Nomination Application

Emergency Function Workgroups

Disability Representatives

Applicant Name




Phone Number/Email Address


Emergency Functions workgroupsdesired (please see summary on next page):

EF 6 – Care & Shelter

EF 12 – Utilities

EF 13 – Law Enforcement/Evacuation

EF 14 – Recovery

EF 15 – Public Information

EF 17 – Volunteers and Donations Management

Briefly list experience and knowledge related to disaster preparedness planning, mitigation,response or recovery, including procedures, development of emergency information and technology for people with disabilities.

Briefly describe expertise and experience on achieving physical and programmatic accessibility.

Please describe how you will reach out to the communities to communicate preparedness.

Please return application to
Emergency Functions Summary

The mission of Emergency Function (EF) 6 – Care and Shelter is to protect life and reduce suffering from natural and human-caused emergencies. The Department of Social Services is the lead state agency overseeing the development of the Annex, and it includes numerous state agency, local, and private/nonprofit members. The EF 6 Annex to the State of California Emergency Plan (SEP) further defines the scope of EF 6 and the emergency management activities it can support. Its scope of work includes four main functions: Care and shelter; Emergency assistance; Human services; and Support for transition to interim housing.

The purpose of Emergency Function (EF) 12– Utilitiesdescribes the alliance of discipline-specific stakeholders which possess common interests and share a level of responsibility to collaboratively provide emergency management expertise, support and services related to utility infrastructure system damage and outage response, as well as to restoration of service. EF 12 consists of core functions, or essential elements of service or support that the emergency function’s stakeholders perform in order to collaboratively prepare for, respond to, mitigate against and recover from emergencies. The core functions for include:Utility Emergency Response and Restoration Support; Mobilization and Transportation of Resources; Construction Supervision and Inspection

Engineering Services.

The purpose of the Emergency Function 13 – Law Enforcement/Evacuation is to describe the state-level coordination elements that are necessary to maintain order, ensure public safety, and coordinate the law enforcement mutual aid in the state of California. Cal OES Law Enforcement supports and coordinates the state-level activities of its stakeholders in the mission to protect life and property. Law enforcement responsibilities in the State of California reside within the authorities of local government.

The purpose of the Emergency Function (EF) 14 – Recovery supports and coordinates the state-level activities of its stakeholders in the mission to achieve recovery success within California. The EF 14 stakeholders also provide recommendations and subject matter expertise to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) associated with EF 14 within the preparedness, mitigation, response, and recovery phases. The EF 14 Annex defines the actions and roles necessary to initiate a coordinated recovery operation that identifies opportunities, fosters partnerships, and optimizes resources of all stakeholders to facilitate state, tribal, and local recovery.

The purpose of the Emergency Function (EF) 15 – Public Information is composed of an alliance of discipline-specific subject matter experts (herein referred to as stakeholders) who work together to provide timely, accurate, and coordinated information within the State of California. The EF 15 stakeholders embrace the “whole community” by coordinating and sharing information with the media, faith-based and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), the private sector, the local populace, and individuals with limited English proficiency. This audience includes individuals with disabilities and others with access and functional needs.

The purpose of the CaliforniaVolunteer and Donations Management Emergency Function (EF 17)supports responding jurisdictions in ensuring the most efficient and effective use of volunteers, organizations, and donated resources. In addition to local, state, tribal and federal government stakeholders, EF 17 stakeholders include nonprofits, faith-based communities, private enterprise, foundations, professional and trade associations, and other non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Led by CalVolunteers, EF 17 stakeholders will provide consultation and coordination assistance with Spontaneous Unaffiliated Volunteers, Affiliated Volunteers, Monetary Donations, In-Kind Donations and NGO Coordination in all phases of emergency management.

For additional information on Emergency Functions and to view the Executive Summaries for each Emergency Function, please go to: