Nomination for Honorary or Life Membership

Criteria for Granting Honorary and Life Memberships

The criteria governing the presentation of Honorary and Life Memberships is set out in detail in the current Honours & Awards policy document, which is available on request from the Institute’s National Office, or via download from the Institute’s web site at:

This form is intended to be read and completed in conjunction with the policy.

Notes to Consider

Honorary Life Membership awards are made every second year to coincide with the Institute’s biennial conference, at which they are presented. Nominations for this cycle (2015-2107) close on Friday28th April 2017.

Nominations are reviewed by a Nominating Committee which is appointed by Council. This Committeemakes its recommendations to Council for awards which it considers should be granted. Council makesits final decision based on these recommendations.

It is desirable that nominees not be informed of their nomination, in order to avoid disappointment if thenomination is not successful. Unsuccessful nominations will be kept on the Nominations Register for upto six years. This means that they will be reviewed again during that period.

Nominations may be submitted by:

  • National President of Concrete Institute
  • Council of Concrete Institute
  • A Branch Committee
  • Any three financial members of the Institute together
  • The Nominating Committee

Return this form at any time to:

The Secretary

Honours and Awards Nominating Committee

Concrete Institute of Australia

PO Box 1227

North Sydney NSW 2059

A scanned, signed copy may also be submitted via email to:

The Secretary

Honours and Awards Nominating Committee

Concrete Institute of Australia

Note – It is important that all fields are entered correctly with all the appropriate detail to ensure that the nominee’s credentials are able to be considered fully by the Nominating Committee.

Position Held
Phone / mobile
E-mail address
Proposed Award / Honorary / Life

Summary of reasons justifying the granting of this award

Name(s) of nominators or committee making the nomination

Phone / mobile
E-mail address
Phone / mobile
E-mail address
Phone / mobile
E-mail address
Date of Nomination

Chronology & detail of nominee’s relevant work career, including key position summary

How has the nominee fulfilled the stated criteria for the proposed award?

Papers / books published within Australia

Relevant activities outside of Australia (as supporting information only)

List of attached supporting documents (if any)

Number of attached pages

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Honorary & Life Nomination Form