Prepare as Word Document incorporating BOLD headers below and email to:

Chairman, ASEG Honours & Awards Committee


Nomination for Lindsay Ingall Memorial Award

NOMINEE: Full name/s

AFFILIATION: Company/organization (or former affiliation if retired and applicable)

NOMINATED BY: name(must be member of ASEG in good standing)

SECONDED BY: written support (preferably signed letter) from at least four other geoscientists who are members of an Australian geoscience body (eg GSA, AusIMM, AIG, ASEG or similar) – please state name and affiliation, and (if desired) association with nominee.

REASON FOR NOMINATION: Specific reason for this nomination -should be framed around the Award criteria:“For the promotion of geophysics to the wider community”, noting:

•The award is intended for an Australian resident or former resident for the promotion of geophysics, (including but not necessarily limited to applications, technologies or education), within the non-geophysical community, including geologists, geochemists, engineers, managers, politicians, the media or the general public.

•Does not have to be a geophysicist or a member of the ASEG.


Should include sections on:

Nominee details, educational / professional background

Qualifications (if known and as applicable), current/last position in industry/government /research/educational affiliation (include a CV if available)

Achievements by nominee specific to the Lindsay Ingall Award criteria

List specific activities or involvement by the nominee in promoting geophysics to the wider community (include examples, or refer to published work)

Comment on what impact these activities may have had on the broader understanding of the science, or how the outcomes have been used by the profession and / or the wider community.

List of Publications or other Reference Material applicable to Award.

List of technical papers, publications, general community acknowledgments / other awards pertinent to this Award citation (attach separately if necessary)

Contribution to ASEG

It is not mandatory for the nominee to be a member of the ASEG, and ASEG contributions are not part of the assessment process, but information about the nominee’s contributions to the ASEG can be included for reference and support for the nomination if desired.

Supporting Letters or Statements

Attach any additional supporting information or documents as pertinent to this Award citation.

Name, signature and date submitted of Nominator to be included on the nomination submission, plus a signed submission from at least one other seconder.
