House Rules
- No cussing or taking the Lord’s name in vain. Please keep conversations healthy.
- No gossip. Do not complain. Be thankful.
- Food and drinks are not allowed upstairs. You may only have a water bottle upstairs.
- Make beds immediately after waking up and keep them made and nothing on them through the day.
- Please do notlay or sit on anyone else’s bed but your own.
- Keep all belongings put away in closet. You will be sharing a closet so keep organized.
- Keep Bible and notebooks put away when not using them.
- Do not touch thermostats or move furniture around upstairs or downstairs.
- Do not go through other people’s belongings.
- Do not bring comforter or large blankets down during classes. Dress warmer instead.
- Keep towels hung up. Towels are washed once a week.
- You must keep clean shaven.
- Your personal laundry is washed once a week.Sheets are washed every otherweek.
- There is no studying during the night in your bed or in the bathroom. If you can’t sleep come and get prayer from the facilitator and pray in your bed silently.
- Wake up is at 6:00 AM. Please don’t get up earlier than wake up time and you must get out of bed at wake up.
- Be on time, breakfast is at 7:00 AM. You must be downstairs at 6:35amfor energy boost workout or walk.
- There is no snacking on food or candy during the day.
- Everyone takes turns cooking dinner. There is a schedule and menu posted. Do not switch cooking days.
- When we eat we all eat together even if you are not hungry. You must eat what is prepared.
- Dishes must always be washed after use. Nothing should be left in the sink.
- Keep all counters clean and wiped down.
- Always wash your hands before preparing meals and use a cutting board when cutting food.
- Baking sweets is allowed on the weekends with permission,for a dinner dessert and rarely on a week day.
- Do not leave your glass sitting around.
- Do not do homework during Bible tape and do not start writings until after Bible tape.
- Participate and pay attention during all teachings. Be respectful to teachers. No sleeping during classes.
- No naps.
- Get drinks and go to the bathroom before class.
- You are not allowed to wear hats in the house-only during outside chores and no bandanas or sunglasses.
- You will have a 2-week black out period, which means you will not have contact from family or church body until after your 14th day of treatment. Not counting your entry date. If your 14th day lands on a Sunday you will have to wait until the next weekend to get calls. You can talk to Pastor and Cindy, church deacons, all Ranch staff, teachers and probation and parole during black out if they approach you.
- No phone calls out. You may receive phone calls after 2 weeks: on Saturday and Sunday only for 10 minutes each. All phone calls are approved through the administrator.
- You are allowed to mail out 2 letters a week to approved family and you must have your own stamps.
- We sit together at church and you may use the restroom only at designated times.
- You must wear your Ranch shirt to all functions outside of the Ranch. Do not cover it with a jacket inside.
- No fraternizing with women and men with wives cannot kiss or hold hands while in the program.
- Do not sing secular music, only Christian.
- Do not make coffee after 3:30 PM. You are not allowed to drink coffee after 4:00 PM.
- Pets are not allowed in the house and your pets can not come to visit.
- All men must participate in all exercise and follow along with tape or instructor, not just walking in place.
- Everyone is required to do chores inside and outside. Please do not take breaks until you are instructed to.
- Do not go in the sheds or storage areas without permission.
- You are not allowed to read the books on the shelves until after your first 30 days.
- We do not allow tobacco, so at intake, we will check your belongings and any tobacco products will be discarded and taken off the property.
- After completing the 60 day intensive treatment, we have 6 months of after care. Please keep in mind that After Care is a requirement for anyone that is court ordered or on probation.
- If you break the rules you will get a chapter from the Bible to write out and give a 5-minute speech on what you learned and what God says about the chapter or you will have to do some work around the house for 30 minutes. It will be up to the facilitator’s discretion. Further discipline will be a strike. Strikes are reported to your probation officer and your judge. If you receive 3 strikes you are discharged from the program.