Permission to Publish for Mrs. Pechan’s Class 2011/2012
Dear Parent/Guardian:
Our classroom has its own website! Informative newsletters, class calendar, book reports and projects, suggested reading, learning links, photo documentation of our field trips and special school activities.
Please see:
As part of our 4th / 5th grade educational program, your son or daughter will have the opportunity to publish documents and projects on the Internet. These documents might include a story or poem, scanned artwork, a science or a research project, pictures of classroom and field trip activities, Famous Person Report speeches, State Report, or a collaborative project with other students locally or internationally. This is an exciting and enriching opportunity for our students.
We will publish these documents only with your written permission. Please sign and return this form. Thank you for your cooperation.
• It is not permitted to publish documents with your child’s telephone number, address or surname;
• It is not permitted that any document include any information that indicates the location of a pupil at an exact hour, other than their attendance in a school or participation in a school activity;
• Documents containing objectionable material are not allowed or nor may web pages point directly or indirectly at such material;
• Documents must be reviewed and approved by a sponsoring teacher before its publication.
Parent/Guardian Permission:
I grant permission to publish documents on the Internet as described above, including the following: student’s first name, identifiable photographs, and group photographs.
Student’s Name _________________________________
Parent/Guardian Signature: Date: ____________
This permission form will be in effect for the duration of the 2011/2012 school year.