Thinking Ahead
British Heart Foundation No Smoking Day – V for Victory
Support and information for patientsNHS Choices ‘Stop Smoking’ site
q Patient centred information on a wide range of subjects related to smoking and stopping smoking.
q NHS Smokefree phone advice line: 0800 0224332, chat to an advisor online or find nearest stop smoking centre for face to face advice.
q Patients can join a free support programme and/or get a free Quit Kit along with expert advice via App, text service or e-mail
q Independent charity, which helps smokers to stop and young people to never start. Includes a free phone helpline: 0800 00 22 00 / Other Useful Information
q MHRA statement on Nicotine Containing Products (Dec 2013) – includes information on future regulation and licensing of e-cigarettes and other nicotine containing products
q UKMi QA 136.4: (Aug 2012) Which medicines need dose adjustment when a patient stops smoking?
q Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) - Public Health Charity set up by the Royal College of Physicians. Provides information on the tobacco industry, tobacco related UK legislation as well as useful “facts and stats” related to tobacco
CKS (NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries)
q Smoking Cessation (last revised Oct 2012) Includes advice for pregnant or breastfeeding women and adolescents (12-17yrs).
q NICE pathway: Smoking prevention and cessation overview.(last updated Jan 2014)
q PH45 - Tobacco: Harm reduction approaches to smoking (last modified July 2013)
q PH39 - Smokeless tobacco cessation: South Asian communities (Sept 2012). Also NICE pathway for this population, which includes links to assessing local need, and commissioning smokeless tobacco services (last updated Jan 2014)
q PH26 - Quitting smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth (June 2010) Public health guidance on interventions aimed at stopping smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth.
q QS43 - Smoking cessation: supporting people to stop smoking (Aug 2013)
Department of Health (DH)
q Guidance for providing and monitoring stop smoking services, 2011-2012. Also Updates to this document for 2012/13
q Healthy lives, healthy people: a tobacco control plan for England.
(Mar 2011)
Cochrane reviews
q Pharmacological interventions for smoking cessation: an overview and network meta-analysis (published online May 2013) – NRT, varenicline, and bupropion, have been shown to improve the chances of quitting
q Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessation (published online Jan 2014) – No consistent evidence that effective
q Antidepressants for smoking cessation (published online Jan 2014) Evidence suggests bupropion and nortriptyline effective, but that SSRIs and MAOIs are not.
q Relapse prevention interventions for smoking cessation (published online Aug 2013)
q Opioid antagonists for smoking cessation (published online June 2013) - no evidence of an effect
Interesting Papers and Research
q BMJ Clinical Review: Supporting smoking cessation (Jan 2014) Tobacco dependence is most effectively treated with a comprehensive approach involving behavioural support and pharmacotherapy. (Password/subscription may be required)
q BMJ Research: Change in mental health after smoking cessation: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2014;348:g1151(Feb 2014)
q BMJ Research: Smoking cessation treatment and risk of depression, suicide, and self harm in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink: prospective cohort study. BMJ 2013;347:f5704) (Oct 2013)
Produced by Nicola Watts, Medicines Information Pharmacist, Wessex Drug & Medicines Information Centre
February 2014