No More Homeless Pets Network Partner Application Checklist
Have these items and this information ready before you start filling out the application form. Once you start the form, you cannot save your information and come back to it. The application must be filled out in one sitting.
Information Needed
General Information
- Name and type of organization (501c3 nonprofit, municipal shelter, spay/neuter group, etc.)
- EIN number
- Mailing and physical address
- URL for online presence (website, Facebook, Twitter, etc., whatever is applicable)
- Contact information for up to 3 members of your organization (one MUST be your organization’s executive director or equivalent)
- Municipality name(s) if you hold animal control or shelter contracts with local government
Capacity Information
- Approximate number of foster homes (if applicable)
- Number of dogs and cats that can be housed in your physical shelter space and foster homes
Organizational Information
- Number of employees and volunteers
- Mission statement, goals and programs: This wording will appear on the Best Friends website along with a link to your organization’s website (435 character limit)
- Type of rescue work: checklist of rescue activities (rescues dogs, rescues cats, TNR, etc.)
- Type of spay/neuter work: for shelter and owned animals
- Approximate number of annual adoptions for dogs and cats
- Approximate number of spay/neuter surgeries for dogs and cats
- Information on any other lifesaving program (brief description)
Required Attachments
For Private Organizations
- Signed No More Homeless Pets Network Agreement: REQUIRED FOR ALL GROUPS.
Click here to download the agreement. - IRS determination letter: This document should show your EIN # and effective date of exemption.
- Financial information: Form 990*.Please include the entire document, not just the first page.The only groups that do not need to attach this are those that are too new to have a 990 yet.
*Note: This is not the same as a W-9. - DBA documents: If your organization is operating under a name that is different than the organization name listed on your IRS determination letter, we will need a copy of your“doing business as” license, also known as assumed business name license or fictitious business name license.
- License or permit: If your state requires a license or permit to house or rescue animals, we will need a copy of this license.
For Municipal Shelters
- Signed No More Homeless PetsNetwork Agreement: REQUIRED FOR ALL GROUPS.
Click here to download the agreement. - License or permit: If your state requires a license or permit to house or rescue animals, submit a copy of this license.