February 1, 2014

First Presbyterian Church, Homedale

9:00Registration and Refreshments

9:30Call to OrderDaryl Wilson

Declaration of a quorum

A quorum of the Presbytery shall be any three teaching elders and

three rulingelders provided that elders represent at least three churches.

Opening Prayer

Welcome by Host ChurchMarianne Paul

Worship and Installation of Moderator

Approval of the docketBarry Fujishin

Recognition of First Time Elder Commissioners and Visitors

Approval of the Stated Meeting Minutes – November 2013

Board of Pensions RepresentativeMark Frey


Presbytery ExecutiveEdward Dunn

Stated Clerk Ruth Hicks

Coordinating Committee Brian Grassley

AC UpdateMarianne Paul

Budget and Finance/Budget Report Rodney Moore

Committee on Ministry/Committee on Preparation for MinistryEvelyn Cates

Nominating CommitteeTom Johnston

Presbyterian WomenJacquelyn Benjamin

Camp SawtoothSenita & Steve Watkins

Miscellaneous Business

Sharing of Celebrations/Upcoming Events from our Congregations

Adjourn with PrayerBarry Fujishin

Written Reports/Attachments

(The Stated Clerk must receive all miscellaneous new business, in writing, not later than 10:00AM.)


Rev. Marianne C. Paul

First Presbyterian Church of Homedale

320 West Sixth Street

P.O. Box 577

Homedale, ID 83628

Dear Friends,

The Homedale Presbyterian Church is delighted to welcome you to our church for the February Presbytery Meeting! For the past several years we have received mission support from the Presbytery to help us in our youth ministry. Over the years we have touched the lives of over 30 children, many of who come from troubled backgrounds. When you come you will be able to see pictures of the various activities that you have helped us to offer!

The meeting will begin with registration at 9:00 am, which includes a very light continental breakfast. The formal meeting will begin at 9:30 am and continue until agenda is completed. There will be a lunch served which can be purchased at registration. The cost for the lunch is $5.00.

Those coming from Ontario, Weiser and Parma can best find Homedale by driving south on Hwy 95. Turn right into town and proceed through the town. You will turn right just before you get to the seed plant. Take the left most of your options and proceed for three blocks. The church will be on your right.

From Boise, Take I84 to Nampa. Take exit 33a and merge onto Hwy 55 towards Marsing. Turn right on Farmway. Turn left on Homedale Rd. Turn Left on Hwy 55, go over the river and turn right into Homedale. Go through the town and turn right just before the seed plant. Take the left most of your options. That will be 6th street. Go three blocks and the church will be on your right.

We look forward to having you join us!

Yours in Christ,

Marianne C. Paul

History of the Homedale Presbyterian Church

The First Presbyterian Church of Homedale was founded in March of 1958 in the Homedale Armory. Boone Presbyterian Church was instrumental in the founding of the church, gathering a group of local leaders. With the help of a hired carpenter, the congregation and founding pastor, George Keith, built the church building from the ground up. The building was dedicated in spring of 1963 with over 400 folks in attendance. During these early years, the church began hosting “Holy Week Luncheons”. At first, these were held within the church and later opened to the entire community. This tradition has continued to this present day with different churches hosting the lunches and a short devotion each day of Holy week. We average between 80 and 100 people per day. This tradition has now passed the 50-year mark.

Over the years, church attendance has suffered as a result of economic stress within the community. Many of the original members and their children have left the area as a result of economic downturns and the church has struggled to maintain a sustainable congregation. Last summer the church signed on with the New Beginnings program. We are half way through, having met with the assessor last summer and planning for small group meetings in February. Our hope is that we will find inspiration as we seek a way forward for our church.

Despite small attendance, the church has developed a very lively children’s and youth ministry. It began with an attempt to reach out to children in the community with activities and lessons designed to foster personal faith and social development. Some of our children have been noteworthy in the difficulties they encounter at home and at school. Each one receives a welcome at the church and encouragement in their leadership development. In fact, when I was away from the pulpit, it was one of our youth who found people to read a selection of scriptures and moderated the worship.

Approval of the Minutes of the Presbytery of Boise


Stated Meeting

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Southminster Presbyterian Church

Boise, Idaho


A quorum (consisting of three minister members [teaching elders] and three ruling elders representing three different churches) being present, moderator Joanna Dunn called the meeting to order at 9:33 a.m. and offered the opening prayer.


Marci Glass welcomed commissioners.


Marci Glass and Liz Ryder led worship, including celebration of the Lord’s Supper.


Presbytery voted to approve the docket as distributed.

ATTENDANCE (appendix)


Sandy Sweeny (Covenant, Boise) was introduced as a first-time commissioner.


Visitors included Wayne Oyama, Boone Church, Caldwell.


Presbytery voted to approve the minutes of the stated meeting of August 17, 2013, and the called meeting of September 20, 2013.


Edward Dunn reported that Mission Yearbooks are in transit.

He reminded pastors and other commissioners that when a budget (including the mission support form) is completed, the form needs to be returned promptly to the Presbytery office. He also reminded commissioners that the pledge dollars for mission to the Synod come back to support our work in the Presbytery.

On December 2 there will be an opportunity to meet with Bob Kukla, who consults on church financing and fundraising, at 9 a.m. at First Presbyterian, Boise. A light breakfast will be served.

He noted our Presbytery’s rank in the top 10 of the denomination in per-capita giving to special offerings.

He hailed the work of the Emmett church in support of the First Baptist and Community Bible churches in Emmett, devastated by arson.

Finally, Edward thanked those rotating off committees, and in particular Harvey Pitman for his many years of service to the Presbytery.


Ruth Hicks reported that no urgent matters had come up. She called attention to materials circulated with the Presbytery handbook: a report from Research Services of the PC(USA) on trends in the Presbytery over the past ten years; a notice of the meeting of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators in San Jose next summer; and the current Board of Pensions newsletter.


Presbytery voted to approve Parity for 2014 as follows:

Adrian, 1; Boise Covenant: 3; Boise First, 3; Boise Southminster, 2; Caldwell (AC); Emmett, 1; Homedale, 1; King Hill, 1; Nampa, 2; Ontario, 1; Owyhee, 1; Parma, 2; Weiser, 1.

Presbytery voted to approve the following meeting dates and locations for 2014:

February 1, Homedale; May 3, Boise Covenant; August 23, St. Luke’s Hospital, Boise (tentative); November 8, Boise Southminster.

Presbytery voted to approve amendments to the Manual of Operations, as follows:

Electronic Meetings and Email Voting

Electronic Meetings:

Committee, commissions, boards and other official entities of the Presbytery of Boise may, from time to time when physical meetings are impractical, arrange to meet and conduct business via electronic video and/or audio teleconference. Reasonable notice of the date, time and set-up procedures of electronic meeting will be given by the group’s chairperson or moderator. The conduct of electronic meeting will conform as closely as possible to the procedures for physical committee meetings set out in the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, including (but not limited to) those for quorums and the recording of minutes. Actions taken in teleconference meetings shall be reported to the presbytery in the same manner as any other actions are reported. Minutes of the teleconference meeting shall be treated as official minutes, must be approved by the entity at its next physical or electronic meeting and shall be kept and forwarded in the same way as minutes of physical meetings.

Email voting:

Committees and commissions of the Presbytery of Boise may, from time to time, cast through email or other commonly method used but individually addressed electronic tool. Email voting is limited to actions believed to be routine and not controversial. In such cases the chair or moderator of the entity will make a motion (a second is not required) by sending the motion’s text and any significant background material to all members of the body. The group’s moderator or chairperson (or designated staff person) will also include an announcement, which clearly states the deadline for receipt of responses and offers any and all members the opportunity to stop the email vote and call for an electronic or face-to-face meeting to consider the matter. Members of the group will use the “respond all” facility or otherwise respond in a way in which all members can see all votes. Email voting produces a valid action when the numbers members responding meets or exceeds the groups normal quorum and the motion being voted on receives positive responses from at least ¾ of those members who respond.

Presbytery voted to concur with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta on the following overture:

The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta overtures the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to amend G-2.0803 as follows (see italized insertion):

G-2.0803 Call Process

According to the process of the presbytery and prior to making its report to the congregation, the pastor nominating committee shall receive and consider the presbytery’s counsel on the merits, suitability, and availability of those considered for the call. A complete criminal background check—including state, national, and sex offender registries—and a check of any civil judgments against the teaching elder are required before a call is issued to a teaching elder. When the way is clear for the committee to report to the congregation, the committee shall notify the session, which shall call a congregational meeting.

Presbytery voted to concur with the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta on the following overture:

The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta overtures the 221st General Assembly (2014) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to amend G-2.0509, adding the following new paragraph at the end of that section (in italics):

G-2.0509 Renunciation of Jurisdiction

Whenever a former teaching elder has renounced jurisdiction in the midst of a judicial proceeding, no PCUSA congregation shall be permitted to employ that former teaching elder in any capacity, nor shall it permit that former teaching elder to perform volunteer work.

Presbytery voted to concur with the Presbytery of Eastern Oregon on the following overture:

On Amending G-3.0301 Regarding the minimum number of operating sessions and teaching elders in presbytery.

The Presbytery of Eastern Oregon overtures the 221st General Assembly (2014) to direct the Stated Clerk to send the following proposed amendment to the presbyteries for their affirmative or negative votes:

Shall the second paragraph of G-3.0301 be amended as follows: [Text to be deleted is shown with a strike-through; text to be added or inserted is shown as italic.]

G-3.0301 Composition and Responsibilities

The presbytery is the council serving as a corporate expression of the church within a certain district and is composed of all the congregations and teaching elders within that district. The presbytery shall adopt and communicate to the sessions a plan for determining how many ruling elders each session should elect as commissioners to presbytery, with a goal of numerical parity of teaching elders and ruling elders. This plan shall require each session to elect at least one commissioner and shall take into consideration the size of congregations as well as a method to fulfill the principles of participation and representation found in F-1.0403 and G-3.0103. Ruling elders elected as officers of the presbytery shall be enrolled as members during the period of their service. A presbytery may provide by its own rule for the enrollment of ruling elders serving as moderators of committees or commissions.

The minimum composition of a presbytery is ten duly constituted sessions and ten teaching elders[, unless otherwise approved by the Synod and General Assembly.]

The presbytery is responsible for the government of the church throughout its district, and for assisting and supporting the witness of congregations to the sovereign activity of God in the world, so that all congregations become communities of faith, hope, love, and witness. As it leads and guides the witness of its congregations, the presbytery shall keep before it the marks of the Church (F-1.0302), the notes by which Presbyterian and Reformed communities have identified themselves through history (F-1.0303) and the six Great Ends of the Church (F-1.0304)

Presbytery voted to elect ruling elder Kathryn Baker and teaching elder JoAnn Thiry to the nominating committee.


John and Ruth Hicks reported on current activity of the Synod of the Pacific.


Marianne Paul reported on the work of the administrative commission dealing with Boone Church, Caldwell. The situation is now outside the Book of Order. The AC is working to have official commissioners to Presbytery from the “loyalist” members of the congregation, and there is hope that they will be restored to the church building. Meanwhile, they are moving forward–and it’s exciting.


It was moved and seconded that the Presbytery Executive be given the authority to act as Stated Clerk for the duration of time when the sitting Stated Clerk is unable to perform the responsibilities. Presbytery voted to refer the matter back to the personnel committee with the recommendation that it designate the Presbytery executive as associate stated clerk).

Alex Chamberlain noted the performance reviews and the budgeted increase in the Presbytery Executive’s salary as a result of his review. The Stated Clerk’s performance review is under way; the personnel committee will ask that the line item for her compensation reflect a 5 percent increase.


Rodney Moore discussed income and outgo and walked commissioners through the budget comparisons between 2013 and 2014. The Presbytery needs to consider how it continues the mission of this presbytery in the long run.

Presbytery voted to raise the Stated Clerk’s compensation in budget line 200.1 by $570 to allow for an increase depending on the results of her performance review.

Presbytery voted to approve the 2014 budget as amended. (Appendix)

Committee on Ministry/Committee on Preparation for Ministry

A written report was provided.


Tom Johnston presented a slate of nominees for vacancies in Presbytery offices and committees.

Brian Grassley was nominated as vice moderator of Presbytery. There being no nominations from the floor, Brian Grassley was elected vice moderator of Presbytery.

Andrew Kukla was nominated as president of the civil corporation. There being no nominations from the floor, Andrew Kukla was elected president of the civil corporation.

Evelyn Cates was nominated as member (class of 2016) and chair of the Committee on Ministry. There being no nominations from the floor, Evelyn Cates was elected a member (class of 2016) and chair of the Committee on Ministry.

Phil Moran was nominated to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Phil Moran was elected to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016).

Daryl Wilson was nominated to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Daryl Wilson was elected to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016).

Karen Alldredge was nominated to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Karen Alldredge was elected to the Committee on Ministry (class of 2016).

Barry Fujishin was nominated to the Mission Committee (class of 2016) and as chair of the committee. There being no nominations from the floor, Barry Fujishin was elected to the Mission Committee (class of 2016) and as its chair.

David Carlson was nominated to the Mission Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, David Carlson was elected to the Mission Committee (class of 2016).

Brian Grassley was nominated as chair of the Program Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Brian Grassley was elected chair of the Program Committee.

Louise Nagel was nominated to the Program Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Louise Nagel was elected to the Program Committee (class of 2016).

Gary Hindman was nominated to the Budget/Finance Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Gary Hindman was elected to the Budget/Finance Committee (class of 2016).

Marianne Paul was nominated to the Personnel Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Marianne Paul was elected to the Personnel Committee (class of 2016).

Randy Marshall was nominated to the Program Committee (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Randy Marshall was elected to the Program Committee (class of 2016).

Liz Ryder was nominated as chair of the Committee on Representation. There being no nominations from the floor, Liz Ryder was elected chair of the Committee on Representation.

Nathan Leigh was nominated to the Committee on Representation (class of 2016). There being no nominations from the floor, Nathan Leigh was elected to the Committee on Representation (class of 2016).

Bret Lolley was nominated to the Camp Sawtooth Board (class of 2015). There being no nominations from the floor, Bret Lolley was elected to the Camp Sawtooth Board (class of 2015).