New Brighton Junior Rugby

  1. Name

The name of the Club shall be New Brighton Junior Rugby Club (hereinafter called "the Club").
2. Objectives
The objectives of the Club shall be:
(i) To bring people together as a positive group through the provision of facilities for sporting activities.
(ii) To develop the potential of players and to help them to become aware of their potential.
(iii) To actively involve people in achieving the above objectives.
3. Powers
The Club is a section of the New Brighton Football Club (RU) (Hereinafter called NBFCRU). In any event of this constitution being in conflict, the Rules of NBFCRU will prevail.
(i) Apply for, collect and receive money for the benefit / use of all age groups
(ii) Do all such other things as will further the attainment of the above objectives.

(iv) The Director of Rugby will have overall control of Junior Rugby and may at his discretion impose conditions for the good order and continuation of Junior Rugby at New Brighton.
4. Membership
Membership of the Club shall be open irrespective of political belief, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, race or colour to all boys and girls.

5. Committee
The Club shall be managed by a Committee of 4elected members including the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary and Safeguarding Officer. Each age group will provide 2 Committee members - normally a Coach(s) and or Team Manager or other.
The Officers of the Committee shall be elected at the annual general meeting in each year and subject to termination of office by resignation or otherwise shall remain in office until their successors are elected at the annual general meeting next following their election. Although in exceptional circumstances the Director of Rugby may invoke (3) (iv)

The Committee shall have power to fill any vacancy that may occur. The retiring members of the Committee shall be eligible for re-election.

Minutes of Meetings will be recorded and agreed as an accurate record at the next following Meeting. The Minutes will be available to the NBFCRU Committee. The Committee Chair will represent the Club on the NBFCRU General Committee.
The Committee shall meet as and when it thinks fit but normally every 2 months (minimum) during the season, and not less than six times each year.
6. Subscriptions
The annual subscription for membership shall be such sum as may from time to time be decided by the annual general meeting of the Club in line with NBFCRU and shall be due on the first Sunday of September in every year.
7. Discipline and expulsion
All players, coaches, parents, and guardians agree to be bound by the codes of conduct for parents, players, spectators and coaches detailed in the Welcome Pack
The discipline of members shall be conducted in accordance with the Disciplinary Code. In extreme cases, (where the Committee deem it necessary) the discipline of junior members, Parents, Guardians, Coaches or Managers shall be conducted by the NBFCRUGeneral Committee.

8. Voting
Each member shall have one vote at general meetings of the Club to be exercised in person only except that where necessary the Chairman shall have in addition a casting vote.
9. Annual general meeting
A general meeting of the Club shall be held in every year not later than 31stAugust to transact the following business:
(a) to receive and if approved to adopt a statement of the Club's account to the end of the preceding year
(b) to receive the Chairman's annual report
(c) to consider and if approved sanction any duly made alteration of the rules
(d) to appoint the officers of the Committee
(e) to decide upon the annual subscription (subject to General Committee approval)
(f) to deal with any special matter which the Committee desire to bring before the members and to receive suggestions from the members for consideration by the Committee.
10. Special general meeting
A special general meeting may be convened at any time by the Committee and shall be convened within 21 days from the receipt of a requisition in writing specifying the object of the meeting.
11. Finance
(i) All moneys raised by or on behalf of the Club shall be applied to further the objectives of the Club and money for the benefit / use of all age groups and for no other purpose.
(ii) The Treasurer shall keep proper account of the finances of the Club and shall open a bank account in the name of the Club.
(iii) The accounts shall be open to scrutiny at least once a year.

(iiii) The account shall be managed by the committee

12. Alterations to the constitution
Alterations to this Constitution may be made by resolution of not less than two thirds of the members of the Club present and voting at a General Meeting convened by the Committee for the purpose of considering such resolution. NBFCRU rules shall control anything not in line with their constitution.
13. Quorum
At elected member’s committee meetings 3 elected members shall be in attendance.
When a general committee meeting is held it shall be open to all club members

Phil Cardus (Snr)
Chair New Brighton Junior Rugby Club