Navy E- Self-paced, computer-based N/A
Enlisted Course (AMDEC) Learning to register course
Basic Medical Department OfficerVisit Navy E-Self-paced, computer-basedN/A Course (BMDOC)Learning to registercourse
Quick Course Dates
Register Now
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